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 Opinion polls

This board is for:
  • Discussion of current or past polls
  • Suggestions for future polls

  • Check out current Polls: Polls

    Počet správ na stránke:
    Zoznam diskusných klubov
    Nie je vám dovolené písať správy do tohto klubu. Minimálna úroveň členstva vyžadovaná na písanie v tomto klube je Brain jazdec.
    Mód: Každý môže písať
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    25. mája 2008, 21:16:11
    Dark Vamp 
    Subjekt: Can anyone plz help me?
    I created a poll for my f/s but the votes will not register.. Any help would be much appreciated

    26. mája 2008, 04:20:57
    Subjekt: Re: Can anyone plz help me?
    Dark Vamp: Steps to setting up a poll.

    Name - this is actually the question you want to ask.
    Description - this text box actually gives you a chance to be a bit more specific and helps the one voting understand more of what you are asking.
    Voting type - select either voter votes on one or one or more answers.
    Deadline - chose a date if the date defaulted is not to your liking.
    Create - this will create the 1st part of the poll, mainly the question.
    this new page shows you the question in a box. Under that first section you will see:
    Add answer option and a text box. This is where you place the first answer choice in the list of answers. Then push Submit it adds it to the upper section under your question. You continue typing in your answers one at a time and then click submit after each one. When you are finished right click on the little box with the Release the Poll button to the right. Then click on the Release the Poll button to post it to your fellowship.

    26. mája 2008, 07:51:16
    Dark Vamp 
    Subjekt: Re: Can anyone plz help me?
    ScarletRose: Thank You hon

    27. mája 2008, 03:02:46
    Subjekt: Re: Can anyone plz help me?
    Dark Vamp:  Not a prob

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