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4. January 2004, 09:27:10
I lost BK access all together last night :o(

4. January 2004, 07:43:01
Subject: Re:
i'm on web and have had no problems at any site. i hope it stays that way.

4. January 2004, 05:47:46
no problems here...must be my clean living ;) hehehe

4. January 2004, 04:21:36 
Yea, I've had trouble also on a few different sites that I go to.

I would not be surprised to hear in the next day or so about either some major internet "attack/hack", or some major problems at one of the main internet routing points.

4. January 2004, 04:04:16
Did anyone else notice that Chatty made 1169 moves yesterday!!! dang girl, is your TV broken :)

4. January 2004, 02:37:36
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Cookies...
Still haven't found any cookies in my pc.. lol

Anyway.. I had problems with any other site i wanted to go and my pc went really slow.....

4. January 2004, 02:07:54
I was having network problems here.

4. January 2004, 01:15:47
Back Soon 
Ive been trying to get on here for the last 3 & a half hours! A couple of other sites seem to be playing up aswell.......weird!?

4. January 2004, 00:22:10
well so far so good... i cleared my internet cache and cookies... seems to be working so far :o)

4. January 2004, 00:18:45
i re-started my pc too!!!!! guess its something different?!!!

4. January 2004, 00:09:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Chatty :-) I had the same problem!! Couldn't open a compose page from my mailprovider and restarted my pc..

4. January 2004, 00:00:32
same here .... but i thought it was my isp.. as i couldnt access my mail either!!!

3. January 2004, 23:54:31
eek i'm having problems now with pages not fully loading and getting the can't find server page

3. January 2004, 23:45:23
errr what the He** is going on??? I'm getting all kinds of strange things happening, I can even see hal of this page.

3. January 2004, 23:21:05
new.brainking is the same as brainking now...

I had troubles too...

3. January 2004, 23:18:48
Subject: Re: Access Problems
same here, half loaded pages, and server access errors .. seems to be ok right now though :)
*edit* seems I may have spoken too soon ! ;-D

3. January 2004, 23:14:05
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subject: Access Problems
For about half an hour I had serious problems getting in the side.. even when using I can not even remember anymore when i had those problems! LOL Suddenly everything seems fine again... hope it stayes that way :-)

3. January 2004, 17:57:46
Subject: Re: hi
I sent you a message with the code, unbeatableking

3. January 2004, 17:30:43
Subject: hi
can someone tell me hoe to do the HTML (ex. a href thing) please?

3. January 2004, 17:26:49
Subject: Re: The cynics view
Sounds like sour grapes to me, Noholds...Especially frome someone with a Nic like yours.(As the term No Holds Barred, means that anything goes) You say that you will never tell someone how to spend their money, yet "suggest" That they could find better causes for their money??? If that is your logic, I would suggest that no matter how anyone spends their money, there could always be a better use for it!
Sorry, as a non paying member, I am not allowed to post in the Debate forum...

3. January 2004, 15:41:24
Linda J 
Subject: Debate Club
If you have any questions,concerns or problems with this (pawns membership) idea I will be glad to discuss it with you at length at the debate club rather then clog this board.

3. January 2004, 14:35:17
Subject: Re: The cynics view
PS...I wasn't being condesending about the idea of you starting up a Fellowship. I think you have a big heart, and I would be the first to join.

3. January 2004, 14:34:03
Subject: Re: The cynics view
Case histories of which we are aware;-
Fake Id's getting sponsored...
People saying they would rather buy a DVD...
I am not a bleeding heart liberal and as so rightly pointed out this is a games site. It is not something that is vital to the survival of the individual.
I do not, nor ever will, tell people how to spend their money or comport themselves (except within the bounds of social acceptability).
A public statement was made that memberships would be subscribed for. However worthy an idea given what is available for free I would suggest that individuals could find better causes for the money.

3. January 2004, 14:21:19
Subject: Re: The cynics view
This is a GAME Site.
It is for the playing of GAMES!
When I first found BK, I couldn't afford the membership, which is why I was so glad it was free for pawns to play.
Later I did buy a membership, but if someone had offered to sponser me a Rook membership, I would have been thrilled. And I would be the first to Pay it Foreward when I could.
Possibly you could start a fellowship to help out others in the world, if not by people donating money, then at least to raise the level of consciousness to the plight of others in the world.

3. January 2004, 14:11:53
MM, its Linda's fellowship, therefore down to her who is allowed.
Steve, why am I 'stirring'? I didn't start the club, I didn't announce it. I'm just asking that you give LINDA a chance to develop HER idea. In what possible way is this 'stirring'?

3. January 2004, 14:10:07
Subject: The cynics view
True charity is discreet and needs no publicity...
It is the lending of a helping hand to those in need...
BK is not a necessity of life... Surely the funds could be put to better use where lives could be saved...
Given recent experience .. does anybody believe it will not be abused?
Those who cannot afford the luxury of paid membership already get the basics for free...
If you can afford the ISP charges, phone bills and computer then if you want more you can afford that as well.
So look at the statistics for whatever country you come from... in England how many die for lack of Kidney Dialysis... how many children cannot reach the abuse helpline (run by charity) or samaritans or salvation army or any of a hundred genuine causes that save lives or relieve pain or suffering...
Rather than a token effort here, go quietly forth and when you see someone stranded or in difficulties or even that you can help just because you have skills or equipment... just do it... seek no reward and no publicity and enjoy the quiet satisfaction of having made a difference... however small...

3. January 2004, 14:04:51
Subject: Re: I will say this though
You are stirring it harley.
I think its a good idea etc in ways (so not knocking Linda) But its not new, its not something for a private club, and I will just keep doing it all my own way

3. January 2004, 13:49:23
Well no members (apart from a selected few) know anything about what is being developed,as we are not allowed. It has been announced on the BrainKing Board and therefore must be open for anyones opinion.

3. January 2004, 13:45:55
Do you see something wrong with Linda's idea, Steve? I think its very generous and kind of her.
The Sultan of Brunei has lots of personal wealth while all the people around him are very poor, I think thats what Ughaibu is referring to.
MM, you're right, if any rooks or knights had financial problem, nobody would offer to help out would they? Now you know better than that. This programme is a different thing completely. And its JUST started, so give Linda a chance to develop it, maybe to include people who are already members if its successful. But don't give her a hard time while she works out the details.

3. January 2004, 13:35:26
You been drinking again Ughaibu?? LOL
I wont comment anymore on the below subject MM, I may get banned from this board LOL

3. January 2004, 13:33:53
The sultan of Brunei?

3. January 2004, 13:22:54
I know Steve, its a private club i to asked to join.
Lets hope no Rooks or Knight run into financial problems when there memberships are due to be renewed.
Everybody in the world has money problems at some time.

3. January 2004, 13:20:58
Subject: Re:
I see we are also not aloud to become part of this pawn helping group by requesting. Even though weve done it before ourselves :o(

3. January 2004, 12:43:57
I hope someone is also discussing the same thing for those Knights & Rooks that are struggling to keep there membership going.

2. January 2004, 23:45:33
Within a week or two.

2. January 2004, 22:30:06
When will game time come back on?

1. January 2004, 15:21:24
I cant log out??

1. January 2004, 14:22:55
LongJohn: re New Recruits.

If you're looking for members for your fellowship, please feel free to post on the 'Fellowships' db - perhaps with a link.

1. January 2004, 12:49:34
That's ok, Fencers about to get out a big ol' can of Raid.

1. January 2004, 11:46:25
Pedro Martínez 
I hate bugs.

1. January 2004, 09:44:35
Everybody who timed out please send me the game IDs to restore. There was probably some new year bug.

1. January 2004, 09:06:59
I think two of my games have just disappeared. I'm pretty sure I had six waiting for my move but now it's only four(??).

1. January 2004, 07:30:21
Subject: Happy New Year
Happy Happy, Y'all. :)

And 6am EST corresponds to midnight Czech time. The :20 is a baffler, though.

1. January 2004, 06:06:01
Happy new year

1. January 2004, 02:35:52
I think its just when various countries have changed to 2004.

If your game has timed out without reason, send Fencer the game number and I'm sure he'll re-instate the games when he comes online.

1. January 2004, 02:24:51
I have 19 games which either I or others have timed out in!

1. January 2004, 01:37:59 
Yea - Something did happen

Earlier today, the game with the least amount of time left that I had was around 3 days, XX hours

About 4-5 hours later, I look now and the game with the least amount has 1 day, 1 hour.

It'a a Y2K4 bug that lost about 2 days!

1. January 2004, 01:37:12
People we got in czech 1.36 am :) Wait few hours , thanks :)

1. January 2004, 01:33:36 

1. January 2004, 01:32:39 
I have 8 games where other people timed out against me.

For my sister's account (SueQ), she timed out on 4 games where I did not think she was that close to timing out.

It looks like the games timed out when the system (Fencer's time) possible had their new year.

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