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12. January 2022, 01:41:25
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: awww, I bet that was fun. Sounds yummy too!

11. January 2022, 00:57:45
Subject: Re:
Modified by MelissaMarie (11. January 2022, 00:58:20)
Tuesday: I made a pot roast.

22. February 2021, 07:42:52
Subject: Re:
Carnie: thanks for the good laugh :)

21. February 2021, 20:27:28
Subject: Re:
Carnie: I know what mountan oysters are and there would be no way I would take that away from any male hahahahahahaha
human or animal

20. February 2021, 20:32:54
Subject: Re:
Carnie: I can understand them not liking that.....but it is interesting to see what other poeple eat LOL

20. February 2021, 06:36:12
Subject: Re:
Carnie: I also have apple sauce with pork, but how it was described below sounded yuk, but with cnnamon and sugar sound alright...and we also have granny smith apples in Australia...thanks

19. February 2021, 23:36:20
the cooked fried apples put me off....never heard of that before.

19. February 2021, 19:55:49
Subject: Re:
Carnie: oh yeahhhh

18. February 2021, 20:45:49
Subject: Re:
Carnie: sounds awesome

1. October 2020, 04:21:36
Subject: Re:

1. October 2020, 00:15:57
Subject: Re:
MelissaMarie: thank you so yum yum yum....

30. September 2020, 20:55:59
Watch "5 Nifty Tricks With Bread Dough That You've Definitely Never Had Before" on YouTube

25. June 2019, 23:38:00
Subject: quick and easy dinner recipe and idea
Hot Sausage or Mild Sausage
Jar of Spaghetti Sauce
Peppers and Onions

all mixed together is actually a really good dinner idea and similar to johnny marzetti if anyone has ever had that

7. May 2019, 18:19:22
Subject: Re: and...
ketchuplover: I like Heinz tomato ketchup but not over sweet things.

7. May 2019, 15:23:02
Subject: and...
mass quantity of ketchup :)

29. January 2017, 22:31:16
Subject: Re: Disaster
Mélusine: Gosh those pictures were awful.

29. January 2017, 20:04:56
Subject: Disaster

The title " Les hommes aux fourneaux… Un véritable désastre ! " means :
" Men in kitchen... A real disaster ! "
The photo with the pasta is terrible !

29. January 2017, 10:59:12
Subject: Re: Does anyone have a recipe for....

Seek and ye shall find Merci beaucoup

29. January 2017, 04:34:05
Subject: Re: Does anyone have a recipe for....
ketchuplover: hahahaha you have been "touched" hehehehehe
that is too shayed, but dont have the thingy to go over the whats-it.

28. January 2017, 01:40:23
Subject: Does anyone have a recipe for....

27. January 2017, 21:31:13
Subject: Re:
universe: I only used MEYER lemons and was so pleased you and my other friend I sent marmarlade to enjoyed it :)

27. January 2017, 01:58:03
Subject: Re:
Bernice: What you sent me was unbelievable. It was so different from what we have available in America. I seem to remember you used lemon also or used lemon instead of oranges?

26. January 2017, 18:23:13
Subject: Re:
Marshmud: Do you know...I lost the recipe :(...and havent made any for about 3 years. was talking just yesterday about my marmarlade :(

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