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Backgammon and variants.

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2. apríla 2019, 15:59:16
Subjekt: Double rolls..
A few years ago I was in a game of backgammon and I was up about 50Pip and all my pieces were in my home about to bear off, my opponent was behind too far. He ended up rolling 7 straight doubles to win. It seemed suspicious to me.. Have there been other players who have experienced this? All the doubles were 66 55 or 44

3. apríla 2019, 00:33:43
Subjekt: Re: Double rolls..
Nothingness: the quality of random numbers here has been discussed before, and there may be issues with them, or not.

However, rolling 7 doubles in a row has a chance of about 1:280000, meaning it is completely normal (and to be expected) that it happens once per 280000 tries.
If you consider that a Backgammon game has about 30 moves per side, and assume about 5000 games are played per year on Brainking, it should happen every other year.
So as annoying as it might be to lose that way, it is not necessarily a sign for something off - it should happen every other year.
Let's hope it doesn't hit you (or me) this year.

15. apríla 2019, 23:31:02
Subjekt: Re: Double rolls..
Zmenené užívateľom furbster (15. apríla 2019, 23:31:18)
Nothingness: i've won a live backgammon match like this twice in the past year in tourneys i've been too, nice when it happens.

16. apríla 2019, 23:02:12
Subjekt: Re: Double rolls..
Home of the one-sided games with one player having all the luck while the other gets the worse dice possible; that's Brainking :-)

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