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8. augusta 2009, 15:40:33
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
hungry for new challenge ? for something funny ? here it goes: new, crazy backgammon version ...

1. Every player has 6 checkers numbered from 1 to 6 ...
2. Checkers are placed in the opposite player's home section of the board in exact order ... number 6 touches the bar, then 5, 4 and so on ...
3. Play is like in regular backgammon with 3 novelty twists.

4. Twist number 1: checker with the number that corresponds to the number of a dice may, but do not have to, move twice the space ... example , we rolled 5 and 2 ... checker with the number 5 may move 5 spaces or 10 spaces if the player chooses so ...same with the number 2 ... player cannot transfer unused jump
to another checker ...  player may choose regular backgammon moves for all his/her checkers instead.
This twist gives the player new perspective in the game ... let's look at our roll 5 and 2 again:
- checker number 5 can be moved: 5 spaces, 10 spaces and also 5 spaces plus 2 spaces, or 10 spaces plus 2 spaces ...
-checker number 2 can be moved: 2 spaces, 4 spaces and also 2 spaces plus 5 spaces, or 4 spaces plus 5 spaces ...
5. Twist number 2: Double roll is the killer ... when you get double (6-6, 5-5 etc) you choose opponent's piece (any) and send it to the bar ... if you are already on the bar and you roll double, you have to leave the bar if possible, if not, you may choose opponent's checker and send it to the bar ...

6. Twist number 3: gathering all the checkers in home section is NOT required to start bearing off ...
You jump out of the board whenever you get the roll that allows you to do it ...

Have fun ... grab your board at home, put some stickers with numbers on your 6 checkers  and try it.

9. augusta 2009, 15:30:04
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Herlock Sholmes: sounds good, but I see some problems with double rolls. Probability of double roll is 1/6. Pieces can be on bar very often and game will be very long.

9. augusta 2009, 16:11:50
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
lukulus: thanks, a Think Twist Number 3 takes care of this ...

9. augusta 2009, 16:22:02
Universal Eyes 
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Herlock Sholmes: Sounds to me like the one who rolls the most doubles is the sure winner,what would you need any pieces for just roll dice.
I don't like the part where you can send them to the bar with doubles even if you can't get of the bar yourself.

9. augusta 2009, 17:06:49
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Universal Eyes: doubles are always killers even in regular backgammon ... you probably played many games that doubles ruined your game ... again, third twist helps to make life easier ... that part you don't like is actually what often happens in our lives ... we drag people to the same hell we cannot escape ... am I right ?

9. augusta 2009, 17:52:43
Universal Eyes 
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Herlock Sholmes: Just trying figure out if Im going to be dragged into the hell of winning or losing by the dice,or i can choose not to play it at all,in regular backgammon there are ways to get around all those double rolls,i just cant see it with this game.

9. augusta 2009, 18:15:38
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Universal Eyes: double roll do not happen very often, we know this, right ... there are only 6 opponent's checkers and they are not going to block their home section to make more troubles for you being on the bar since they will take advantage of the third twist and escape from the board right away they will have a chance ... if you get double you most likely will send to the bar my most advanced checker, possibly sitting in mu home section ... isn't it not like in Ludo just standing in front of home section and waiting with fear not to be hit ?
I think you will find ways around these rules governing doubles the same way you found them in regular backgammon ...

9. augusta 2009, 23:54:27
Pedro Martínez 
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
gammonrace, Herlock Sholmes: User Agreement, General Guidelines, Section 1:

"Each individual who plays on BrainKing is asked to use one, and only one, BrainKing account."

10. augusta 2009, 00:53:45
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
Pedro Martínez: for your knowledge: Few weeks ago I had some strange problems login in to my Herlock Sholmes account ... I created another account gammonrace and reported this fact immediately to Fencer ... I asked him to remove this new account if this is a problem. Fencer decided to leave it like it is ... he apparently had a confidence in me ... and I can assure you, Herlock Sholmes will never play a game with gammonrace ... but I can understand it may be a dangerous precedence ... any clue how to solve it ? I am open to anything ...

10. augusta 2009, 10:53:54
Subjekt: Re: "montecarlo" - new gammon proposal
gammonrace: The simplest way to solve it would be to no longer actually use the gammonrace account. I can understand your reasoning to create the gammonrace account - but I fail to understand why you still use it.

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