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Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful.

Since we will be dealing with pronunciation of words rather than their spelling, I think it's useful to have a link to The sounds of English and the International Phonetic Alphabet.

To see translations of some frequently used phrases and sentences in other languages see Languages

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7. apríla 2006, 19:56:05
Pedro Martínez 
By the way, there are 7 cases in Czech.:)

7. apríla 2006, 20:03:39
Subjekt: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Wow! Would be nice to know more about it :)

7. apríla 2006, 20:20:33
Subjekt: Re:
Pedro Martínez: 7 cases of what?

8. apríla 2006, 07:18:11
Subjekt: Re:
رضا: 7 cases of nouns.

8. apríla 2006, 19:42:38
Subjekt: Re:
Fencer: What does it mean you have seven cases of nouns?

8. apríla 2006, 19:50:17
Pedro Martínez 
Subjekt: Re:
Zmenené užívateľom Pedro Martínez (8. apríla 2006, 19:51:28)
رضا: In English, there is only one case. All the nouns are written and pronounced in the same way no matter where it is in a sentence or what kind of preposition precedes it. However, in a lot of languages, nouns do change (or their articles). In Czech, each noun (and also adjective, pronoun and numeral) has seven forms. Anybody who studies Czech as a foreign language should learn all these forms and remember which suffix goes with which case. For instance if you want to say "by bus", you should know that this is a 7th case and the suffix is -em ("autobusem"). Accordingly, "without anything" is a 2nd case and the suffix is -ho ("bez ničeho"). I hope it makes some sense. :)

8. apríla 2006, 19:53:05
Subjekt: Re:
Pedro Martínez: It does make sense, but I'm glad they don't make us learn Czeck in university :-)

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