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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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25. augusta 2003, 00:06:14
Its to do with how many games your opponents have won and lost, Gubbe.

If the person you lost to has lost to 3 other people, then your points will be less than a person who has also lost to one other person.... but the person they lost to only lost to 1 other person.

Sorry, its complicate dand difficult to explain! Hopefully BBW will have better luck!!

25. augusta 2003, 00:09:17 
OK, here is how it works:

Each person gets 1 point for a win, 1/2 point for a tie, and 0 points for a lose. Both you and dexter got 5 wins, so you each got 5 points. That is where the S-B comes into play.

First lets take dexter: He won against player 2, 4, 5, 6, & 7. Now you add how many points each of those players have. Player 2 had 5 points. Player 4 had 4 pointst, #5 had 3, #6 had 1, and #7 had 0. Add those up and you get the S-B (which is 13)

For you, you won against player #3, #4, #5, #6, #7. So you add those points up. (3+4+3+1+0 = 11)

I hope I explained that well enough! :-)

25. augusta 2003, 00:09:34
He lost to a guy who has 3 wins 3 losses
I lost to a guy who has 5 wins 1 loss

25. augusta 2003, 00:12:05
Ok...thanks BBW...ill show it for The Big Boss too LOL

25. augusta 2003, 00:51:13
Subjekt: Fountains, Waterfalls and Fury Things
Within the valley of mist 9 have tread. Those of faint heart stayed behind, those fearing no evil walked into the mist finding the path back closed off, they must proceed. The smell of water is heavy, the air of gloom strong and those that have arrived now wonder if their lives is worth the treasure that may be found.

With the magic in the air The valley that will close on the twenty second day of September in the two thousand and third year of our Lord may experience a time factor of less time. Those that travel the path to destruction will find them sub divided and sent on separate paths, yet the paths will lead the to final resting place.

At the final resting place where only the strongest will survive, the law of the jungle in effect will write upon their hearts the toil, troubles and tribulations that will be their in search of the treasure.

If you wish to enter the valley of gloom, send a message by the wind to unacanta, keeper of the valley. He will issue a pass into the valley.

Ride the winds by the one eyed devil to this place to see what will befall you


25. augusta 2003, 03:05:26
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: People who were invited to Gothic Chess "King of the Hill"
The following people were invited to this tournament:


So, if you do not see their name on the tournament sign-up list, it is because they are refusing to play.

This tournament was created because some of the people here are rivals, and because some people accused others of avoiding playing them.

Well, here is your chance. If you do not elect to play in this tournament, kindly shut your mouth about not having a chance to play against your rivals.

25. augusta 2003, 15:37:27
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Danoschek has been banned from this board
If anyone saw the latest post of his, which I removed, I think you will understand.

I will reiterate, this board is not for personal attacks. This board is used to discuss tournaments.

Since Danoschek thought he was being removed from the World Championship for reasons relating to his playing strength, I set up a special tournament involving all of the top players and those who are known adversaries.

Danoschek was invited to this event. If he wishes to play in it,he may.

25. augusta 2003, 15:53:36
Subjekt: Re: Danoschek has been banned from this board
If this board is not for personal attacks perhaps your personal analysis of Danoschek should also be removed. :-)

25. augusta 2003, 15:56:07
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Re: Danoschek has been banned from this board
You are right Stardust. While I did not think it was an attack, if you read his previous post, you would agree with me.

So, I'll edit my previous message.

25. augusta 2003, 16:03:46
Subjekt: Re: Danoschek has been banned from this board
I did read his previous post. It is irrelevant.

25. augusta 2003, 16:03:58
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: Fencer and The King of The Hill
How could I have left out Fencer from this list! He had me in not one, but TWO losses in our contests!

So, Fencer is now on the list of invitees, as my Nemesis :)

Actually nstre always gives me a battle, and JuanGrande has given me a tough time too. So the invite is extended to these guys who seems to have me figured out.

25. augusta 2003, 16:58:27
RAHVINS ELITE GAMES (2000+) #1-Linetris

I'm starting all these later today, but i'm still a few players short for some of the games.
Everyone welcome. Good Luck

25. augusta 2003, 18:20:02
Grim Reaper 
Subjekt: King of the Hill so far...
aizkorri 2082
Dredger 1938
Fencer 1838
GothicChessPro 2192
HerculesBeast 1984
nstre 1914
rabbitoid 1827
tonyh 1833
Whisperz 1806

26. augusta 2003, 11:55:01
Subjekt: Madmonkeys 'Gammon' Stakes (2)
Come on all you Gammon player :)
All 5 versions of gammon games starting this week, Just Click Here

26. augusta 2003, 15:16:36
Subjekt: Gothic Chess
Just 4 days left to sign up..

Bwildmans 1st Gothic Chess Tourny!!
Everyone is welcome ;)

26. augusta 2003, 18:26:21
Subjekt: Re: KM Backgammon Open
Last day to sign up!!!! We have 51 entered which makes this a grand tournament indeed. Hope to see a few stragglers come in before the door closes. Any & all welcome. :o)

26. augusta 2003, 19:35:19
Subjekt: First Fellowship Team Tournament!
I am going to run the first ever Fellowship Team Tournament. So, a couple things need to be considered... I found 14 teams that support Atomic Chess. Out of those 14, only 8 teams have people in them. Out of those 8, only 5 teams have more than 2 people in them.

The question is how can we run a tournament with such a wide variance on the number of players currently signed up for Fellowship teams. Maybe we should just say that only 4 player teams are allowed to play. The tourney would then have 4 sections, one for each board. The highest rated player of each team would be in the first section, the second highest rated player of each team would be in the second section, etc.

Do we want this to be the only round? Or should we then take the winners of each section and run the tournament again with just them? We could keep doing this until only one team stands and we have a team champion.

Anyways, I need suggestions on what you all would like to see... I think I would like to start it by the end of September. That way, we can get the word out to all the atomic team players and maybe we can get more people to sign up on the teams. It will also give a chance for players to move around to the teams they want to be on before the tournament starts.


26. augusta 2003, 20:17:36
Subjekt: Oops...
A couple things... first, I want this first one to be Atomic Chess related... It should be labeled "First Atomic Team Fellowship Tournament!".

Secondly, Fencer does not yet have support for playing team fellowship games on here, so I am doing it by hand, which means making the tournaments invite only and manually populating the sections, if I can manage to do it.

If you have any questions, just ask!


26. augusta 2003, 20:23:24
I don't want to be a wet blanket, Zucan, but I don't see how you can make sure players from opposite teams end up against each other? What if players from the same team end up as opponents!

26. augusta 2003, 21:01:31
Subjekt: Re:
That is right Harley. The KM would love to play other teams but in the tournaments we wind up playing ourselves which most of us would like to avoid. A series of one on one games with members of other fellowships can be arranged but you cant really call that a tournament. So we are waiting for Fencer to implement some official Fellowship challenges.

26. augusta 2003, 21:06:29
Subjekt: Well...
I figured an invite only tourney of 4 players maximum and I would invite one person from each team to that tourney... wouldn't that work?


26. augusta 2003, 21:06:46
Subjekt: And...
Wet blankets are okay, Harley :)

26. augusta 2003, 21:11:07
Subjekt: Re: Well...
Zucan,I like that idea...anyone else?

26. augusta 2003, 21:17:27
Subjekt: Re: Well...
Zucan - you mean, run 4 separate tournaments for the 4 team members? Like you have all the first boards in one tourn, all the 2nd boards in another and so on?

26. augusta 2003, 21:26:39
Subjekt: Yeah, more than likely...
Ideally, it would be nice to have one tournament with 4 sections and that I can populate the sections in a controlled way. I may have to ask Fencer about it... maybe he can do some shuffling for me... If not, then yeah, 4 seperate tournaments is about the only way to really do it. I am always open to ideas though!


26. augusta 2003, 21:37:02
Ahh, I'm seeing what you mean now, Zucan! 4 separate fellowships, one member from each fellowship in each tournament... is that right? That would work :o)

26. augusta 2003, 21:55:23
Subjekt: Yup!

26. augusta 2003, 21:59:34
I'd be up for that! I'm not sure how many atomic chess players are in HOME though! (rushes over to check!!)
Give me a shout when you want to get this started and I'll see which players want to join in :o)

26. augusta 2003, 22:06:57
Zucan, Rabbitoid is captain for HOME team so I've messaged him about it. But I only have 3 members, as one member did not renew his membership so cannot be considered for this tournament. But I'm sure we can find another player in time if this is to go ahead :o)

27. augusta 2003, 05:01:12
Subjekt: Re: Fountains, Waterfalls and Fury Things
The tournament is set to start 9-22-03, it looks like everyone that is interested has joined. I will give it a few more days and then close it.

27. augusta 2003, 05:05:36
Subjekt: Re: First Fellowship Team Tournament!
One of the ways to perk intereste in Fellowships is by allowing non-paying subscribers to join. On gameknot they allow so many non-subscribers to be on your team. Fellowships and team play is great but if only a couple people belong then the option is of little value. I am not saying the system should allow every nonsubscriber to join a fellowship, I am saying a fellowship should have the option of having a few nonsubscribers. Just an idea...

27. augusta 2003, 05:33:49
Subjekt: Re: First Fellowship Team Tournament!
I'm sorry, unacanta, I can't agree. Joining fellowships is one of the benefits of membership.

Pawns have a more than fair deal as it is.

27. augusta 2003, 05:42:37 
I think that a pawn should be able to enter 1 fellowship as a "guest" - and that is he can NOT join the team, and he can NOT enter a Fellowship tournament. (basicly all the pawn can do is read/post in the message area - but once he see's some "cool" tournament and soon inter-fellowship tournament, it might be something that will encourage a pawn to upgrade!

.... just my thoughts... :-)

27. augusta 2003, 06:03:36
Subjekt: Re:Fellowship and Teams
Our team on gameknot has grown to 16 people 4 of whom are paid members. The others are limited to a certain amount of games. As it is here paid subscribers do have more benefits. The point I suppose is you have to have a certain amount of stuff for non subscribers or there just isn't a large enough pool of players to enjoy the activities of which are offered to paid membership. The Secret Hiding Place Fellowship consist of myself and one other person. Kind of tough to put a team together with just two people.
Kind of like being the only member of a club and seeing the other member every tuesday night. Pretty soon the club isn't a club because one or the other person goes and finds a club where there is more intereaction.
Doesn't really matter to me. When it gets to the point where I can not participate and have tournaments with members of the 65thsquare club here, then I will spend my chess money where I can. Pretty simple I think LOL.


27. augusta 2003, 06:11:18
That's a very good idea, BIG BAD WOLF! They could see for themselves what fun it is to be a member and could well sway them to upgrade.
Good thinking!

27. augusta 2003, 06:21:54
i think it will only let them have more benefits and still not pay...I knew after being here one day ....that it was well worth the price....

why should they buy the cow when they can have the milk for free...

27. augusta 2003, 06:32:23
So they can see the steak?

27. augusta 2003, 06:34:28
I think those that are determined not to pay will be satisfied with the milk...

27. augusta 2003, 06:55:50
Subjekt: Help!! New subject.
I have a tournament with 12 players. It should start with 3 groups of 4.
My questions is for the pawns will it only start one game per player in the group or start both games as black and white.

I have set the minimum to 4, maximum to 5 with the 2 game option.

I don't want to start it if some of the pawns won't be able to start the tournament.

Thanks for the help.

27. augusta 2003, 07:29:03
Subjekt: Re: Help!! New subject.
I would believe it would start all the games that is is designed to play at once... It would be up to the pawns to make sure they have enough room to play in such a tournament before signing may want to message them and see if they made enough space available before you decide when to start the tournament...

27. augusta 2003, 08:06:15
Yes. If you set it to two-game matches, it will start two games against each person. So with 4-player sections, each player will get 6 new games (2 with each of the other three in the section).

27. augusta 2003, 08:34:12
Subjekt: Fellowship Atomic Chess Matches
Zucan - The Mercenaries are on red alert!

27. augusta 2003, 11:25:06
Subjekt: congrats
well played and congrats to lone outlaw for winning the beginners 1500 and under spider line 4 tourn and also keeneyedswede for the 1500+ five in a line tourn. well done.

27. augusta 2003, 15:45:36
Subjekt: congrats
to sue q for winning the under 1500 line 4 comp. well done

28. augusta 2003, 19:33:49
Subjekt: Re: KM Backgammon Open
It is up and running! You should see your games on your Main Page. Good luck everyone!!! 57 entered so this is a biggie. Looking forward to the outcome. :o)

28. augusta 2003, 22:16:00
Subjekt: KM Pente Invitational
Almost everyone is welcome. Message me for an invite. Closes Sept 7.

29. augusta 2003, 00:53:55 
Subjekt: re: KM Pente Invitational
This may be a stupid question, but why do you have an "Invitational" tournament that everyone is welcome to?

..... maybe I'm just missing something... :-)


29. augusta 2003, 00:55:11
lol - yes, i was wondering the same thing BBW :-)

29. augusta 2003, 01:02:50
Subjekt: Re: re: KM Pente Invitational
New idea BBW lol :-) lol

29. augusta 2003, 01:06:58
Subjekt: Re: Here Is Why
I should have said "almost everyone" is welcome because we still have a stalker that enters tournaments and either just sits there to drag it out, makes inflammatory remarks with his games, or uses multiple nics to fill up all the slots. We had one experience with him and that is enough. So if your are not him you are welcome.

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