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25. mája 2003, 07:38:36 
Subjekt: Afford memberships
Well I know this was discussed many time before, with many different opinions (OK, just 2 opinions - 1. Everyone can afford membership and 2. Not everyone can afford membership) - and I have stayed out of it until now.

Anyway, I do know people who can not afford to pay for memberships. While I was still working as a network administartor (before being laid off in Sept 2001), we donated computers to a local "free net" - which then donated those computers to libraries and to low income families. They also offer free internet access to people who could not afford it also. Now if you don't have an income, and stay at home mom/dad - and you have to priorities between food and game site - I believe most would choose food. I'm sure EVERYONE could scrape up enough for a membership, but if you are already on a low income - that extra money you scraped up could be used other places other then a game site.

Anyway, the point is some people put their priorities of their family ahead of game playing. Could everyone possible find an extra $10-20? Sure, but if they are that bad off - unable to find a job - and sitting at home with kids and can't get out of the house - a free game site is a great way to just site down and relax to get away from things for awhile.


25. mája 2003, 08:29:37
cya peeps 
Subjekt: Re: Afford memberships
Good points all BBW.

25. mája 2003, 12:22:40
Subjekt: Re: Afford memberships
BBW thats very well put and something I was trying to explain myself when I objected to putting ALL unpaid members into one pot and labelling them as a bunch of "cheapskates" and "freeloaders".

Before this gets conveniently misinterpreted, I realise a parcentage of the pawns may indeed be out to get something for nothing, after all its offered to them. What the percentage is I dont know and dont care, as it would be irrevelent.

25. mája 2003, 13:25:18
Dmitri King 
Subjekt: Re: Afford memberships
BBW. I have to beat a dead horase here. I agree with you, somewhat-- there are indeedp eople in this country or maybe others who canot afford a membership, BUT, I donlt think thosep eople are messing around on a site like Brain King!

If they are, WHY? couldn't that time be spent working instead? There are jobs out there, people just don't want them.

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