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2. December 2005, 00:03:22
On the side bar it shows the number of new messages. This is great but if you join a Fellowship were you don't speek the main language and there is a discosion board in your language that one should show up if there is any new messages or atleast have the option to select which one or ones show up.

1. December 2005, 03:51:34
Subject: Gender
In games with screen editors it alwsays says editing his or her board. Most of the time the gender is known I would like to see it put the correct one in. I know it is small and unimportant but would be nice.

1. December 2005, 03:43:07
Subject: Turn off messages
I would like the ability to turn off the messages when you win or lose a game.

1. December 2005, 00:45:51
Subject: Re: WOO HOOOO
Princess Alison: he may not be a paying memeber but he can still use them by typing in the codes located at:

Atleast I think he can

30. November 2005, 02:43:51
Modified by mctrivia (30. November 2005, 02:44:29)
My point is that people often put up the cute offtopic sign () but nobleheart wouldn't be able to see that he would just see 109 with stars around it. So I think and should be seen by all. And by the way I am now back on topic

30. November 2005, 02:38:51
Subject: Re:
657: pawns should be allowed to see the off topic imoticon.

30. November 2005, 02:29:21
Subject: Re: Language
nobleheart: I don't have any hard numbers about translators. What I do know is the only really good translation software is an audio translation software being developed(i think by MIT). The free translators though on the market are beter then nothing. They definetly are not perfect and a human could do a much beter job. My point was that in my experience they usually work enough to let you have an idea of what they are trying to say. Not the exact words they used just an idea.

29. November 2005, 23:39:15
Subject: Re: Preview/spell check
whatdidyousay: Probably a good idea I suck at spelling.

29. November 2005, 23:35:32
Subject: Re:
ColonelCrockett: A push pull data architecture can not give access to your computer. Only an open command structure can.

29. November 2005, 23:34:39
Subject: Re: Software Program
ColonelCrockett: Some do. And these kind of programs are very dangerous as hakers will usually find the back door and figure out how to exploit it. I recomend people check out hacking web sites. Good way to find out how secure your stuff really is. But a good programer that doesn't want to get suid will not include a back door but instead will have an automatic update script wich checks the web site for new updates and asks the user if they want to download them. This way can only be hacked by taking over the server. And the user still has the choice of wether or not to download it.

29. November 2005, 23:28:45
Subject: Re: Software Program
ColonelCrockett: Very true. Though this web site is unencrypted so there really is no privacy isues that I can see that a client based program would have asuming of course there are no back doors included and it is a strictly push pull data type program.

29. November 2005, 23:22:07
Subject: Re: Software Program
Fencer: Never thought about the Cell Phone. I don't own one yet but that would be cool to be able to play on one with the lower bandwidth and screen size fiting beter then the web page would.

ColonelCrockett: I can't say for sure what fencer would be thinking but I am sure both options would be available. The website is good for when you are using diferent computers(the library or friends computer). Software more convenient for your own computer(especially when on wireless low bandwidth conection)

29. November 2005, 19:26:49
Subject: Software Program
If Fencer had time it would be cool if he could write a windows based program. There are several advantages to a software program over the web page and only a few disadvantages.

1) Most importantly fast game play would be possible as the data could be sent to the server as well as directly to the apponent(You do not need to keep polling the server you can wait for the aponent to send to you). This would allow for the adition of games like speed chess.

2) Game play could also continue when the server goes down as the server does not need to receive eery move update they would be there for tracking of stitistics and to minimize the chance of hackers cheating. When the server goes back up it will continue geting updates and can ask for the missed moves from both players wich should give it the same answer.

3) The bandwidth load on the server would be less as graphical data can be kept on the local computer requiring only move codes to be transfered.

4) Finding an oponent could be sped up to mere minutes by letting the computer automatically match up oponents in the range you want to play against. This would of course should be optional with the regular method still available.

5) Being optomistic could eventually replace MSN. That is being a little hopeful though.

The bigest disadvantage is it would require a lot of programing time for Fencer. The secound bigest problem is that it would be possible for a haker to say the game went differently then it did if the server was down for a long time. But having the server check both computers should bring that possibility to almost none.

29. November 2005, 08:06:02
Subject: Re: meaningful BKR formulas
Fencer: What is the formula exactly?

29. November 2005, 05:13:36
Subject: Re: Language
nobleheart: yes I know. but 50% usually is enough to get the gist. Have so far only goten one message that the translater gave me no clue.

28. November 2005, 03:57:23
Subject: Re: Message Time (+Diff)
Vikings: yes but the there are a lot of devices like computers that automatically change for daylight savings time. so you would be fighting with the machine because it would change with the US. But rod is right this is off topic(I love the little sign)

28. November 2005, 01:01:18
Subject: Re: Message Time (+Diff)
Rose: Everything I have read says effective emedietly not starting 2007. But that is of course effective the day the president signs. We have said we would do it in 2007 but I thought the US were going to do it sooner. Oh well.

28. November 2005, 00:49:15
Subject: Re: Message Time (+Diff)
Rose: The news. The US is changing when Day light savings time starts and stops to use less hidro. Canada is still fighting over wether or not to follow.

28. November 2005, 00:44:06
Subject: Re: Message Time (+Diff)
grenv: Time is going to get really wered now that the US is using a differnt day light savings then Canada.

26. November 2005, 22:57:01
Subject: Re: Language
grenv: well only 10 people. Never hered of it myself. and playBunny you are very right.

26. November 2005, 22:36:24
Subject: Re: Language
playBunny: How is this for an idea. Instead of implementing anything on this site what free translation services are there out there? Can we find enough to cover every language suported here? I have not yet find one that did Czech, Turkish, Slovak, Dutch, Swedish, Romanian, or Esperanto

26. November 2005, 20:20:20
Subject: Re: Language
Salkkuman: Just ment for the little things like posts and messages between players. They aren't perfect but they work well enough that you can figure out what the person was saying.

26. November 2005, 17:48:34
Subject: Re: a solution
Eriisa: Ya I know I can delete my own messages. It was not that long ago that I was a pawn so I was curious to wether all moderators could delete. The point being the pawns could ask the moderators to delete for them if they screwed up by accidently submiting twice.

26. November 2005, 08:56:09
Subject: Language
It would be cool if posts, and messages between players was auto translated if they spoke different languages. There are many tools out to do it but I don't know how practical it would be to implement. For now I will use though.

26. November 2005, 08:28:56
Subject: Re: a solution
Modified by mctrivia (26. November 2005, 08:30:43)
Thad: Is it just staff members that can delete messages? Or all moderators. If it is all moderators the pawns could ask them to do it. If not there should be a staff list some were.

26. November 2005, 06:11:10
Subject: Re: BrainKing, no, Google, no BrainKing, no. Awwwww
playBunny: Well I installed the google search bar and Brain King is the only other web site I go to on a daily(hourly really) bases.

25. November 2005, 23:05:32
Subject: Re: E-mail notification
Modified by mctrivia (26. November 2005, 00:14:11)
Arctic Warrior: Sounds like a good idea. But instead I will change my home page from google to Brain King. Now if only Fencer could put a little google search bar under neith the google ad baner and I will have my search engine back(and I think Fencer would get payed for my searches wich would be good)

25. November 2005, 20:35:08
Subject: Multiple Refresh Times
Would it be posible to set 2 different refresh times? Currently I set my refresh time to every 15 minutes and when someone is online I change it to every 30 secounds or 2 minutes depending on how active we are playing. It would be nice if either where it says refresh time was a drop down books so I could change it very easily or I could set two different refresh rates. One for if no one else is online and one for if one of the people I am playing is online. Not really that important as it is not hard to change and after this month I won't be having a problem with bandwidth.

25. November 2005, 19:57:52
Subject: Re: E-mail notification
grenv: That is exactly what I propose.

25. November 2005, 15:12:31
Subject: E-mail notification
The feature allready exists but I would like it if I could chose to have it only send me 1 e-mail. I don't need to know that 6 people moved in 6 e-mails. 1 e-mail saying the first person moved would be fine and I can play the next five games while I am there.

25. November 2005, 02:45:01
Subject: Re: Autopass and conditional moves.
playBunny: Well I can understand that mentality. The storage and strocture would be the usefull and complicated part to think up. Though I guess if you use XHTML that would be easy also(though very ineficient). I mainly deal with embeded aplications so I have goten into a nack of being able to store things as small as posible. What ever happens I must say that if Fencer wrote this 100% by him self he deserves a metal this site is amazing.

25. November 2005, 02:21:10
Subject: Re: Autopass and conditional moves.
playBunny: For chess it should be a tree structure right off the bat. As for Fencer-hours if Fencer would agree to place it in I would be willing to write the suto code and storage archetecture. All fencer would have to do is adapt the sodo code to what ever language he is using. I am sure there are other programers on here also that would be willing to improve this feature for free also.

25. November 2005, 00:42:12
Modified by mctrivia (25. November 2005, 00:45:12)
Fencers points are good though when it comes to chess and derivitives of it do not really apply. Most chess players I know don't talk much during a game. And the ability to put messages for each path could be included if you really want to tant your player. Would be interested in Fencers specific thoughts to chess.

25. November 2005, 00:18:55
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
Rose: I would like to know why this is a definet no. Would be a great feature to have.

24. November 2005, 23:39:43
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
Modified by mctrivia (24. November 2005, 23:39:58)
WhisperzQ: With a rook membership you can play unlimited games true. But I want to be able to play my girlfriend, and other friends and don't want to have to always wait 5 days per move. If I could program in my next 5 moves then I would only have to wait 5 days for them to make there next 5 moves.

24. November 2005, 23:32:46
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
Rose: Why not. Would be relitevely easy to implement. Specially in a game when the oponent has absoloutley no choice. From a programing perspective all they need to do is add an option to play your oponents move then your move if he does that. May take up a little space especially if you let a chess master program is next 5 moves in with conditions for the oponent doing several moves. I would be happy if they skipped the nice GUI interface and had a text box were you could type in a sequence of coded letters to represent your conditions.

When I am done the project I am working on write now I would even be willing to write the sodo code to do it for chess(minus error checking for wether moves are valid)

24. November 2005, 04:24:32
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
grenv: The more options the beter. But time would be saved because as soon as your oponent makes his move he will see it is his turn again. Does not save time if you are both online but would save a lot of time if you average 1 move a day.

24. November 2005, 04:09:05
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
grenv: That is very true. But in Chess a good player will predict his oponents moves several turns in advance. And some times for your move to work all it needs is for that player not to see the one whole in your plan. The problem with the secound type is the player may look harder to see the whole now that you have showed it to him. If you just programed it assuming he would take those moves then the blind way works just as well. And you should be able to program in multiple different paths.

I.E. if there is 3 posible ways he can go program all 3 ways.

24. November 2005, 02:54:07
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
That is basicaly what I sugested. Have the ability to say if the oponent does this I will do this. Or if he does anything but this I will do this. I also think that ability should be extended to multiple turns. So if my oponent keeps moving were I think he will the computer will automatically do the moves I pre told it I would do. Yes would not be very usefull in dark chess. Though I would love to see an AI version of dark chess.

24. November 2005, 00:17:58
Subject: Re: Conditional moves
I can't see why you would want them to see your moves. Now have it tell you that you are in checkmate in 3 moves because they have programed every posible way might be cool.

23. November 2005, 16:22:56
Subject: First Move
When creating a game with yourself as the first player you should have the option to put your first move in. This wouldn't be shown to the oponent until after he accepts the game. Would also be nice to be able to set conditional moves in. If you have already planed your next 3 moves why not tell the computer them so it can play them for you if your oponent does what you thought it would. Would speed up game play a lot.

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