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23. November 2014, 16:10:56
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Gabriel Almeida: Is this a testament to a once glorious past?

23. November 2014, 16:17:07
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
BGBedlam: Maybe, my friend!
Both situations must make us think about them:
1) Why a tournament is played for 8 years? Is it positive? It was that the idea since the begginning?
2) Why, 8 years after, some of the most active players of 2007 are not playing in 2014 in Brainking?

23. November 2014, 16:22:31
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Gabriel Almeida: Good lord, what a joke! But not really a surprise and entirely symptomatic of what is happening to this website; it's the main reason why I never play tournaments anymore. There are players here - quite a lot of them unfortunately - whose idea of fun is to stretch out games as far as possible by using all the tricks in the book to abuse the Time per Move setting. The reasoning behind this is anyone's guess but my own view would make some wince so I'll keep it to myself. You ask is it normal? Of course it's not normal, it's deranged. I have seen posts on these boards vehemently defending the time out settings and the slow players so I suggest we should have two Brainkings, one for the jokers and another for the players interested in a reasonably quick and interesting game, call it slow-brain and fast-brain, whatever... but make it happen.

23. November 2014, 17:59:55
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
moistfinger: Funny that this discussion comes back up over and over and over again, always with the same vehement arguing, and always with the same results (none). If you scroll down a while, you can read several dozen such discussions, each with several dozens of arguments made, so maybe we can not have it all again?
There is no solution, not here and not on any other gaming website.
Either do not join tournaments where the time settings are not according to your liking, or endure their duration; no other choices.

23. November 2014, 18:33:23
Dice Cheater 
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Aganju: I did say I do not tournaments. I merely replied to Gabriel Almeida's post.

23. November 2014, 18:47:12
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Dice Cheater: You don't go in for multi nicks by any chance.

23. November 2014, 18:48:24
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Dice Cheater: Tournaments can and should be fun but not under these conditions.

23. November 2014, 18:54:32
Subject: Multiple personality
Moistfinger is DiceCheater. I think that says it all.

23. November 2014, 20:08:12
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
badgerboy78: so he needs a 2. account to unsure his rating, how poor from him. DiceCheater/Moistfinger was by the way involved in the last couple of discussions about slow player and he often complained as mucht, that the moderator deleted some of his flaming posts. Well, now it's official I don't need anymore to take DiceCheater serious in any discussions, to have a 2nd active account is ridiculous and poor.

23. November 2014, 23:31:46
I'd rather play an opponent with moist fingers than a dice cheater...

24. November 2014, 08:06:00
Subject: Re:
Aganju: Maybe, but what about an opponent that is both? :P

24. November 2014, 09:39:32
Dice Cheater 
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
speachless: Hi, I always enjoy your snidy remarks. Unsure, ensure, insure; it's all so confusing but here's a fun one for you: Please trawl through my games and find matches where DC plays MF. Will you find one? Will you find 100? Will you find 1000? You appear to like backgammon and so do I, why not play a 5 or 7 points match with me, see if I need any help to ensure my rating. I started a second account on BK because I felt there was something wrong with the dice here and I wanted to check out a theory. I know of plenty of people with 2 accounts on BK, mostly active players. I'm not going to name names but imagine for a moment that all our accounts are cancelled or frozen? A game site can't function properly with only 20 active players online at any one time. For the record, I wanted to delete DC but Brainking doesn't give that option, just as it doesn't give the option to edit a post.

24. November 2014, 10:06:06
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Moist Cheater:

All very interesting but multi nics are against the rules of the site.

You wanted to delete DC? Then why do you have active games in both names. It doesn’t seem you are trying so hard.

And I just love this post:
moistfinger (hide)
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Subject: Re: Tumble weed rolls through...
Dice Cheater: Yep, I second that.

Probably gave you a good laugh at the time, but makes you look a bit second rate now.

24. November 2014, 10:18:38
Subject: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
Gabriel Almeida:

first : it's a tournament of cloning backgammon which can take a long time to finish (2 games of le club that still have to be finished are from me, while i and my opponent do play actively)

second : why would it be a problem that a teamtournament takes this long to finish ?

24. November 2014, 10:21:05
Dice Cheater 
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Justaminute: You've got way too much time on your hands :)

24. November 2014, 10:29:40
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Dice Finger:
Always have time to expose hypocrisy.

24. November 2014, 10:33:16
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Justaminute: Hypocrisy, really? Keep your shirt on, dude.

24. November 2014, 10:35:56
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Modified by ThunderGr (24. November 2014, 10:37:44)

Dice Cheater: By the Way, the site *does* give you the option to edit a post. Can you not see the "edit" link right to (reply) on your posts? I do.

EDIT: There is also a "delete" link at the far right, just in case you missed that, as well.

24. November 2014, 10:36:35
Subject: back to brainking
could we get back to the subjects about brainking itself please instead of attacking specific players

if you have any grounded comments/remarks/.. about a specific player, please send a pm to Fencer as he is the only one who can do handle player accounts

24. November 2014, 10:40:59
Dice Cheater 
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
ThunderGr: Hi, no I do not have the 'edit' link next to 'reply' because I'm only a pawn. Same thing for the 'delete' link, I do not have that either, for the same reason. Trust me, I would have used these! Note to self, never play on a mobile phone again!

24. November 2014, 10:45:07
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
Dice Cheater: Ah, I see...Tough luck, I guess. It does give a good incentive to think twice before clicking on that "send" button, though ;)

24. November 2014, 10:47:22
Dice Cheater 
Subject: Re: Multiple personality
ThunderGr: You can say that again! Keeping things in perspective though, storm in a teacup springs to mind.

24. November 2014, 11:49:43
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Hrqls:hi, my friend, i accept your point of view, of course. Some of the slowest players in bk are people i really like. My point is: fencer, when he created the tournament, was thinking in a 8 years tournament? And players that joined in, were they thinking in that? Would they all joined if they knew that?

24. November 2014, 12:15:06
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Gabriel Almeida: The fact is that you have no idea when a tournament will finish. If players play at time limit, due to other games and RL obligations, even an 1 day/move tournament can take years to finish, depending on the game.

Certain backgammon variations and some games can have hundreds of moves. Multiply by time limit and number of different games. It is unavoidable.

24. November 2014, 13:56:13
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Gabriel Almeida: i agree, he would probably not have predicted this :) and neither would some (or any) of the participants have thought of that

we all didnt have any experience with cloning gammon yet, and didnt know it can be a very long game

some players might even got bored of it and stopped playing, others might have left the site as there can happen in a lot in real life in 8 years

when i joined the tournament i just was together with my gf, we just rented a house, had no kids, and had plenty of spare time .... 8 years later our jobs got busier, we own a house, and have 2 kids, and little spare time ...... and i think i am not that extreme, i can imagine other to have a much larger change in life

some might not have joined, others might still have joined as they liked the game and will just await the outcome as it wont hinder them in any aspect

ooohhh the memories .... great evenings of playing board games and computer games seemingly without limit :)

24. November 2014, 16:36:07
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Hrqls: Clo(w)ning backgammon is a special case. When it was first introduced, the rule for win was different. I don't quite recall how it went, but it took into account the number of stones. Under that rule starting 15, 21-point games made sense, and I entered 2 of those. Shortly after, the rules were changed to the present form, unfortunately also for tournaments that were already started. Some of those tournaments will outlive me. So indeed, I see no problem with the system...

I posted the following on the discussion board of Play Cloning Gammon for a prize. in January 2010:
Happy 3rd birthday!!
Please engrave on my tomb:
STILL playing Cloning Gammon for a prize.

It's soon the 8th birthday. We are still in round 1. No problem at all.

24. November 2014, 16:55:46
Subject: Re: back to brainking
rabbitoid: lol i am in that tournament as well .. although i cant make it to the next round anymore as i end as 2md in my section

the matches which havent finished yet are all between active players ... so hopefully it will proceed to the next round next year ? .. hmm maybe in this case (cloning gammon) inactive players would lose sooner due to timeout as thats much faster than finishing the game itself :)

24. November 2014, 18:05:49
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: back to brainking

Hrqls: I'm in too! :) I resigned all my games, after getting bored with the tournament... eheheheheh. 0 points, last place in my section! :)

Well, Rabbitoid... rod and beaupol will problably be in second round, so... you'll have more 8 years (minimum) to wait. If you get a third round, with one of them, more 8 years, so you will finish the tournament in 2031.

How old are you, Rabbitoid? LOL

By the way, I say this with no problem, as I really like rod and Beaupol, they are good friends, and I respect them. But they are slow players (and they know it), so... :)

24. November 2014, 19:36:50
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Gabriel Almeida:sigh, I am a slow player but I don't purposely slow down tournaments.  I play within time limits, and if you look at my profile, I have used less than 2 vacation days this year.  You won't find me using vacation days to extend a tournament.

I play games in order of remaining time, so if a tournament has a long time limit, it will take longer to play.  But I have a life outside of BK, and a part-time job now as well as a family.

I am actually getting to the point where it is not worth playing here anymore, more negative than positive. And this sort of post is almost the last straw.......

24. November 2014, 19:44:33
Subject: Re: back to brainking
mal4inara: Sorry you fill that way. You try regular games?

24. November 2014, 21:52:01
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: back to brainking
mal4inara: ir was not my intention to offend, mal. If i did, i am sorry and retry what i said!

24. November 2014, 22:32:08
Subject: Re: back to brainking
mal4inara: Hey, do not get discouraged like that! Playing games is for fun! No need to let some random comment spoil your fun.

Just because something is a fact, it does not mean it is an accusation, you know .

24. November 2014, 22:40:00
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Well said.

25. November 2014, 05:09:26
Subject: Re: back to brainking
mal4inara: Please don't take offense. Gabriel Almeida is a good guy, and I am sure he really didn't mean to offend you.

I don't take offense by the comments. My response would really be the same as yours. I play in order of time out. If a tourney has crazy long time constraints, then they do take longer with me. As with you, if anyone looks at my profile, they would see I've BARELY touched MY vacation time too.

I've stopped joining new tournies, (unless they realllllly interest me), in an effort to get my number of games down enough to the point that I can hopefully make a move in every game, every day.

Like you, it is NOT my plan to hold things up, but I have seemingly done so. I don't join tournies with long time constraints anymore. I am also more than happy to concentrate on the older tournies, but it isn't always possible.

My main point is that I hope you won't be offended. There may be SOME people who purposefully hold things up, but I know it's not me, and I'm sure it's not you either.

I don't want to be in long, never ending tournies either. That's why I only join ones with VERY short time constraints, to FORCE me to keep up. As my # of games get down further, it will be less of an issue anyway.

25. November 2014, 05:20:45
Subject: Re: back to brainking
rod03801:it's ok, I wasn't offended, just really didn't like being singled out for playing within time limits, which some see as slow play.

I don't join many tournies now, only ones I am really interested in.  Or team tournies in games I like.

Anyway, the comment just caught me at a bad time, and I am sorry I over-reacted.


25. November 2014, 05:40:47
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: back to brainking
rod03801:thank you both, Rod and jo, for your comprehenion. In fact, i dont want to offend. And honestly the discussion about slow or fast playing, compared with the possibility of someone that is playing fairly and nice as you both are, is nothing.
Good games, people!

25. November 2014, 05:48:13
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Modified by rod03801 (25. November 2014, 05:48:29)
mal4inara: I hear you. I've been participating in this same debate for years now. Unfortunately, some people won't accept the reality of a turn based game site, and will attack people who don't play the way they would like. It's just the reality of it. It is really better to just let it pass, because some won't accept that its on them TOO for joining games that don't meet the ideal time constraints.
And I don't mean anyone who is participating in THIS current, civil, conversation.

25. November 2014, 09:35:51
Subject: Re: back to brainking
Gabriel Almeida: thanks! great posts!

27. November 2014, 15:54:32
Subject: yeah!
Modified by Hrqls (27. November 2014, 15:54:42)
i have to say: it feels great to win a tournament for which you worked so hard for for more than 9 years! :)

The first doubling cube tournament

27. November 2014, 16:04:43
Subject: Re: yeah!
Hrqls: Well done and for sticking it out.

27. November 2014, 16:09:12
Subject: Re: yeah!

27. November 2014, 16:12:06
Subject: Re: yeah!

27. November 2014, 20:08:32
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: yeah!
Hrqls: Can somebody please tell me why Section 3 in Round 1 had only 1 winner?

27. November 2014, 20:24:47
Subject: Re: yeah!
Pedro Martínez: isn't it because the S-B was higher than the rest?

27. November 2014, 20:26:40
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: yeah!
BGBedlam: Absolutely... Why was my S-B 0?

27. November 2014, 20:30:20
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: yeah!
Hrqls: And looking at your Section, pal, you would not have made it to Round 2 had the S-B been calculated correctly. :)

27. November 2014, 20:53:13
Subject: Re: yeah!
Pedro Martínez: Looks like SB wasn't calculated correctly for either section 2 or 3, but perhaps section 1 was. I am not going to do the math.

Looks like an old bug.

27. November 2014, 23:38:44
Roberto Silva 
Subject: Re: yeah!
happyjuggler0: Does that mean round 2 will have to be reset and replayed?

Make that 12 years then...

27. November 2014, 23:53:08
Subject: Re: yeah!
Roberto Silva: Yeah! Let's make it an 18 year tournament.

28. November 2014, 00:50:03
Subject: Re: yeah!
Modified by speachless (28. November 2014, 00:51:02)
Pedro Martínez: I think when the sections ended, the SB could have been calculated perfectly right, but over the years the saved SB turned to 0 by a bug. I assume this cause many of this tournament players have a 0 SB, if so : 1 of you would have noticed it and many of them would have claimed very loud for correction. But maybe I'm just wrong...

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