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14. júna 2006, 04:06:35
Subjekt: Rankings issue
I notice that some top players are avoiding players of high caliber. for example the top players in Espionage are afraid to play top players in fear of losing their top rankign and points. perhaps we should implement a rule stating that you need to play a top ranked player to remain in the rankings. and they only have to play a game every month against a really bad opponent to stay on top.. im 200 pts behind 1st but will never catch 1st place even though im in 2nd. if i lose 1 game out of 50 i lose pts b/c my games are only worth 1-2pts but my loses are -70 or more, where the top player never has to play, anyone who is threatening. Any solutions?

14. júna 2006, 04:11:31
Subjekt: Re: Rankings issue
Nothingness: Not really I don't think you can force people to play.

14. júna 2006, 04:43:05
Subjekt: Re: Rankings issue
Nothingness: Also annoying are Horde Chess players who studiously avoid playing Black. It's hard to know what their high rankings signify, if they result from having played White 95% of the time.

14. júna 2006, 17:18:54
Walter Montego 
Subjekt: Re: Rankings issue
Zmenené užívateľom Walter Montego (14. júna 2006, 20:21:42)
Nothingness: Maybe you should take up a new game? In Dark Chess, I and most of the top players play each other regularly and also enter many tournaments. I also play just about anyone that moves regularly.

I do not understand people that become so worked about their rating that they'll deny themselves the chance to play a good opponent. A lot of times a well played game that results in a loss is more fun than pasting a patsy without trying very hard. When it comes to Dark Chess, I don't even worry about my opponent's rating. Good players are challenging and new players like playing me. Dark Chess has one advantage over regular Chess, even a beginner can beat an experienced player. It ain't likely, but it does happen.

I think that the rating system should reflect the way the game is played. The rating system used on this site for Backgammon is not fair to people that worry about their rating. It seems OK for Dark Chess. I don't know about regular Chess as I don't play that game.

Games that favor one side over the other (As is Horde Chess)should have a requirement that two games be played, one from each side. The games could be attached to each other so they'd both have to be played and a player couldn't resign the disadvantaged side before making two moves and having the game not count in his ratings.

14. júna 2006, 21:52:30
Subjekt: rankigns and more ideas.
Walter Montego:  Actually people are refusing to play me b/c i am the best player in the espionage series currently on brainking... You are just proving my point for me, and i am in total agreement with you. Dark chess is a bad example though... its somewhat even no matter which side you play, black or white. As for Horde chess yes they should have a 2 game requirement. What solutions do you have for players who avoid good competition? Like i had mentioned earlier, you could have players face off against top players every few months. To avoid hording the top spots, you should have to play someone in the top 10 at least once every 6 months, instead of just having to play "anyone".Or have a certain amount of games compted in a certain time frame. Brainkings ratings system is very good and i love it compared to IYTs broken ratings system (ladders). It is very accurate.

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