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15. júna 2009, 06:56:55
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
playBunny: To renounce not only on atomic bombs, but atomic power as well..

A strong CPU is pointless in anyones home.

15. júna 2009, 08:35:21
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
gogul: I haven't a clue what you're talking about.

15. júna 2009, 09:08:14
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
playBunny: It's absolutely clear to me. We should not be eating the eggs of battery hens.

15. júna 2009, 17:51:26
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
pgt:I think it's the answer to a riddle my father used to ask:

If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, how far must a raindrop fall to split a shingle?

15. júna 2009, 19:53:28
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
alanback: The answer is clearly 4 kgs.

15. júna 2009, 20:32:04
Pedro Martínez 
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
grenv: I beg to differ. I have just used the online computing power capacity and the result it spat out was a gammon and a half.

15. júna 2009, 21:36:17
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
Pedro Martínez: Now that's the one that made me laugh!

But, in fairness to the others, maybe they paved the way.

16. júna 2009, 00:53:52
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
Pedro Martínez: I think we should leave gammon out of this in case the swine take offence.

16. júna 2009, 03:06:29
Subjekt: Re:How many dice rolls per second.
pgt:That's no way to talk about a fellow BKer!

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