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Profil: Kiwiyeti

Kiwiyeti (Andrew Blackwood) - Brain veža, 504 Mozgov, 1410 úspěchových bodů
Celkové skóre: 6426 výhier, 181 remíz, 12891 prehier, 241 vyhratých turnajov

Diskusné kluby
Zeď (2)
Najnovší príspevok hráča Kiwiyeti (verejné diskusné kluby):
24. júla 2010, 13:33:33
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy:
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Príspevky hráča Kiwiyeti vo verejných diskusných kluboch:

Všeobecná diskusia o
  • - 6 príspevkov - Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future. (moderuje Hrqls,, rod03801)

  •  Feature requests - 6 príspevkov - Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
    If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

    For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : (moderuje rod03801)

  •  Tournaments - 1 príspevok - Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE (moderuje MadMonkey)

  •  General Chat - 1 príspevok - Board for any kind of discussion (within reason). Please no rude words. (moderuje MadMonkey, Jason)

  •  Music - 1 príspevok - The place to review or just chat about all Music & Videos. (moderuje MadMonkey)

  •  Jokes - 4 príspevky - A place to share jokes, funny stories, and to just laugh in general :-) (moderuje Purple, ScarletRose)

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