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29. November 2006, 18:53:15
Subject: Bishops and vacations
It says in the Paid Memberships page that Bishops have the same benefits as Knights. So I'd suspect they also have 20 holidays.
Holidays are reset at January 1st and when the membership is renewed.

So this would mean that it's possible for someone to renew bishop membership every month and so get 20 holidays every month. Which adding up to the 10 weekend days, means that one can go all year long without playing and not timing out either.

I surelly hope I'm wrong!!

26. November 2006, 11:27:07
Subject: Re: Vacation Days.
Fiona: 1st January and when you renew your membership.

23. November 2006, 15:55:53
Subject: Re:
King Reza, Fencer: Well, I suppose whoever wants to share a Black Rook can always go to the PawnRegistry and ask for a Rook membership explaining that they want explicitly to share a Black membership.
If another person is interested in sharing (or paying for it all together) can always go there first looking for black rook candidates.
Unless, of course, Rooks can't place an entry in the Pawn Registry (now, that would be a first - a feature not available for Rooks, lol)

22. November 2006, 09:30:08
Subject: Re: URL change
Fencer: Ping requests can to used in DoS attacks. That's why some servers choose to ignore them, to spare the bandwidth from all the response traffic and save it to what's more important - the http channel :)

22. November 2006, 00:14:30
Subject: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: You probably posted a message with lots of characters in a row. Try editing or removing them to see if you can find which one is it...

20. November 2006, 12:19:50
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: yeah. Next thing you'll be hearing people complaining about gammon dice looking like battleboats ;)

13. November 2006, 17:41:37
Subject: Re:
pabloca: I think I got it now. You want to be able to sort the list of games in the main page by the online status of the opponent, is that it?
If you want it to find games with online opponents, there's options for it when you submit a move. You can also go through Settings and define the way to find the next game to play.
If you just made that request for the visual effect of the thing it's not possible (at least for now). Which is probably why you're requesting it :P

The Spanish forum may seem empty, but it doesn't mean you won't get an answer. Some Spanish speaking players have that as a favourite forum, so when someone posts something in there, they'll fly right through to answer whatever questions were asked (if they're online, of course).

I really hope you understood me. If not, we can move this to the Spanish forum and I'll try to do my best to speak in your language

13. November 2006, 17:21:05
Subject: Re: idea!
pabloca: If I got you correctly, you want this option Rivales Conectados...

furbster: It's Spanish, not portuguese ;) And he's not a message ;)

10. November 2006, 20:33:27
Subject: Re: Removal of players, stairs
MadMonkey: ok, I've moved the discussion in there then...

10. November 2006, 16:27:09
Subject: Re: Removal of players, stairs
Brian1971: And since bots seem to be in the order of the day, these days, why not build a script to do that automatcially. I seem to remember posting something along these lines a few months ago... Let me see if I can find it...

10. November 2006, 15:40:46
Subject: Re:
Marfitalu: The settings page has less information, easier to focus on the right stuff.
Anyway, he said he got it as a reply to my post :P

10. November 2006, 15:30:26
Subject: Re:
Marfitalu: Or better yet: Settings Calendar

10. November 2006, 10:23:05
Subject: Re:
"Have Fun": That's what happens when you use Auto-vacation. They disappear on their own ;)

10. November 2006, 10:10:53
Subject: Re:
"Have Fun": When you have no holidays left, no, it's doesn't ;)

9. November 2006, 14:39:28
Subject: Re: is this right
Buz: Yes, it's right. But indeed it would be so less confusing if the message said the match was a draw and not the game. (hint to Fencer ;))

3. November 2006, 20:45:14
Subject: Re:
EatTurkeynotHam: Whenever payment fails on PayPal you don't need to create a new order on BK's side.
Just go to the order and request to pay again, no need to go through the whole process of creating another order again.

That way you won't get orders to cancel ;)

3. November 2006, 09:33:25
Subject: Re: Info about
gogul: and me on my RSS client ;)

3. November 2006, 09:09:17
Subject: Re: Info about
gambler104: Links to show up at:

  • The bottom of every page
  • On the Links section
  • On the description of this Board
  • On every game page that has an article about that game type (the scroll paper on the top right corner of the page)
  • Maybe more??

2. November 2006, 16:13:24
Subject: BrainBishop
And if you want to give away memberships so badly, and a post on some board isn't working, why not choose a few of the most active ones and send them a message asking if they're interested? ;)

(by the way, I'm not interested at the moment so don't waste your time with me)

2. November 2006, 16:10:56
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: That's not what I said. I know of some pawns that DO follow up on GC. Again, it has nothing to with with one's level of membership...

2. November 2006, 16:09:31
Subject: Boards
I think the membership level has nothing to do with what boards one chooses to read or not. Or to the commitement one has to the site or not (I know of many paying members that don't spend as much time or do as much stuff around here as some pawns do).
Not all members read the "Members only" board, do they? (I know I hardly didn't)
Why would you think that most pawns would read a "pawns only" board?

I never had problems with GC in the past. It just didn't interest me, that was all. And there will always be player that come here to the site to play and not to chat. If they want to become more involved in the site, then I'm sure they'll find whatever it has to offer, it's not some red numbers on the right column that will make them change their way in this site (just maybe speed it up, I agree there).

2. November 2006, 15:24:39
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I'm not sure if GC would be a good 'default' board. Unless it has changed quite a while in these past few months I haven't read it ;P

2. November 2006, 14:57:34
Subject: Brain Bishop
Fencer: So, if a knight buys a Bishop membership for himself what will happen?
* His knight membership will automatically be given an extra month
* At the end of his current knight membership it will automatically turn into a Bishop
* The membership extension will have to be manually made, because the automatic script doesn't contemplate this situation
* Something else

And what if a Rook buys a Bishop memberhsip to himself?

30. October 2006, 20:08:01
Subject: Re: Why did I time out?
Fencer: Are you negating the negation or stating that they are indeed not affected by the suspension? *840*

29. October 2006, 20:01:03
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: If you have pond games you won't be able to finish them, since you won't be able to move. Other than that you get to keep everything (multiple tournaments and stairs, more than 20 games, etc).
Only when you try to start a game, pawn's restrictions are verified and you won't be able to start any more until you go under 20 games again, nor enter any more tournaments until you're eliminated in all your current ones.

28. October 2006, 12:42:39
Subject: Re: anyway
Fencer: Maybe you could put it on the left of the refresh setting. It would probably adjust to occupy an extra line but at least the game tables wouldn't scroll down so much, which is probably what bouncybouncy and imsoaddicted are worried about...

27. October 2006, 10:01:59
Subject: Re: Bug
"Have Fun": I've had problems late last night too (server time).
Now all is swell again :)

21. October 2006, 09:44:35
Subject: Re: what is autosave?
Lawless: the messages you can type to your opponent. If something goes wrong while you're typing the message and before submiting the move, You'll be able to restore what you had already typed.

16. October 2006, 23:17:34
Subject: Re: hi
jessica: Just state your country in your profile. Go to your profile page and click (edit)

15. October 2006, 02:07:58
Subject: Re: Ratings
BIG BAD WOLF: Oh, right. Thanks!

15. October 2006, 01:07:57
Subject: Ratings
Could someone please explain to me the meaning of my row on the Dark Chess ratings page? It states "14 (7/0/15)", under "Counted Games".
I've just checked and every single one of my Dark Chess games was ranked (Counts towards BKR). So why is it that it says I have only 14 games when I won 7 and lost 15?

7. October 2006, 10:36:15
Subject: Re: Sorting the games in the play list.
DamnCat: On the main page click on the heading of the column you want it sorted by. If it shows up backwards, then just click it again.

18. September 2006, 01:48:13
Subject: Re:
forweg: Oh, and if you have doubts about which payment system to use, try contacting some paying members from your country and ask them how they did it.

18. September 2006, 01:42:56
Subject: Re:
forweg: There are other options to pay using a Credit Card without going through Paypal, if that's your concern. Money Bookers is one of the options displayed (although some members in some countries have reported some problems using it in the past, don't know if the situation is still the same).
But there is no form of payment with credit card that doesn't envolve an intermediary (for security purposes).

If you select the PayPal option, the payment will be processed by PayPal, meaning you'll need a PayPal account to use it. But that's easy enough to obtain and use.

15. September 2006, 11:29:32
Subject: MessageBox
Another nice new feature for the MessageBox. Thanks Fencer ;)

14. September 2006, 12:50:00
Subject: Re: Interviews - Info and rules
Hrqls: It's already confusing enough having an Expired interview :)

8. September 2006, 21:28:24
Subject: Re: getting started
tarcellius: Welcome to the site. I just sent you a private message with some pointers. Answer back if you have any doubts.

7. September 2006, 16:57:22
Subject: Re:
gene: Il y a un forum pour les jouers francophones:

26. August 2006, 13:06:18
Subject: Re: Brain Pawn ????
Fencer: Where does it say that?
(I'm not trying to start a fight - just trying to clarify my interpretation of the User Agreement)

18. August 2006, 17:51:25
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: Put it all in the BugTracker... There's a game similar to the one you posted already there since this morning but nothing about Stairs yet...

3. August 2006, 21:25:21
Subject: Re:
Hrqls: and record everything and post a link to the video on your profile :D

1. August 2006, 08:51:05
Subject: Black Queen
I noticed that the "role" of Black Queen has finally been filled in :)

28. July 2006, 11:50:41
Subject: Re: I played with 'the last minute player', how can I do?
kkkeeek: Use a shorter time setting.
Weekends included, the 14-days per game setting will often come to 20 days per move, which means that your opponent will have 3 weeks to play.
5 days per setting should give you enough time for most of your games, and your opponents will be forced to play faster. Just be carefull about your holidays, if they go over a week, so that you yourself won't timeout.

You can also try Fischer clock settings, where a time is determined for the full game. With the appropriate bonus settings and all, faster players will seldom see any difference, but slower players will soon be forced to play faster.
You can find more about it at the FAQ

21. July 2006, 10:19:58
Subject: Re:
Fencer: That's what I was meaning - the Action Points action was a clever way to pinpoint these problemas before they got out of control

21. July 2006, 10:08:00
Subject: Re:
Looks like the server is really stressing up with all those people going for the action points ;)
This was in Fencer's plans all along: In order to test what our site is capable of ..., July is the Month of Action Points

P.S: Since we have no way now to tell if game time is suspended or not, shouldn't it be posted on the news? Just a thought...

15. July 2006, 16:24:11
Subject: Re: Negative time remaining
Marfitalu: I'd say over half a day of negative time is definitely not normal...

15. July 2006, 15:49:18
Subject: Re: Harley....
Ooops... actually someone broke the thread. It starts here

15. July 2006, 15:47:18
Subject: Re: Harley....
Chicago Bulls: There was a thread about that a few days ago...

3. July 2006, 20:11:26
Subject: Re: Action points
playBunny: You're forgetting the posts in the past ;)

If you don't have the habbit of going through all DB's to read the posts, most of them will have plenty of unread posts.
All you have to do is to make sure you only read one post per hour - that way you'll have plenty to read in the hours to come. It's easy to go to the first unread post.
If you multiply the over 100 boards by 24 hours, you'll easilly get over 2000 points.

But who cares, since the action points for reading posts are going away anyway? ;)

3. July 2006, 20:07:39
Subject: Re: Action points
BIG BAD WOLF: People may already do that to earn more moving points...

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