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24. April 2006, 22:27:56
Subject: Re: is this happening to anyone else?
Modified by ellieoop (24. April 2006, 22:28:36)
thx. to both of you.
used to be that you could change weekend days off weekly. i changed them when i had surgery and i wanted to put them back, i can wait.
yes, i was able to unclick 2 vacation days that i had thought i might need, that was good.

24. April 2006, 22:22:59 
Subject: Re: is this happening to anyone else?
ellieoop: Only the weekend days (normally Saturday & Sunday) can be changed every 30 days - I think you can change your vacation days around whenever.... well as long as the date has not passed.

For the smileys, In Settings, JavaScript page - change "Activate interactive smiley window:" from "on mouse over" TO: "on mouse click" That way you can click on the smiley for it to come up, rather then accedently pass your mouse over the list where they all come up, and sometimes have to click to make them go away.

24. April 2006, 22:20:33
Subject: Re: is this happening to anyone else?
ellieoop: Yes...happened to me all the time. I actually sent someone a potato and a black heart once.

If you go under settings then tab to java script, you can set the smileys so they only show up if you click on them.

24. April 2006, 22:15:40
Subject: is this happening to anyone else?
when i write a msg. on my game, lots of times a whole page of smileys show, and i have to click to lose it, and sometimes i must click one cause i get the smiley or stinky#, good think i see it in time. LOL..

i also noticed in trying to change my days off, it now says it can only be done once a month:( is that a new feature?

24. April 2006, 21:21:02
Subject: Re:
Modified by Ladybird68 (24. April 2006, 21:21:58)

24. April 2006, 10:31:51
Subject: Re:
رضا: Forget it. It will be fixed very soon.

24. April 2006, 10:31:11
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Ahh, you mean if I add a dollar sign to my name, people cannot see my moves? Very interesting!

24. April 2006, 10:20:41
Subject: Re:
pauloaguia: There seems to be an issue with dollar signs in Java regular expression engine. I'll find some workaround. Or forbid to create user names with dollar signs.

24. April 2006, 10:18:59
Subject: Re:
pauloaguia: Yeah, I can see just the last screen too. cannot go back and view the moves. And it's the same in all the finished games of $ONE$.

24. April 2006, 10:16:01
Subject: Re:
رضا: I can't see them either. Only the (current?) board position, can't scroll through past moves. Maybe post a bug?

24. April 2006, 10:09:12
Does anyone know why I cannot see the moves in this game?

24. April 2006, 07:29:34
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
baddessi: Yes of course ,sorry.

24. April 2006, 05:40:51
Subject: Re:
Rose: Thank you for the message, I think that is good for everyone to know! :-)

24. April 2006, 03:53:37
Subject: Re:
rednaz23: When you see a red one and there is no post it means someone who has been hidden has posted. Only the mods can read their posts.

24. April 2006, 03:52:32
OK... I just looked at this board... and I clicked back on discussion boards, and it said 1 new message. I click back on and there is nothing new! What is going on with the boards?! I think I may just give up with the boards... I am interested in what people have to say, but not when it is such a hassle with everything that has been going on and now invisible posts... I don't get it...

24. April 2006, 03:47:06
Subject: Flame game?
It strikes me that whoever you are having a problem with is playing a game (see Flame Wars under google) and wins accrding how long he/she manages to tie up the site and how long he'she remains a center of attention. Which has been quite while.

24. April 2006, 00:22:26
Pedro is right- keep the board on topic please. WatfordFC, GC is a better choice for chat. Thanks

24. April 2006, 00:19:20
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re:
Modified by Pedro Martínez (24. April 2006, 00:23:47)
WatfordFC: Why don't you send her a PM if you want to know this? I want to come to this board ONLY when somebody posts something important about BrainKing, NOT everytime anybody feels a need to chat, "make friends" et cetera.

24. April 2006, 00:08:30
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re:
SafariGal: Where are you from ?

23. April 2006, 23:38:17
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: ok, you asked a relevent question and now I think I can answer you. Sorry you had to wait.

I was following the conversation earlier and it seemed ok. People had questions, they got answers.

Then I made the mistake of going to have a bite to eat without logging off.
OH Whoops!

Bry noticed in my absence (altho it appeared I was online) that the conversation had taken a different course and stepped in.
I don't feel like he was stepping on my toes, I feel like he was watching out for the board.
I have no problem with that. It's what he's supposed to do.
I'm answering this because it is good to show the roles that board moderators and globals play here for new users and pawns to see, but the rest of us know all about this, so I would like this conversation to end now, please, and leave the board for more relevent posts.

23. April 2006, 23:32:41
inflamatory posts have been removed. Please keep this board on topic

23. April 2006, 23:31:22
Subject: Enough!
I have been real busy trying to keep this quiet and send PM's to parties involved, but I can not keep up with all of you so please end this right now.

New users and pawns, please read the user agreement.

No baiting or flaming of other players is allowed.
This board is intended for relevent posts about Brainking, it's structure, it's features and future

Chat is directed to the General Chat board...
The user agreement applies on ALL public boards on brainking.

23. April 2006, 23:29:42
Pedro Martínez 
Please take it elsewhere.

23. April 2006, 23:26:12
Subject: Re:
baddessi: It wasnt meant as a bait towards you. I was only pointing out to Bry that both harley and yourself were monitoring the board, and it is your right as the moderators to run it the way you choose. If you do not think a subject is off topic then it is not his place to say anything, unless he thinks that you are not doing your job correctly by allowing the conversation to continue! So, he either overstepped his boundries as a global moderator or he thinks that you were not performing your duties well enough and had to step in to help you, its one or the other! But I can see that you have stepped in line, I am just curious why you waited for someone else to do it for you?

23. April 2006, 23:20:45
Subject: Re:
Modified by SafariGal (23. April 2006, 23:23:38)
baddessi: I am very new to this site and only playing a few games but already i see people acting childish and trying to antagonize not only me but what looks like other prominent long term members too. This is rather embarassing for them and I hope they realize how they are perceived in the eyes of others.
*shakes head at the shame they must feel*

23. April 2006, 23:08:23
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Czuck, since you brought my name into it here, I will point out on here rather than in PM that your post could be understood as a bait towards me.
Is it not you who made that suggestion? Not Bry.
I agree with Bry.
What started as a conversation about what happened on the board has been addressed, and now it seems to be moving into a more 'chatty' manner... more appropriate for GC. Please take it there and keep this board as it is intended to be "about Brainking, it's structures, features and future"

23. April 2006, 23:03:38
Subject: Re:
Bry: How is talking about members being effected by filthy posts on a public discussion board off topic?

Arent you overstepping your boundries, since individual board moderators are allowed to run their boards how they please, and it looks to me like they are watching this board right now? Or is Baddessi in line for a spanking from the globs for not doing her job correctly?

23. April 2006, 22:49:00
Wow... filth can be found everywhere you look, if someone finds something offensive on BK and are not seeing it anywhere else... then I must be crazy.

Now... oh, thanks Bry, as I wanted to say that this is a pointless topic, Bry pointed it out...

Thank You!

23. April 2006, 22:42:03

And this Board is not the board.

Please, can we cease this conversation, take private or to General Chat.


23. April 2006, 22:34:08
Subject: Re:
SafariGal: Just to clarify, for yourself and anyone else wondering what happened....he referred to another player on the site using the 'f' word and another word for rectum.
He was well out of order, but the situation was handled very well....end of story :o)

23. April 2006, 22:31:07
Subject: Re:
SafariGal: I can only send you what he sent to me and others in PMs.... maybe we need to have PMs eliminated as well? What if I had been a youth who received such a filthy private message???

23. April 2006, 22:29:45
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: It's part of real life too! A young innocent person could walk past some graffitti on a wall near where they live saying exactly the same thing!

It was handled very well, promptly & efficiently....end of subject, in my opinion

Get on with life :o)

23. April 2006, 22:28:51
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: are you suggesting that one person would not get to see this elsewhere on the internet? All I am trying to say is, lets not blow it out of proportion !!

btw I never saw the posts so I can only speculate. If you care to send me a copy I can at least make better judgement

23. April 2006, 22:28:29
are you suggesting that one person would not get to see this elsewhere on the internet? All I am trying to say is, lets not blow it out of proportion !!

btw I never saw the posts so I can only speculate. If you care to send me a copy I can at least make better judgement

23. April 2006, 22:26:21
Subject: Re:
SafariGal: He infected many public boards with his filth, and all it takes is for one innocent young person to be effected for it to be a bad thing....

23. April 2006, 22:23:56
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: there will ALWAYS be inappropriate stuff on the internet. I hope you are not going overboard in trying to describe the importance of one rogue poster on an indiscriminant little board such as this. Cmon now, lets not exagerate. People will start to think you are bi polar or something

23. April 2006, 22:17:07
Subject: Re:
SafariGal: Well, there are plenty of mighty people here who disagree with you.... This is a family site, and protecting the youth and the most sensitive of our membership is one of the top priorities! However, I believe this is a lofty goal, and can only be obtained by completely eliminating all public boards. Otherwise, we end up with what happened recently, where inappropriate material was on these boards allowing for the corruption of our youth and sensitive adult members!

23. April 2006, 21:44:29
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: robbing youth of their innocence? How can anything, no matter what, be really that bad on a tiny little message board such as this when we are exposed to beheadings and all other forms of cruelty in this world. All these boards are is just a bunch of harmless fun. Some men obviously go overboard to make up for small appendages , granted, but who cares, the joke is on them.

23. April 2006, 20:01:20
Subject: Re: waste of time
conxhans: that does seems strange that they can still invite you to a tournament, but you can always decline, and go to the tournaments link and choose the ones you want.

All in all, it's a fun site, and I love to see new users come here and learn the site and play.
To me, it's the most 'user friendly' site I've ever seen and for the most part, the friendliess,most helpful people I've come across at a game site.
Have fun and enjoy it : )))

23. April 2006, 19:53:24
Subject: Re:
rod03801: thanks .i didn`t think so. not posting to much .its hard to figure out exactly the purpose of this category. i guess whatever you wish to yak about.but its all disjointed . well i guess you have topost more regularly than i do ,to know whats going on. anyway thanks for the tip mook53lhd regards to nirvana,playbunny,1peter,+ et al wh have all been helpful at 1 time or another

23. April 2006, 19:46:14
Subject: Re: waste of time
baddessi: another thing is that blocked users stil can send you invites for tourneys, should not be possible as well. at least, if I read the text right :-))
The idea is a cute site, I just wanna play, I honestly don't have to win, oh, I'll try, but if not, no problem, whatsoever :-))



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23. April 2006, 19:38:17
Subject: Re:

23. April 2006, 19:34:36
Subject: Re:
mook53lhd: Just so that people don't get the wrong impression from the other answer you got, the poster was shut off within 15 minutes. The boards were pretty much cleaned up within another 15/20 minutes. It is pretty doubtful that the youth of the world were all converging upon these particular boards at that particular time.
There really is no need for getting rid of the discussion boards. Don't worry.

23. April 2006, 19:26:18
Subject: Re: waste of time
CRY ME A RIVER: oh very good. Yes, you can look for tourneys with time control and also those with 'no days off'

23. April 2006, 19:23:44
Subject: Re: waste of time
baddessi: Also time control.Which i just found out.Playing a game with a long time player on this site.If this method was used in a tournament,there would be alot of time outs,and alot of very unhappy players

23. April 2006, 19:19:00
Subject: Re: waste of time
conxhans: thanks- very good point.
People should pay attention to the amount of times per move and also to check and see if an opponent is using 'auto-vacation' which can hold up games for a very long time as well.

23. April 2006, 19:12:32
Subject: Re: waste of time

sorry, i had used the name of the player involved. But important is that you get the message, if you want to play reasonably fast, just accept games for 1, 2 or 3 days maximum per move ....

23. April 2006, 19:05:23
Subject: Re:
mook53lhd: There was a lot deleted, but since it took so long to delete many of the offensive posts, many of our younger members and the sensitive adults have already been exposed and there is no turning back the clock from this type of mind numbing exposure, robing our youth of their innocence....

23. April 2006, 18:34:44
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: waste of time
conxhans: 5 days is OK. There are some who take 14 days to move in 7-day-per-move games.

23. April 2006, 18:27:45
Subject: waste of time
Modified by conxhans (23. April 2006, 18:48:25)
some players are a complete waste of time according to me. on my blocked users list. for a move in a game of ludo, she takes 5o days. one of us doesnt come from this planet, and it isnt me. So NEW USERS, be aware of the time-limits before accepting games.

best regards, and loads of nice games on brainking.

Hans, from benidorm.

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