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28. septembra 2009, 22:33:32 
Subjekt: New November Site Team Tournaments
Thanks for the suggestions & ideas - I was able to use a few, and put a few in my notepad for later use.

I create 4 new Site Team Tournaments for November... ALONG WITH A COUPLE OF CHALLENGES to all the Fellowships.

First is for Sphere Froglet - The first site team tournament had been completed with the fellowship Republic of Uganda as the winners. Can they repeat or will another fellowship step up and take the unofficial crown?

Second - Cheshire Cat Lines of Action. CAN WE GET 4 TEAMS - 16 players total?

On the active game list, out of the 128 games listed, Cheshire Cat Lines of Action is #127 with only 42 current games going.

I know it's hard to get teams for these less popular games, but lets see if we can scrap enough up to get at least 4 fellowships entered into this game which has never had a site team tournament before.

Also site tournaments for Breakthrough & Dark Battleboats has been created. Since these will start in November & the "holiday" season is getting close, all these tournaments are created with standard vacations.

Good Luck to all - and as always, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas about site team tournaments - please feel free to share them with me. (Private message is best since I can organize it better, but if you wanted to post it publicly here - that would be OK... but I might lose track of it easier.)

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