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26. December 2003, 22:42:34
and of course we all know harley talks to much ROFLMBO

26. December 2003, 22:35:54
Subject: Re: I don't see the real value for even having the option of
I know someone who often is in "Top 10" and i can assure you that she has other things to do to...and she does them! ..maybe its just a matter of planning :)

26. December 2003, 22:33:29
Subject: Re: I don't see the real value for even having the option of
ive never been embarrassed to get most moves in a day .. infact i was proud to make top .

26. December 2003, 22:30:00
Subject: I don't see the real value for even having the option of
"most moves" player.. or the most messages posted.. to me.. I would be greatly embarrassed to be top on the list.. showing that I have nothing other to do.. but, maybe that is just me..

26. December 2003, 22:22:06
Well I know Fencer had a day off on Xmas day, but nobody said the calendar could too! Sheesh, while the cats away....!!!

26. December 2003, 22:15:31
mine is still on xmas day and it is the 27th here :( with Brian being listed as the most moved

26. December 2003, 22:14:15
Are you sure? I could have sworn it said Brian on Xmas Eve. I could be wrong though!

26. December 2003, 22:11:08
I think weve lost a day somewhere, cos it changed to Brian last night :o) maybe the date didnt change

26. December 2003, 22:02:27
Mine reads like this... "The most active users
This list displays the players who made the most moves yesterday (24. December 2003)."

That should read 25. December 2003 shouldn't it?

26. December 2003, 21:57:45
yes it was, brian was only most active xmas day

26. December 2003, 21:33:19
I've just noticed that the most active player list wasn't updated yesterday. Is this normal on every public holiday, or is it just because its Christmas? (Or is it a glitch?!)

26. December 2003, 20:22:12
I thought Christmas was yesterday! But yes...I agree.Fencer does try to always do the best thing for BrainKing. :)

26. December 2003, 20:17:16
Fencer is dealing with that issue after Xmas, even he needs a break! You know he will do what he feels is best for BrainKing. :o)

26. December 2003, 20:00:40
cheating,as a important to the future of BrainKing.At least I think it is.And when cheaters turn into thieves,like Chief becomes even more important to BrainKing,because this *cough cough* individual is a member customer service.

26. December 2003, 19:53:27
Yes, there are people who care. Nobody likes cheating. Tournaments are run by fellow members and as much as they can, they do seem to check as much as possible. Some members remove people (usually pawns) who have not played X amount of games, or don't have an established rating. But this is best said at the tournaments board. My point is that members run tournaments how they see fit. If you think there is a cheat in the tournament, write to the creator about it, or just don't play in that one yourself.

26. December 2003, 19:48:50
Subject: Re: cheaters
bwild, their name is changing as often as the clouds, maybe not worth talking to them

26. December 2003, 19:40:20
Subject: cheaters
I beg to differ with Long John....there ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE!! Its bad enough to have cheaters on this site...but it escalates to downright thievery.Who wants to play in tournaments that are constantly being abused,unchecked?

26. December 2003, 18:02:11
Subject: Re:Arnie Addick (pawn)
I take a wild guess that you are not a second nic of the name you are using, from what I can tell, Arnie is too professional to do that

26. December 2003, 17:52:16
LongJohn GZ 
Subject: Re: final note to case cheaters
niicegiirii, there is no doubt at all that what you say is true, however, seems to me the joke is on you.
You have invested all this time into exposing these cheats. It is obvious with your research you have spent hours upon hours apon hours on this. I think if you keep this up you will be laying down on an expensive leather couch talking to a shrink and spending lots of money.
Let it go, nobody really cares that much anyway. Your point was made ages ago.

Or, here's a good idea, start your own games site and ban them!!!

Happy New Year

26. December 2003, 12:17:19
Subject: final note to case cheaters
This is the complete truth:
1) They are 2 people, a couple, man and his current girlfriend (alan & hana)
2) They are both pretty good players, especially at not gomoku-specialized server like this, at vinagames they are about the better average, with jokings opening analysis and many games played they really made nice progress
3) They are rating addicted, selective when using opponents depending not upon quality but more upon rating, I know what I mean because at vinagames often 1700-1800 are very good players, pretty all gomoku openings have sure wins so if someone wants to hold his high rating this is really tough task and only exceptional players with lots of games played and hard work invested can reach this
4) On lots of servers they used some cheating method with multiple accounts to gain rating, sometimes letting other players playing with some account, and gaining this way rating and "fame" with much less work.
(well the last point used alan alone mostly, because at that times he had different girlfriend, but it was not me :) )

So the things I would expect from them would be:
If using more than 2 accounts, at least not playing one against another and giving free points and not using other people as rating sources for further transfer.
And not logging into other ones account for thansferring purposes, nor letting other people playing the other one (this is mostly about online playing sites).
Everyone should have a fair chance, because if all good players would respond with the same approach, this would lead to disaster.
And if they all entered one tournament, that was pretty unfair and they should really think about it a bit, because they are not bad people in fact and they probably could understand they are not the only people here, so they should try to imagine how they would feel in other people's place.

Hope this was the closing word and we will see only fair play everywhere (yes, I can dream :o) )

26. December 2003, 11:17:23
Interview with Liquid. Sorry for the delay.
You might have to reload that page to see the current version.

26. December 2003, 11:04:58
Subject: VikingX
That really is hilarious. Can someone explain what the so called cheaters gain in return for undertaking this outrageously boring and embarrassing charade? A completely new level of nutcase to me, anthropologists are going to have a field day when they get round to cataloguing these idiots.

26. December 2003, 09:30:20
Subject: Re: Cheaters
First thing ,which is necessary is to have a commandment,that allows people to play only with one account. Without such a commandment there is no cheating!
Perhaps it could be a button at the registration?But then players,who are cheating with several accounts should be excluded from playing.

26. December 2003, 08:43:51 
Subject: Cheaters
A suggestion I made a long time ago (and I know some do not like it), but to list in a persons profile the IP address of where they logged on from last. I believe people did not like it since it would give up privacy or something, but heck - if a "hacker" wanted to try to hurt someone, he would have a much better way to get that sort of information then to sign up on a game site to see it. (Maybe make it so only Krights/Rooks can see the IP address)

How will this help: Well I know there are ways around it, but it will help stop some of the cheaters. Other players will also be able to "investigate" other users to try to help find cheaters. Fencer already does a lot, and to try add dealing with cheaters and investigating things himself - this would let others do some work for him!

26. December 2003, 08:30:33
Subject: Cheaters in 5-in-line
I have to agree with niicegiirii.
Since Joking, Renjuplayer, Blade and niicegiirll all signed into my tournament at practically the same time I decided to look into their games to see if the claims of cheating were true.
I found the following:
1) They all have played each other making moves within less than a minute after the other.
2) They all really do usually log out within a minute.
3) And the games :)...playing oneself must be boring because some of the games really suck: In their game ending 24.12 with his almost 2700 rating Joking (playing as white) gave a surewin position to Blade VERY early in the game and Blade (with 2600+ rating also) responded by resigning :). Enough said. There are also many other unexplainably stupid moves made in other games played between those 4.
I have removed Renjuplayer, niicegiirll and Blade2004 from my tournament. Joking can play and defend his Number 1 status :). No account established after 24.12 will be allowed in the tournament, if I am not sure of who they are. Playing oneself is quite harmless (although rather funny and pointless) but entering the same tournament with at least 4 userIDs is pretty heavy cheating.

26. December 2003, 07:01:01
The Listener 
Subject: Whatever happened to that interview with Liquid?
Any closer to completion, Harley? Happy Holidays, btw :·)

     ~ MS

26. December 2003, 03:45:51
Subject: cheaters
yeah, at least the cheaters became more cautious
some points:
- there are not only 2 accounts, but at least 4, not counting the others 2 suspicious ones.
- you dont work at night, so games what were lately used to transfer, though then the resuls vere bidirectional, perhaps to stabilize both ratings a bit you didnt play from work

At least the accounts dont log in grouped together like before, but fencer perhaps has some logs of login times and even can look up ip addresses so he can identify cheaters easily this way hopefully, hope its not in the same shape like it was with backups :P

I dont have logs, just the latest for illustration:

joking 23. December 2003, 14:53:43 logging out
renjuplayer 23. December 2003, 14:53:22 logging out
blade2004 23. December 2003, 14:52:03 logging out
niicegiirll 23. December 2003, 14:50:20 logging out

niicegiirll 24. December 2003, 13:09:28 viewing on-line players
blade2004 24. December 2003, 13:08:33 logging out
renjuplayer 24. December 2003, 13:08:13 logging out

so at least dont pretend u dont cheat!

25. December 2003, 21:31:30
:-)very interesting ,so my name is Hana I¨m girlfriend of Joking and I dont see any reason why I cannt play him if Im at work and cannot join or because of firewall to play him online regards to niicegiirii(why you dont use your own nicks hmm? are you still cry for Alan your 4 years big love ?bye bye

25. December 2003, 19:39:12
yes, especially in screen chess and corner checkers! :)))

25. December 2003, 18:59:55
Subject: Re:
If you want to take 2 months to finish a game

25. December 2003, 18:53:55
If you go to Ratings page, you will see a list of top rated players of each game type. Playing with some of them is ALMOST like playing against a computer :-D

25. December 2003, 09:02:37
MattJeffrey, you can't play against a computer here, they're all real live opponents! Either go to 'waiting games' and choose a game & opponent, or put your own game in with 'waiting games' by clicking on 'new game' and following the instructions there.

25. December 2003, 06:45:14
How can I play a game against the computer?

24. December 2003, 23:15:14

24. December 2003, 23:13:03
Ahh yes, sorry, Steve is right! It does include vacation days! So if you were playing a one day per move game, and it was friday, it would show 3 days remaining - because of Saturday and Sunday being normal vacation days.
Go to 'settings' and 'calendar' and it shows site holidays, like Xmas day etc. You can't time out on these days so it adds it to the time remaining for your opponent :o)

24. December 2003, 22:42:57
their 3 days and vacation days, 2 weekends and public holidays, look at your own calendar :o) p/h xmas day etc

24. December 2003, 22:41:33
Subject: Re: Harley...
I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.... I am playing one game that is 3 days per move. After I completed my turn, my game sheet shows 11 days 23 hours before time out. Why so long? Even if it counts my opponents 3 days, and then my three days and 2 days for each of us for a weekend, it doesn't add up.
Also, I see my opponents weekend days listed, both on the game page and their profile page, but cannot find their vacation time listed. Is it only listed if they are presently using it? Thanks again.

24. December 2003, 22:30:08
Unbeatable, do you mean a tournament just for your team members? If so, see the big boss, they can arrange it.

IMupChucKing - I think the 15 days left are not including vacation days, if you look on your opponents profile it will show you when they have set their vacation for, and I have also seen it on the game board notes (under the board).

24. December 2003, 22:25:27
Subject: "Time left in game" Question...
When my game page states that there are 15 days left in a game (For example), What does that time include? Ie, Weekends? Holidays? My opponents time to move? Total time before my next turn ends? (This is when it shows my list of opponents turn to move) hanks.
Also, How do I find out an opponents vacation schedule?

24. December 2003, 22:08:42
Subject: hi
how can you arrange games for your fellowship team?

24. December 2003, 19:17:13
Subject: Re:
Merry christmas.

24. December 2003, 17:27:56

24. December 2003, 17:10:42

24. December 2003, 11:28:38
Come and add your birthday to the Birthday Board!! I have just bought a birthday diary that needs filling up with BK birthdays so I will remember to wish you a great birthday/nameday/anniversary etc each year :oD But please write the month in full since a birthday on January 2nd could be wrote 2-1-03 or 1-2-03, depending which country you are in!

Also, please send in questions for BUMBLES interview! I'll be giving you a bit longer to get questions in because its Xmas, but be thinking of what you would like to know about this fine man!


24. December 2003, 09:07:15
Subject: Merry Xmas and take care of yourselves.....

24. December 2003, 00:57:29
<hehe, I was partially wrong, blade2004 is just another source account, just now 2 games blade2004->joking appeared :)

23. December 2003, 13:24:00
I do have an ego...
Yes I like to win...
and yes I expect to be in the top third of any chess club I join...
But chess is the sort of game where total mismatches are no fun...
BKR within limits tells me where I am...

23. December 2003, 13:20:55
noholds: in your case, dont bother about such things then, you are the best kind of a player, like everyone should be, the third one
(or whether he just loves the game and doesnt bother about ratings so he plays the weakest in the chain and is happy) + in addition he bothers about the quality of the game and is happy when he plays a good game

23. December 2003, 13:17:45
Subject: ratings
Apart from the top positions...
Again I ask oes it make any real difference?
Often I will get beaten by a new player who is finding his level...
But a consolidated rating is a useful tool to find my peers... And some very good games are the result..

23. December 2003, 13:01:50
Just a side note to those who want to understand how I started to be pissed. Joking stated in some interview during renju WC, he is a "famous free renju player". So he didt behave very modestly how a real champ should. And he forgot to add he is a very good player, but in addition a famous cheater :)

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