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9. August 2009, 12:11:55
Subject: Re: China and change anyway
Czuch: Corporations like Deutsche Bank (sponsor of the Berlin philharmonica) and Siemens. Very fortune, above the law, without respect for ALL marcets, whose taxcontributions circulate in a loop within some elites. The Germans are told that there is no money around anymore, and to be a good German, you need to pay your taxes. Again money that finds the way in the loops of the elites. Germans work for their elites, all the money they pay in form of taxes and fees serves to entertain the elites. As tourist you see lovely fassades everywhere in the rich areas of Europe, the ones promoted by the tourist industry. These fassades have been restorated lately, all in new glitter. These nice fassades represent the fake to all who struggle without reasonable reasons. The elites fail horribly, and their promises were not even ment to be honest. I can count a lot of things of which I know that the industry got able to produce under much cheaper conditions as 10, even 5 years ago. Do we profitate of this? Not a bit. 90% of the wealth floats in he pockets of few, for their entertainment, because it's their caracter to manipulate, to abuse, to have power over people. Our history is full of it. The power of the cities in Europe, it's a story of the abuse of those who feed the cities. Welcome in the nice middleage cities!

9. August 2009, 17:53:54
Subject: Re: China and change anyway
gogul: ... and to think that the political powers in the US right now want nothing more than to emulate Europe and its socialists structures, and all the news we hear tells us how happy everyone in social land are, and how the rest of the world hates us capitalists, and if we just joined you all in your happy socialism, the world will suddenly be a better place to live.

I dont buy this crap, but most people do

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