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25. November 2007, 17:40:05
Subject: Re: Alternate piece set in Logik
You have the ability to use outside CSS files. Why not out side piece sets? You could do this by adding an extra set that points to a folder on a web server or add style info to the board so the existing CSS files can handle it. Style sheets are best for me as the second would make it a lot harder for me to keep my autoplayer working.

23. November 2007, 23:23:15
Subject: Re: To Whip a Dead Horse
TarantinoFan: my autoplayer is available at however a system on brainking itself would be ideal. The code is in java and open source he is welcome to read it and use any code he likes.

15. November 2007, 17:06:36
Subject: Re: Ajax
1)Yes Ajax is not universally suported but is almost.

2) If you encapsulate the different parts you want to update into there own subroutine then use javascript to update each you can have it put out raw html witch would require few changes to the sight.

3) Overhead of using noscript is very minimal. If they have scripting you put in the ajax code set to run every 30 sec. If not then you are still using the same subroutines to create the page just not adding the extra java script to allow it to reload in the background and using the meta reload instead.

It is a little bit of extra work but the visual improvement of not having to reload the page as well as the bandwidth reduction by not downloading parts not used would vastly improve this site.

14. November 2007, 20:22:21
Subject: Ajax
Fencer can you look up ajax and use it to update the page. The constant reloads are a pane and you would save a lot of bandwidth only updating the part you need to. A simple noscript tag that saves info in the seesion info would allow you to chose witch method of reloading to use if you want it to work without java

10. November 2007, 16:55:26
Subject: DIV Tags
can you put divisions around the tables on the left side like you have on the right? We would like to be able to edit them with CSS file. Also an individual ID for each table row would be nice so I can hide buttons I don't use.

8. November 2007, 20:29:00
Subject: Re: Tournaments
pauloaguia: that formula works well. I use it often on tournaments. I agrea it should be implemented. One of my tournaments has been running since january 1st but I know who wins every section already. and it still has not gone to round 2

7. November 2007, 19:44:22
Subject: Re: BrainKing Design ok I will go there.

7. November 2007, 19:39:11
Subject: Re: Right Hand Column
Czuch: it will definetly not speed things up since the data is still there just not visible. It could slow thing sown because you are now downloading off two servers but my server is very fast so it should not make much of a difference.

CSS will only change looks not speed(at least not improve).

7. November 2007, 19:24:08
Subject: Re: Right Hand Column
tonyh: ok I will do that when I get back

7. November 2007, 19:00:48
Subject: Re: Right Hand Column
rednaz23: thanks for pointing out the typw I have corrected and the address should be:

7. November 2007, 03:54:31
Subject: Re: Right Hand Column
Modified by mctrivia (7. November 2007, 19:00:05)
TarantinoFan: You can always use my dynamic css builder.

I have not yet writen a nice page to put the addresses together for you but I am sure you can figure out how to use it

19. October 2007, 19:59:31
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: the ability to put global time limits on would be good. I don't want any captain to sign me up ever for games with no days off and time limits under 3 days would be nice if I could set that in my settings and captains could not sign me up for that unless I say otherwise for a specific tournament. Say captain can send beg request to me for a 2 day limit tournamewnt and I can press the accept or decline button.

19. October 2007, 16:29:32
Subject: Tornament restrictions
Could you make it possible to make tournament restrictions by percentile instead of hard BKR. Say I wanted to create a tournament for the top10% or bottom 10% or maybe +-10% of me in every game type this would be a different restriction for each game type and not possible to set up currently.

19. October 2007, 16:20:16
Subject: Re:
Modified by mctrivia (19. October 2007, 16:22:59)
MadMonkey: I second that could we alos have an option that if the team captain creates a game(for the old way and for waiting room) that you are in that it would message you with a link so you can tell the captain you are not available to play. Not all captains ask if you are available in advance.

17. October 2007, 18:13:25
Subject: Re: football chess
MadMonkey: Definetly European in American you do not kick the ball atleast not most of the players

11. October 2007, 16:15:02
Subject: Re: profile language flags
Fencer: It does not have to be all languages.  You can make the table with just the languages suported so far(witch you already have that table made) you can add to it later if you like.

15. August 2007, 13:15:03
Subject: Re: Ratings
MadMonkey: Atleast that way when you start a game you know how much it will raise or lower your score if you win or lose.

15. August 2007, 12:20:29
Subject: Re: Ratings
MadMonkey: A way to fix the crashing rating prooblem is to keep track of the bkr when a game is started and calculate gain or loss for each oponent right off the bat using the starting value. That way if your raiting crashes by 1000 do to a bad computer your oponent still only loses 10 though you would still only gain 10.

10. August 2007, 19:17:51
Subject: Re: "more" games
rod03801: It would also be nice if when doing this the play next game button only used those games that have been filtered

6. August 2007, 23:54:22
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: i can think of one more. Move and goto game with least moves.

6. July 2007, 21:47:55
Subject: Re: Tie Games
MadMonkey: that is definetly another option. My proposal gets rid of some peoples fears of the game not beeing about winning by so much but just about winning.

6. July 2007, 20:47:52
Subject: Re: Tie Games
Eriisa: currently it ends as a draw. I sugest that a 2 game, 4 game or 6 game match... ending as a draw should be able to play another 2 game match as tie breaker.

6. July 2007, 04:52:27
Subject: Tie Games
It would be nice if we had an option when creating games that if a game or match was a tie then you would play a tie breaker.

*If playing a odd multiple game match and you tie then you would switch colors then play one more game.
*If playing a even multipl game match then you would keep playing 2 game matches until one of you win a match or you offer draw to aponent.

27. June 2007, 09:35:58
Subject: Re: AutoPass
pauloaguia: both those games are on my autopass program. but I agree it would be nice to see them on the site itself.

20. May 2007, 02:51:57
Subject: Re: add on for the dragon
Jason: and if we hit the dragon it would crash and stop flying for the session or until you hit the reserect dragon button

19. May 2007, 23:55:04
Subject: Dragon
I would like the feature to remove the dragon. His fireball makes my sliders all of a sudon change not a big thing but it ketches my eye.

5. May 2007, 20:19:03
Subject: Game Filter
Could we get it so when you set a game filter on the main page it stays that way until we change it? I.E. if I set for everyone except SEE MYPROFILE:) because I have 300 games with him I would like to be able to use next game options without his games showing up so when I am done everyone else I can change it to play all games then start playing the rest.

4. May 2007, 20:28:23
Subject: Re: would you like to play bridge?
AbigailII: Actually I prefer dark chess here because I can make notes and look back at the history to figure out all posible positions of pieces.

26. April 2007, 08:46:20
Subject: Re: Notes in pond games
Vikings: hexkids grease monkey script did this. Not sure if it works with the new layout.

9. April 2007, 09:18:01
Subject: Re: SPYWARE - seriously
Fencer: That is true but I find users are generally bad at saying no to something so cute as smileys.

9. April 2007, 08:57:35
Subject: Re: SPYWARE - seriously
Fencer: it would be nice though if you did not allow spy wear to advertise. And smiley program is spy ware.

7. April 2007, 11:41:49
Subject: Re: 3 feature requests I have
MadMonkey: I called hexkid today. he is ok. not sure when he will be back did not have much money to call portugal

7. April 2007, 02:27:13
Subject: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: css allows you to not show things. However you still download them even though they are not shown. So modifying your css file to not show them will not speed anything up at all.

I to want to see a quick play mode something with absolutely minimum output so even on really slow connections it will be fast. Preferably some output that needs to be interpreted by a client side application.

2. April 2007, 06:47:14
Subject: Re:
emmett: I think it was really well done. It had me going for about 10 minutes then I realised what day it was.

31. March 2007, 11:23:34
Subject: Re: Game Filter
Fencer: I would like a filter on the game page for all games not with this player. would be great for when you have a lot of games with one person and you want to play on all the other games first.

28. March 2007, 07:48:03
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Just the submit button in its own division. I agrea with Abigailll

27. March 2007, 20:25:35
Subject: Re:
Fencer: thanks. I tryed cliping the existing form and moving it but then I had no choice other then move to.

27. March 2007, 20:22:10
On the page were you submit your move could we have an extra form with a submit button in a division that is normally hidden? That way those of us that would like to see it at the top of the page could just make a css change to get it there?

26. March 2007, 21:04:11
Subject: Re: Removing tournament hand-brakes
AbigailII:   We can only advance if there is no way for any other player to win.  If the game has to be calculated on SB there is no way to garante that the player has one except in the small case were both players have the same points and neither of them can be beat by anyone else.  But this case only happens if those players games are all finished.

26. March 2007, 20:14:25
Subject: Re: Removing tournament hand-brakes
Modified by mctrivia (26. March 2007, 20:34:38)
<b>nabla</b>: The absolute simplest way to calculate absolute winner.

  while (y<players && maylose==false)
    if x!=y
      if player[x].points<player[y].points+player[y].notdone
} while (x<players && maylose==true)
if maylose==false
  //player[x-1] is the winner

It works under the principle that if player x loses all his games and every other player wins all there games and he still beats them then he is definetly the winner.

26. March 2007, 05:31:19
Subject: Re: Removing tournament hand-brakes
My sugestion may not remove all hand brakes but it will allow tournaments to go on sooner unless the winner is the slowest player

25. March 2007, 11:14:32
Subject: Re: Removing tournament hand-brakes
CryingLoser: I don't think changing time frames part way through a tournament is a good idea at all. I do however think that if a player can not possibly go on to the next round it should not hold up the next round from starting.

25. March 2007, 07:38:25
Subject: Single elimination games
Would be nice if one of the following two were implemented:

1) Instead of setting 4,8,16..exc players you could set a min and max number of players. If say I set between 4 and 128 players and 6 people sign up the first 4 players would play and the remaining 2 would be removed.

2) Instead of forcing a power of 2 players allow passes to the next round for the odd player out with lowest BKR that has not already received a pass.

25. March 2007, 07:30:31
Subject: Re:
TarantinoFan: It goes farther then that. If you are a university student all students from the University could show up as the same IP. Also one player could show up from tones of ips some overlapping if they are moving around or using public access. If you think a player is cheating message fencer.

17. March 2007, 00:48:42
Subject: Re: Fisher Clock and AutoPass
AbigailII: Ya the problem his autopass and automove have to main advantages.

Player: You do not have to play on games were you are in pass position or in the case of auto move were you have no choice in the mater really helps if you have a lot of games.

Oponent: Oponent does not need for you to come back online to make next move. With auto move this can be a real advantage in games like antichess were you can force a player into move after move of forced moves.

16. March 2007, 21:06:45
Subject: Re: Autopass
grenv: well my original sugestions do cover the Fisher clock games and the oponent not wanting you to use it.

Fisher clock games must be agread by both people if autopass is allowed.

When creating a game have the option to say auto pass is not allowed and players like me that want autopass can then refuse the game. This is different then current method as if I create a game with autopass enabled my oponent does not need to use autopass if they don't want. Also I am proposing that the default be autopass is allowed but each player can chose when they want to use it. I should be allowed to start a game with autopass on then turn it off for myself near then end of the game if I chose.

16. March 2007, 10:11:23
Subject: Re: Autosave
WhiteTower: autosave or autopass? I definetly would like to se auto pass available even without both players agreaing to it. I would rather see each user can chose to use it or not and during creating a game they have to agrea if they do not want it allowed.

How about taking a poll on it.

1) I don't like auto pass and I do not want my opponent using it either.
2) I don't want auto pass but I don't care if my opponent uses it or not(excluding fisher games)
3) I like auto pass and I don't care if my opponent uses it or not.
4) I like auto pass but I only want to use it if both players agree.

I am willing to bet most people would chose either 2 or 3.

13. March 2007, 20:11:57
Subject: Auto Player
My autoplay server is down and I really don't want to bother fixing it. Any chance we can get ludo added to the list of games?

9. March 2007, 08:13:52
Subject: Re:
Modified by mctrivia (9. March 2007, 08:32:04)
Fencer: I thought of a fairly fair play speed mesurment.

Speed=(Average Moves)/(Average Time Constraint)

This would thus result in a person that on average plays in half the time he is allowed to a score of 2. And a person that plays at the last moment gets a score of 1. Anyone with a score less then 1 takes advantage of weekends and or vacations to extend the fraime. This is several advantages over other methods.

1) If a player has 0 games there speed will stay the same.
2) A player that has 1000 games and a score of 2 can be expected to play every 3.5 days on a tournament with 7 day restraints and every 1 day on a 2 day game. So you can expect everyone in a tournament to play about the same speed.

8. March 2007, 20:56:36
Subject: Re:
Hrqls: here is the problem with average waiting time. There are some players on here that play over 1000 games that are very fast players. You can play a fisher clock game with them and have it done within an hour. But if you have a long time restriction your game goes to the end of there list so they don't play you as often. Such a person would show as a long average time were the oponent is waiting but any time you want to have a quick game they are perfectly capable of doing it.

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