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20. mája 2009, 15:48:31
Herlock Sholmes 
Subjekt: Re: Massacre Chess
AbigailII: My dear Abigaill, what I would possibly do without your analytical insight ? No joking, I am serious ... of course, you are right that eliminating all the pieces is impossible ... but, like in peg-solitaire rules state that the game is won ...(now listen) by eliminating all the pieces from the board ... and nobody ever argued that it's impossible since one of the stone will stay on board ... it's jus a matter of popular understanding what we have in mind ...
Rules for Massacre Chess posted by Fencer state that:
"The player, who lost all pieces, loses the game as well. " And again, the only player who can loose all the pieces is white player ... do we need to modify this last senstence to make it more clearer for the reader ? Possibly ....
And "think twice" is nothing less than saying "think before you move" ...
Now about the speed of the game ... you can look at this issue from many different perspectives ... if I seat in front of you and we have a chess board with only 32 moves (the most) it's for me a fast game ... if we want to play regular chess we can go easily beyond 32 moves and this is for me a long game ... now, at this site we can make every game a long game by playing our moves every 2 weeks (taking vacations etc) ... so, this is a matter of how we define the length of the game ...
But, thanks for your remarks. They are contributing to better understanding of our games ... and no game is perfect and cannot be improved ...

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