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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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Mód: Každý môže písať
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16. januára 2005, 11:09:29
Subjekt: Re:
Zmenené užívateľom Mely (16. januára 2005, 11:29:22)
This is an easy strategy:
1. you beat with the tricky 590 the normal high bets
2. in the next round, it seems not usefull again, to overbet 590
so you can hope, that all get low
3. the tricky player gives in the next move 150 and get the next bonus.
(590-500+150-500= -260)

and two rounds no risk, to fall in the pond...

sometime this works.

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