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A place to share jokes, funny stories, and to just laugh in general :-)

Please remember this board can be (and is) accessed by children.
All jokes should be family friendly.
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21. februára 2007, 13:28:30
Adaptable Ali 
One Chinese person walks into a bar in America late one night and he saw
Steven Spielberg.

As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for
his autograph. Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says, "You
Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get outta here.

The astonished Chinese man replied, "It was not the Chinese who bombed
your Pearl Harbor, it was the Japanese". "Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese,
you're all the same," replied Spielberg. In return, the Chinese gives Spielberg a slap and says, "You sank the
Titanic, my forefathers were on that ship. "

Shocked, Spielberg replies, "It was the iceberg that sank the ship, not

The Chinese replies, "Iceberg, Spielberg, Carlsberg, you're all the

This particular joke won an award for the best joke in a competition
organized in Britain.

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