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29. January 2003, 10:20:55
Subject: Next Game
Fencer :-)
How does it choose what the next game u move on is ?? Mine seems to be which ever one has been waiting the longest. Is there any way to set it so it follows how our main list is set e.g. the shortest time next. :-)

29. January 2003, 10:25:03
Subject: Re: Next Game
MadMonkey: Please read my answer on this board from 26/1 2003, 19:45:04 :-)

29. January 2003, 10:28:04
Subject: Re: Next Game
Sorry Fencer - missed that one :-(
Eyes must be getting bad lol

29. January 2003, 10:30:23
Subject: please ressurect
game number isnt my fault that because of the "worm" it has prevented me from entering this board for, now it is 7 hours......thanks

29. January 2003, 10:33:48
Subject: Im sorry
to my opponents, but this is ridiculous...cant get into games, can read messages, can post messages.GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

29. January 2003, 10:37:07
Subject: Re: please ressurect
What do you mean "can't get into games, etc."? Everything is working fine on

29. January 2003, 11:49:54
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Fencer, thanks!!!! :D
for keeping us updated by your server updates on the main page. It really is helpful. Thanks for being so customer-oriented & -friendly!! And thanks again for this GREAT site :D It´s nice to see, that everytime I logon I see the number of registrations has been increased again.. lol Can be my efforts; I have told loads of friends about your intelligent(!) site!!! :D

God bless you,
~*Radiant 36:9*~

PS: talking about features -- Could you please allow non ASCII characters for the registered name.. I wanted to have this name: Radiant 36:9 But these ":" are not allowed... :-( Perhaps you might think of that? Thanks alot..

29. January 2003, 12:04:52
Subject: Counting squares remaining in BG
Fencer, please would you tell us how you calculate remaining squares. For example, in game 24026 (tonyh v MadMonkey), after move 14 pass, I reckon that Black's total = 105. Your total is 130.

29. January 2003, 14:44:04
Subject: Re: Counting squares remaining in BG
tonyh: It is possible that I don't count it correctly because I don't know the calculation method. Could you explain it to me please?

29. January 2003, 14:53:48
Subject: Re: Counting squares remaining in BG
Well, what I do is count the number of dice pips, needed to bear off a stone. So black has three stones on 3; therefore, a count of 9. Every stone on the bar I count as 25; and that's basically it. Would welcome other BG players to comment.

29. January 2003, 14:54:45
Subject: Re: Counting squares remaining in BG
I think that I use the same rules. I'll check it out.

29. January 2003, 15:35:32
Mike UK 
Subject: Re: Counting squares remaining in BG
The problem is always when there is a man on the bar - he seems to be counted twice giving a count 25 too high.

29. January 2003, 16:02:32
eddie spaghetti 
Subject: time out..
i timed out on game #23090 and also see one of my opponets ran out of time on another where timed out games fixed when the site got back up?..

29. January 2003, 16:23:03
Subject: Re: Counting squares remaining in BG
I think you are correct, Mike UK. If there is no man on the bar, the count appears to be correct.

29. January 2003, 17:56:12
eddie spaghetti 
Subject: Re: Memberships
write to fencer and ask him tell him that persons nick etc..that when for a reply either write to fencer or contact link..

29. January 2003, 19:24:43
Subject: Re: time out..
Eddie: Done. What are the other timeouted games?

29. January 2003, 22:20:00
eddie spaghetti 
Subject: Re: time out..
there was 2 but they didnt move for over a week so im not sure if they will be back or not

30. January 2003, 07:19:23
Subject: Re: Colors in the darkest sky
Dear Radiant 36:9 I read your poem and enjoyed it do you mind if i have a for to say a written one by you...nighthawk1958 (aka) Eddie

30. January 2003, 16:46:20
White Wolf 
Subject: Halma
A big ((((((( Bear Hug ))))) for fencer.Thx for my fav game.

30. January 2003, 17:46:20
:-) I hope that I've implemented Halma correctly. If not, please let me know.

30. January 2003, 20:08:04
White Wolf 
Subject: Hama
All seems just fine to me. The rules are very easy to understand. Another job well done. Thx again.

30. January 2003, 20:31:12
I keep getting " upgrade" msg. every time I click on a game. Not all the time, just most the time and when I clicked on this to send it.

30. January 2003, 20:34:17
Subject: Re:
Yea I have been getting it all day long too. when i click to send a game turn or see messages.. i have to keep hitting my back button or to resend again my message in a game will be gone and I hve to retype it

30. January 2003, 21:15:10
Subject: Re:
it takes forever to get onto the site, and when i finally get here and play a game, i hit submit and get a grey screen. i'm on web, but have a friend with a pc that's having same problems.

30. January 2003, 21:37:46
We are currently solving some server problems. Please be patient.

31. January 2003, 00:34:04
Subject: Re:
Thanks Fencer.:)

31. January 2003, 11:50:16
Dark Sense 
Atomic Chess

31. January 2003, 11:54:39
Subject: Re: Atomic Chess
hiya Blind Fury - Atomic Chess was installed recently :-)

1. February 2003, 06:05:37
Subject: Thanks
For all your hard work in fixing the site...all seems to be working for me now :0) hope for everyone else too :)

1. February 2003, 06:13:14
Subject: Game stuck
I have a game #26311 showing on my main page as my turn to move,it's my opponents turn. Can you help Fencer?

1. February 2003, 06:33:36
Subject: Appreciation
Fencer...thank you so much..what a job you must have keeping up with all the requests and also the problems you are currently having...KUDOS to you :)

1. February 2003, 06:44:43
Subject: Re: Appreciation
I'ii "second" that. :-)

1. February 2003, 13:57:45
Subject: Re: Game stuck
I'm having the same problem. Game #24407. I took my turn, but it's still showing up as my turn, when actually it's my opponent's turn.

1. February 2003, 14:06:45
Try them now.

1. February 2003, 14:07:51
I've just quicky implemented the auto-repairing code. If you find a similar problem with other games, just try to click on them.

1. February 2003, 14:11:47
Subject: Re:
It seems to be ok now.
Thank you very much!!!

1. February 2003, 21:43:49
Subject: time out
hi fencer my game with manicotti molly # 24611 has been timed out but she cant get into the site so would it be possible for you to put it back on for us please
thank you

2. February 2003, 03:44:33
Subject: Site troubles
Hi Fencer
Not sure if you know this so wanted to bring it to your attention. It seems half of my team havent been able to access the site since Thursday. Molly and Eddie cant get in even to the main page. I just heard from another lady that said shes talked to alot of ppl at GT who arent just experienceing the outages we are but cannot access the site at all. Just wanted to let you know

2. February 2003, 06:02:06
Subject: BKR
I noticed that, even though it says you will have a provisional rating at 4 games and established at 25, it seems to be 5 and 26. Right now i have 4 rated games of anti checkers completed, and am still unrated. I also remember it took 26 Spider Line4 to get an established rating.

2. February 2003, 07:26:47
Kevin: In your game with volvath you and your opponent did not complete at least two moves so this game was not rated.
Rose: I am still doing more and more tests to find out what is wrong.
Ruby: Done.

2. February 2003, 08:13:39
Subject: Please dont pounce on me :(
I have been viewing the player list and have noticed that people have joined way back when and have never played...SUGGESTION ONLY...put a time limit on how long they have to play their first game..and if they havent played..delete their profiles...makes for more room for you Fencer.(well i think it would)also your histories in your message boards could be deleted...anything older than a month perhaps...just trying to help here :) you still do a great job FENCER

2. February 2003, 17:03:27
Bernice: THanks for your suggestions, I'll write them down :=)

2. February 2003, 17:23:42
02 Scooby Rex 
Not sure if this an valid issue, or if you are actually doing upgrades to the site, but as of late there have been numerous times where I get the "BrainKing is currently being upgraded" page, but a sec later its back up. then about 5 min later I get that page again. just thought I would bring this up, if it is an issue?

2. February 2003, 17:23:48
Subject: Re:
thank you fencer

2. February 2003, 18:07:29
Subject: Re: Please dont pounce on me :(
Should free up some bandwidth too. :)

2. February 2003, 18:48:30
Rex: That was caused by our performance problems. THey should be fixed, I hope.

2. February 2003, 19:11:31
Subject: Re:
that stuff isnt fixed yet fencer. its still happening on an off throughout the day

2. February 2003, 20:10:15
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Colors in the darkest sky
Hi NightHawk1958 :-)

I am glAd you enjoyed my poem! Of course, copy my poems (but mind the copyright) ;D

Have a blessed weekend,
~*Radiant 36:9*~

2. February 2003, 20:18:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Re: Please dont pounce on me :(
Hi Fencer,

the messages in our messages boxes can be their in the inbox a month and once NOT moved into the SAVE box, they can be deleted. Personally I would like to have a box where I can SAFE messages and games in archive. But there are also message which can be deleted. If the players forget, then the system can tackle them at the end of the month :-)

Fencer: besides this, I still got the same error messages. Are you sure the side would be up and running again for 100%?

~*Radiant 36:9*~

2. February 2003, 21:16:33
Subject: Re: Colors in the darkest sky
thanks i'll give you my URL to send me a copy so that all rights can be yours again thank you

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