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20. August 2005, 10:08:48
Subject: Re:
Marfitalu: You'll start with 15d but no bonus is added for each move... the last number is irrelevant: it could have just as well been 0, I think.

Actually I did a mistake: this setup would last at most 30d, since it's 15d for each player.

20. August 2005, 10:00:13
Subject: Re:
rabbitoid: If you want a game to last no more than 15days whole, you can set it to 15d/0/15d

8. August 2005, 16:10:31
Subject: Re: RSS feed of Server News

8. August 2005, 12:17:32
Subject: Re: RSS feed of Server News
Fencer: Another suggestion. On some pages there is some sort of special code that makes some browsers react to it. For instance, in Opera, whenever I visit a page that somehow has some RSS connection, A small blue RSS icon appears on the address bar. If I click on it I immediatelly get the option of subscribing that feed.
I think it has something to do with code like
<link rel="alternate" href="ADDRESS/news.rss" type="application/rss+xml" title="Server news"/>

I think it could be a nice thing to implement here as well, and that code could go on the ServerNews page. At least while there is no reference to the RSS feed anywhere on the site (that I've seen, anyway).

8. August 2005, 11:46:24
Subject: Re: Print version
Fencer: I'd like to suggest that the Printer Friendly version of this page didn't have the message box in it. No point to have a message form on paper is there? ;)

Haven't checked the rest of the site yet, but I like the idea...

2. August 2005, 09:39:41
Subject: Re: Icon List...
Daniel Snyder: There really are smiles that aren't on the list. If you hover your mouse over a smile, a hint window will usually show where you'll see it's code. That way you can use it as well...

25. July 2005, 18:54:23
Subject: Re:
Andre Faria: Wrong DB :P
But yes, we did...

25. July 2005, 10:21:20
Subject: Re:
rod03801: but didn't see it there either..
Just start a game with 0d0h per move and you will get a never-timeout game...

15. July 2005, 22:56:57
Subject: Re: OFF TOPIC but easy to answer.........
Chessmaster1000: Next time you can allways ask Google ;)

11. July 2005, 10:45:47
Subject: Re: Fischer time
Binabik: Don't play one of those games against someone who lives in Europe or Asia... unless you know him (her) preety well and can aggree on a time to both be online and play your moves...

On the other hand, you can set the time settings so that it allows for roughly a move per day and everyone can be happy about it...

7. July 2005, 00:43:44
Subject: Re: Bonus?
Skyking: Here. It's the link that you get on que question mark for the Time Control, a bit above on that page ;)

1. July 2005, 17:20:57
Subject: Re:
Jules: Your pics have gone away too, eh? :/

1. July 2005, 10:03:04
Subject: Re: "move and go to..."
Binabik: On "Settings", under "Sort next game by " choose "Time of next move", "ascending".
See if that works best for you ;)

16. June 2005, 13:53:42
Subject: Re:
Fencer: The opinion of "a lot of pawns" is not important.

Pawns still make up for most of the members on this site. Without them you'd have no site!
Anyway, pawns will be able to buy vacation days as well, right?

Luke Skywalker: The fact that you can now start games where vacation days don't count might make it easier on the pawns.

14. June 2005, 20:53:42
Subject: Re: Autovacation and fixed weekend
Fencer: Then better do it before there's more

14. June 2005, 20:47:06
Subject: Re: Autovacation and fixed weekend
Fencer: Then maybe this page should be updated... it's kind of incomplete now and new people may not get the full picture after reading that...

14. June 2005, 20:42:28
Subject: Autovacation and fixed weekend
Modified by pauloaguia (14. June 2005, 20:43:04)
So... when you select the option of fixed weekend in a game that means that autovacation won't save you from timing out... Right?

(where was this option when I was just a pawn? )

6. June 2005, 16:59:03
Subject: Re:
bwildman: In that case you'd have to keep on gettin gnew globs. Some members get moderated more than half a dozen times...

28. May 2005, 20:33:24
Subject: Re:
rod03801: Maybe an option to see the game DB's only in my language like there is one for fellowships? But then again, I use the portuguese version of the site but would still like to see the english DB's (and maybe a couple more). So maybe an option for favourite languages or something?

And there is no visual hint that those flags are clickable. Everyone that has been here long enough will try to click them to access the DB, but newcomers might not get that idea... the link should be on the numbers, or a small message like "board (click flags)". It's just not very intuitive the way it is now, in my opinion.

28. May 2005, 20:14:10
Subject: Re: Re:
Fencer: Well, probably what rod means is that "With more and more languages being added to the site, it won't look nice to display (4/12/3/8/4/9/2) or similar numbers :-)"

23. May 2005, 18:02:58
Subject: Re: configure default 'Next' action
pauloaguia: hmmm... but that isn't necessarily the order they're on your homepage though (just noticed this part from your post)

23. May 2005, 18:02:01
Subject: Re: configure default 'Next' action
Shreela: Goto Settings -> and then on the option "Sort next game by " choose "time of last move" ascending
(sorry if the labels aren't accurate... I'm translating as I write it)

20. May 2005, 17:17:11
Subject: Re: rigged dice? favortism?
Backgammonfan28: I have noticed lately that in my opinion, it seems the dice favor the lower rated player
And did you ever noticed that when you're stuck in traffic the other lane is always moving faster? ;)

It's called selective memory... and it's a fact of life I'm not attacking what you said or anything...

18. May 2005, 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Fellowships and Posts
Luke Skywalker: At least that's the real reason for me not wanting to join a fellowship right now - I would't have the time for all the extra games (and boards too)

18. May 2005, 15:23:02
Subject: Re: Fellowships and Posts
Walter Montego: No, pawns cannot join fellowships. It's a paying members perk.
Your suggestion would remove some of the incentive for pawns to become paying members, since many of them do that preciselly to be able to join fellowships.

16. May 2005, 14:23:36
Subject: Re: All these negative days
rabbitoid: Anyway seems to be fixed. My negative times have been coming back to normal on all the games I moved today... The only ones remaining are the ones that still haven't moved today and those that should have normally timed out.

12. May 2005, 10:00:11
Subject: Cloak mode
Only downside I found so far: I can't tell 'fake onlines' appart from the rest. What I call a fake online is someone that is on the main page, with autorefresh on, but hasn't moved from there for at least 15min. So they appear to be online when in fact they are somewhere else...
Last night I caught a usually 'fake onliner' in cloak mode... I couldn't tell if she was just with autorefresh on or if I should stick around a few minutes to wait for her to move (I payed off to stick around )

Maybe auto-refresh shouldn't count for your online status?

11. May 2005, 21:31:06
Subject: About this cloak mode thinguie...
I know it says so on the FAQ, but shouldn't it also say here that cloak mode is a feature for paying members only?
Just so when people weight it out between paying or not they know exactly what they're (not) buying...

24. April 2005, 23:40:01
Subject: Re: Re:
Chessmaster1000: I wasn't doubting you... I was just stating the fact that you shouldn't have had to set the language back... there's something going on with the cookies lately, I'm sure...

I'm at a worst predicament - when in portuguese setting, the calendar never shows properly, no matte rhow many times I click the flag
I even posted a bug in the Bug Tracker... [wondering what Fencer will think of the first bug posted in portuguese ]

24. April 2005, 23:21:01
Subject: Re:
Chessmaster1000: Interestingly enough your message was already in english, so there should have been no need to set the language back... right?
What is going on with the cookies around here lately?

23. April 2005, 14:04:10
Subject: Re: Re:
Since we're all playing smiles:

20. April 2005, 01:21:10
Subject: Re: thank you brainking for your good member service
CleverHunk: [BrainKing is number 1]

18. April 2005, 11:36:03
All smiles codes can be found on the smile shelp page that you can access through the question mark next to the smile icon above every message box.
That's how I know smiles cush as (109) or (but I don't need a smile to know this last one )

16. April 2005, 14:36:25
Subject: Re: Re:
reza: It's not just your oppinion

16. April 2005, 14:25:03
Subject: Re:
farmer sam: English and Czech were the only official BK languages at the time. Someone using the site, surelly had to know one of the 2

15. April 2005, 01:21:04
Subject: Re: Re:
Bry: If you want to go that way, I'm sure that the majority of the votes would fall on the star spangled banner

15. April 2005, 00:37:49
Subject: Re: If you go to the
nobleheart: I'd say they're probably getting stuck with the portuguese foruns... I mean, that's what I (correctly) see when I change the language to portuguese.

7. April 2005, 16:57:22
Subject: Re: BKR calculation
Luke Skywalker: Even more: what if they ALL end before 2 moves?

6. April 2005, 14:50:04
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Should have been written in portuguese in the first place

3. April 2005, 23:27:57
Subject: Re: Re:
Fencer: Now you really got me . And here I was thinking the czechs also had an important holiday in April like we do...
Well, always glad to be helpful

3. April 2005, 23:18:50
Speaking of which: what is celebrated Abril 12th in Czech Republic? Just wondering since it's another one of those don't-have-to-play kind of days

3. April 2005, 23:08:41
Subject: Re: Vacation Days
You already get about 140 days each year that you don't have to play. Why do you need more than that?

2. April 2005, 01:10:39
Subject: Re: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Actually I think it can. Imagine you have auto-vacation on. You timeout on a Friday, at 00:10. AV kicks in, the day is set as vacation and you get extra 24h. All the way through Friday it will give the impression that you have less than 24h to 'live'.
But then, on Sat at 00:10, you timeout. But since you can't timeout on a weekend, you get the extra 48h (or is it 24h again? not sure here).

I've seen this happen a few times before, so I guess it's the way it works...

1. April 2005, 13:24:13
Great, now I won't know what everyone is talking about...
What's a * 133 *? or a * 135 *? or a * 128 *?
Is it because it's April fool's day?

I tell you, this smile business is a two sided sword... someday a pawn will get the wrong message and then all hell will break loose

29. March 2005, 15:06:14
Subject: Re: Waiting Games

29. March 2005, 14:29:35
Subject: Re: Waiting Games
Fencer: Can it have the page links on top of the list as well? I only see them on the bottom of the table.

20. March 2005, 23:57:26
Subject: Delete games
I remeber this being discussed in the past but don't recall someone saying it had been implemented:
Has the ability to delete games before the first two moves been removed? I was trying to delete a game that hasn't even started but can't seem to find the proper link to... * 552 *

Oh well, I guess I can wait until tomorrow when he times out... * 29 *

14. March 2005, 00:23:25
Subject: Re: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: The way I see it some other paying members are also having problems with creating fellowships. So he's having exactly what other paying members are having :)

And when Fencer fixes it for one it will be fixed for all.

I thought this subject had been dropped already (and no, I won't post any more on it)

13. March 2005, 23:36:16
Subject: Re: Re:
Tuesday: women were God's last creation, if that's what you're referring to. But they came late as usual and didn't make it in the seven days that took to create the world

13. March 2005, 22:53:44
Subject: Re:
sLaMdAnCe: But it does say "Be Nice or do not post."

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