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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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<< <   157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166   > >>
3. januára 2006, 23:22:20
Subjekt: Re: question

Groeneveld: I could start such a tournament but the probability that this tournament will attract 50 or even more players is quite small. Unless I would donate a couple of years of BK-memberships ;) The second reason, besides the one-year-membership, why the "Confucius"-tournament had so many participants was that Xiangqi was quite new on this site then.

So, if you want to have another great XQ-event you would have to donate something and you would have to wait a couple of months. Because at the moment the top players are waiting for the second round of the Confucius-tournament which is about to start soon. And most of the active XQ-players are involved in the Glenfiddich team tournament.

If you want to play a "normal" XQ-tournament there are always a couple of events where you can play all games including XQ:

2. januára 2006, 13:30:55
Subjekt: Re: question

thnxs ,but I hoped that someone actually start a new tournament,
it was not a question,more a remark

2. januára 2006, 11:19:14
Subjekt: Re: question
Groeneveld: if that person created the tournanment, then yes they can...

2. januára 2006, 11:11:21
Subjekt: Re: question

can someone who has a rook membership start a
CHinese Chess (Xianghi) tournament for let say 48 or 50 players (minimum)


2. januára 2006, 10:00:00
Subjekt: Re: question
Groeneveld: You must have Rook membership to create tournament.

2. januára 2006, 09:58:29
Subjekt: question

I had a question,

can anyone start a tournament,
and if so,what must I do to start one??


31. decembra 2005, 17:36:08
I agree, i think its ridiculous to create tourney more than 2 months in advance. who knows what they will be doing in 2 months time?

31. decembra 2005, 07:41:46
And they go beyond when that person's current membership ends, which should not be allowed, in my opinion..

31. decembra 2005, 00:36:44 
Subjekt: Re:
BG: yea, that person created TONS of tournaments that start WAY in advance, making the tournament list VERY long.

31. decembra 2005, 00:35:08

This starts in nine months time. Can that be right?

29. decembra 2005, 15:45:31

28. decembra 2005, 04:33:27
Mary Jo 
Subjekt: Re: CONGRATS Mary Jo
Eriisa: Thank you Eriisa! :)

27. decembra 2005, 17:24:59
Subjekt: CONGRATS Mary Jo

for winning Fast Small Backgammons #2 (Crowded Backgammon)

27. decembra 2005, 01:44:34
Subjekt: Tablut Tournaments
Two Tablut tournaments are coming up in a few days:
Tablut 1700+ created by Salkkuman for players with BKR 1700 and above (as the name suggests )
CTRL-ALT-TABlut created by Dundee and has no rating restrictions whatsoever.

24. decembra 2005, 20:06:45
Walter Montego 
Subjekt: Dark Chess Quarterly Tournament
Zmenené užívateľom Walter Montego (24. decembra 2005, 20:08:42)
Time to restart the quarterly tournaments.

Starts January 20th, 2006. Open to all

Two games switched colors. Good luck.
Yes, a link is good to add.

23. decembra 2005, 21:25:26 
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
BIG BAD WOLF: Plus this looks like it is doing it to many (maybe all) the multi-point gammon tournaments.

23. decembra 2005, 21:24:13 
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
arpa: OK, I see what it is doing now - but still believe it is wrong.

It is looking at how many games within each match which were won to calculate the S-B. So no matter if the game in the match is worth 1 point, or 5 points - that part does not effect the S-B.

So for the tournamnet you gave:

You actually won 3 games against JPS - So S-B calcualted as 3x3 (9)
You actually won 2 games against aledates - so S-B calculated as 2x2 (4)
You actually won 2 games against qusar - so S-B calculates as 2x0 (0)
You actually won 0 games against Nez - so 0x2 = 0
Total = 13

For JPS:

won 3 games against arpa = 3x3 = 9
won 4 games against aledates = 4x2 = 8
won 3 games against qusar = 3x0 = 0
won 5 games against nez. = 5x2 = 10

Total = 27

.... and so on.

Anyway, this is of course the wrong way to calculate the S-B, so you need to let Fencer know.

23. decembra 2005, 21:16:02 
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
arpa: I would go post it in the Bug Tracker if I was you - that calculated S-B makes no sense. The person who won no games even got an S-B, which normally should be 0.

23. decembra 2005, 21:10:50 
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
volant: S-B is an abbreviation for Sonneborn-Berger


Basicly if there is a tie in points, an S-B is created to see if it can break the tie.

23. decembra 2005, 21:04:24
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
BIG BAD WOLF: what is the S-B in tournaments?

23. decembra 2005, 20:54:52 
Subjekt: Re: S-B calculation
arpa: At first glance, no it is not. Looks like you should have won with a S-B of 5. (JPS only has 4)

With it being a multi-point tournament, looks like it is trying to calculate something differently.... but I can't figure out how.

23. decembra 2005, 20:46:05
Subjekt: S-B calculation
in this turney S-B calculation are it correct?

23. decembra 2005, 15:57:34
Subjekt: Re:
Thad: i concur

23. decembra 2005, 03:13:42
Subjekt: Re:
rod03801: "Fencer is working on an improved tournament system"


23. decembra 2005, 01:51:23
Subjekt: Re:
gringo: Fencer is working on an improved tournament system, and I believe what you ask is part of the improvements.

21. decembra 2005, 14:22:42
Well, I am sure this was asked a 1000 times before, but wouldn't it be nicer, if the next round of a tournament would start in the moment the winner of every section is unevidably clear (and not after the very last game of every section has finished)??

20. decembra 2005, 12:10:23
Subjekt: Starting soon:

18. decembra 2005, 17:01:39 
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournament
tmm43: That should be good enough - as long as you clearly note what the money is for, they should be able to place it towards the correct thing.

.... and by looking at the tournament, it says the payment is ready to go so it must have worked!

18. decembra 2005, 11:51:09
Subjekt: Re: Prize tournament

18. decembra 2005, 11:40:36
Subjekt: Prize tournament
I created a prize tourney for backgammon called "Backgammon Prize Tournament" to begin 01-01-06. I was not sure how to pay for it so I just went to my membership and renewed for 6 months with a note saying I wanted to pay for this tournament. Was that the correct way to pay? If not could someone please tell me what I am suppose to do. Thanks and hope to see everyone in the tournament. :-)

18. decembra 2005, 05:42:54
Now I fee a bit dumb, but I thought that Hasemi Shogi was another chess game! Now that I know what it really is, I've started a tourney so I can figure it out a bit more. Come and Join!

Hasami Shogi for who? Fast Fast Fast!

15. decembra 2005, 19:47:49
Subjekt: Fast Small Backgammon
What a quick tourney to play in?

Fast Small Backgammons #2

15. decembra 2005, 18:25:41 
Subjekt: Tournament for Dummies
The #12 for dummies tournament is ready for sign ups.

ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #12
  • For players rated 1500 or under
  • For unrated players
  • 5 days, 1 hour to move, standard days off
  • GREAT for someone learning a new game
  • GREAT for someone to play without being "killed" by experts
  • To start around January 15, 2006


    Good Luck to all!

  • 15. decembra 2005, 18:23:32 
    Subjekt: Re:
    lovelysharon: nope.

    For example, a two game per two playes with 8 players per section will actually start up to 14 games for a person - but the system only uses the 5 or 10 free spaces to allow users in. (So a pawn/knight could sneak in a few extra games over the limit if the want.) :-)

    15. decembra 2005, 18:20:32
    <it doesn't matter if it's 5 players per section or 8??>.

    15. decembra 2005, 18:17:46 
    Subjekt: Re: Tournament
    Retep: Like lovelysharon said:

  • If it is a two game match = 10 game spots needed
  • If it is a one game match = 5 game spots needed

    Does not matter it the sections are made to give you only 3 games, or 14 games - the system only looks for the 5 or 10 spots free, depending on the tournament type (one game per two players, or two games per two players)

  • 15. decembra 2005, 18:05:00
    it depends on how the tournament is set up... how many people are in each section.. if it's a two game match or one game..

    15. decembra 2005, 18:03:11
    Subjekt: Tournament
    Hi, another question: I was deleted from a tournament because I didn't have 10 free slots, now I've seen on another tourney "5 free slots needed"; was it changed or does it depend on the tournament? Many thanks :)

    15. decembra 2005, 15:49:21 
    Subjekt: Re: Create a tournament
    Hrqls: Well usually I thought whenever you posted a link, even if it has a language (like en) in it, it will still take the person to the correct area. Why PhatPlaya's link below was not doing that I'm not sure.....

    15. decembra 2005, 11:45:50
    Subjekt: Re: Create a tournament
    BIG BAD WOLF: nice! thanks! so i just skip the main url and the language flag

    funny .. your link shows the 'en' flag but it takes me to the 'nl' part :)
    (i know, you didnt change the text, just the url :))

    14. decembra 2005, 23:09:51 
    Subjekt: Re: Create a tournament

    <*A HREF=Tournaments?trg=12533&trnst=0*>

    t the *'s above - will take you to (English user):

    14. decembra 2005, 20:42:32
    Subjekt: Re: Create a tournament
    BIG BAD WOLF: (offramp: how do you make a language independend link?)

    14. decembra 2005, 20:08:11 
    Subjekt: Re: Create a tournament
    Retep: Only rooks can create tournaments.

    Here is a table which list out the differences between pawn/knight/rook (a little out of date, but pretty good)

    14. decembra 2005, 20:06:24
    Subjekt: Create a tournament
    <Under "Help->Tournaments" is the link "how to create" empty, could anyone tell me if a rank 2 membership (Knight) can create a tournament or do I need to be 3(Rook) for this?

    14. decembra 2005, 03:15:18 
    I fixed the link - should work for any language without changing anything. :-)

    14. decembra 2005, 03:09:13
    Subjekt: Re: Shogi tournament, we need more players
    PhatPlaya: It changed mine too, I just got out of Brain King then went back and it was all better.

    14. decembra 2005, 01:37:04
    Your link changes my language settings???

    13. decembra 2005, 02:27:03
    PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
    Subjekt: Shogi tournament, we need more players
    Zmenené užívateľom PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 (14. decembra 2005, 03:14:50)
    Nobunaga's Shogi Revenge
    It is time to protect your Han (藩, fiefdom). You are the daimyo (大名, feudal lord) commanding the troops. Put on your armour and your battle helmet. Sharpen your katana (刀, sword). Unfurl you clan banners and fight!

    10. decembra 2005, 16:26:09
    Subjekt: Re: team players
    Thad: a team can change players between rounds so that they can play in a new tournament with the new players, however, the original players must finish the original tournament that they were signed up for

    10. decembra 2005, 15:36:37

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