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9. January 2009, 17:46:57
Subject: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
but?????......he didnt have any bad weapons.....that was a figment of G Dubya imagination wasn't it.....or did he manage to hide them for a later date? If so I wonder if he told anybody where he hid them....bit late now tho isnt it ROFL........

9. January 2009, 19:26:31
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: Well he did use quite a few against the Iranians, though that wasn't exactly punished as Iran was the 'enemy' at the time and Saddam was being used as a 'weapon' against the Iranians by certain western governments.

And I think after the Kuwait business Saddam knew he had to tow the line re WMD's.. or else.

9. January 2009, 22:31:32
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: bit late now tho isnt it ROFL........

Hahahah thats the great thing about it all.... next time we tell some idiot to show us some proof he has destroyed all his weapons or he will face "serious consequence" (thats the UNs words) they will know that if they dont they could end up dead!!!

People talk about the costs of the war etc, but you cannot discount the value we get from future actions we will not have to pursue because of the example we made by calling the bluff of Saddam!!!

9. January 2009, 22:34:49
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: your president made an ass of himself in front of the whole world, and it is something that will be laughed at, chaffed at, and giggled over for many a year to come :)

10. January 2009, 17:25:08
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: your president made an ass of himself in front of the whole world, and it is something that will be laughed at, chaffed at, and giggled over for many a year to come :)

People have laughed and scoffed at most of the great people this world has ever seen .... its what idiots with no imagination and insight do, it is unfortunate that you will be long ago dead when the majority realizes the benefits from what GW has done for the world.

10. January 2009, 17:46:22
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: name 10

10. January 2009, 22:17:07
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.

10. January 2009, 22:31:11
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: 10 over 2 terms...should be easy for him to do...ALTHO,I ALSO asked him to do this..last month,I believe and he conviently ignored my post requesting it....I'm sure he will start with the death of Saddam and follow that by liberating Iraq...

10. January 2009, 22:41:39
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
anastasia: but he didn't do that on his own...G Dubya I mean, he had UK, Aus, and many other countries in there giving there expertise and assistance.

G Dubya was/is a warmonger and his father before him. I want to know what he has done for the "peoples" of the world...not the USA

10. January 2009, 22:49:34
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: oh,I agree!!

10. January 2009, 23:04:28
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Bernice: He is not the president of the world, and its not his duty to do anything for the world, but since the US is one of the strongest countries in the world we end up doing more for other countries than any other country ever!

The world benefits in so many ways because of what the US does,

10. January 2009, 23:23:02
Czuch: are you serious? THIS is your list of a GREAT LEADER???? Pretty bad when you have to list his not haing an affair (that you know of,lets be fair here) as one of his GREAT feats as a President.
$587,014,855,847 cost of the war so far....how does number 8 figure into that
Reply (box)Czuch:

10. January 2009, 22:59:18
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons

1) No terrorist attacks since 9/11 on US soil
2) No Saddam to worry about
3) A democratic Iraq
4) Freedom for Iraqi people
5) More stability in the middle east
6) Democracy in other middle east countries
7) Fewer people/countries messing with the US
8) Less time money energy spent on military events
9) More time money energy spent on other things other than worrying about and dealing with idiots around the world
10) Done more for Africa than any other president ever.
11) Didnt have an affair with an intern

Its kind of difficult to quantify some of the benefits.... IE we can never know what kind of issues we would have had to deal with down the road if saddam was not taken out, its likely there would have been many, but we can never know now because he is gone... anyway, we really wont know exactly all the good taking saddam out did, and the full effects wont be realized for many decades, one thing is for sure though, liberals wont be getting any of the credit, it was all done in spite of them and with them getting in the way at every turn.

10. January 2009, 23:06:47
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: are you serious? THIS is your list of a GREAT LEADER???? Pretty bad when you have to list his not haing an affair (that you know of,lets be fair here) as one of his GREAT feats as a President.
$587,014,855,847 cost of the war so far....how does number 8 figure into that

11. January 2009, 00:44:21
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
anastasia: Who said anything about a great leader?

Anyway, that is the cost for this war, yes.... the point that you refuse to comprehend is what the cost of doing nothing would have been? My opinion is that the cost in life money and time would have been 100 times or more the cost we have spent right now!

Its funny you seem to understand the concept when it comes to something like global warming, where I am sure you would advocate to spend whatever money it takes right now and you would argue that it is nothing compared to the cost of not doing anything right now, right?

Its the same thing with Iraq, its impossible to figure the cost we would have paid by not doing anything, but I gaurantee you it would be a heck of a lot more than the figure you are complaining about right now!

11. January 2009, 18:51:53
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: No terrorist attacks... so those internal ones don't count?

He didn't kill Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Under their law, and quite a mess by the video.
A democratic Iraq..... Only partially, as it's not a stable area, with even police supplying arms to enemy combatants.
Freedom.... Not yet, the war isn't over and the fear of being killed is still so much present just like under Saddam.
More stability..... .... He opened up a can of worms, and made Iraq a central point for anti western types to goto.
Fewer people messing with the USA.... Not really, If you look at it logically through the resources committed to Iraq the USA is in a weaker position to defend itself against a powerful country, or of a group of countries.
More of a national debt you mean!!
Well then, the other presidents can't of done much, as it's not exactly been in the news much what he's done for Africa.
... He went on holiday alot at the expense of the American people.

11. January 2009, 21:20:20
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
(V): Well I was talking about what benefits we will have realized because of Bush 20 or 30 years from now, looking back on this.... If by then Iraq is a stable, democratic, model for other middle eastern countries, and an ally of the US, well it will all be because of Bush and Bush presidency will have been considered largely a success!

11. January 2009, 23:44:14
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: If.... yes the word is If......... And forgive me for stating some of the obvious, but would Bush have gone in if it wasn't for his support from our UK Gov? And 'If' Iraq is stable, it'll be noted that Bush had no plan for the aftermath of the invasion and that many ripped off the American tax payer through charging over the odds.

It'll be noted that the presidents after cleaned up the mess.

12. January 2009, 01:04:26
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
(V): Oh okay.... all Bushs fault but not all the glory? hehehe well for sure its not all about Bush, of course you all were great allies among others, and any credit for any success there will obviously be spread about, but this is inevitably going to be Bushs blunder or good achievement, either way!

I really never understood what we all were thinking by not completely shutting down the Iraqi boarders after the initial fall? If not for the foreign insurgency coming in, I think we would have been gone long ago!

10. January 2009, 22:24:10
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: I doubt it I'll be dead when certain records become unsealed.... But certain records are being kept locked are they not?

As for the benefits.... A short list would be good.

10. January 2009, 22:39:07
Subject: Re: Saddam.... dont kill anymore of your own people and dont make anymore bad weapons
Czuch: I also am not interested in what he has done for the "tax reliefs" for the peoples of USA, or similar....we are talking "the world"

11. January 2009, 01:07:29
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
Artful Dodger: I asked for 10.she asked for...6 I think?? 5 more for her,9 for me

11. January 2009, 01:19:32
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
Artful Dodger: I have never denied anything good the man has done tho Art.It's just a shame,seriuosly,that what he has screwed up seems to far outweight the good that he has done.

11. January 2009, 01:30:18
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
anastasia: And again I ask... give me a list of 10 for any president you want???

11. January 2009, 01:32:50
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
anastasia: How about a list of 10 things Bush has done to screw up the world?

11. January 2009, 01:47:56
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
anastasia: Taking quite awhile for the list of 10 Bush did to screw up the world? Should be easy right?

11. January 2009, 02:32:46
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
Czuch: sorry to take so long to get back to you Chuck...but I have a life outside of this board,Love :)
A few off the top of my head...The economy...His handling of Hurricane Katrina....His dealing with Russia....his dealing with Iraq.....his failure to capture Bin Laden......the unemployment rate.....

11. January 2009, 02:37:01
Subject: Re: Im not going to be as demanding as Anastasia LOL....name me 1/2 dozen benefits from what G Dubya has done for the world.
Artful Dodger: i agree, but some also would mention Hurricane Katrina.. and no doubt there was failure, but mayor nagin and his first responders were a disgrace.. a third of the police force deserted?? that's criminal and Governor Blanco??? my lord.. what a failure. funny how New Orleans preventive strategy has always been .."please don't let a hurricane hit here" there i got my shots in on that debacle.. but of course blame bush

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