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22. August 2013, 09:48:14
Subject: Re:
Pedro Martínez:

8. July 2012, 07:30:36
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: Better prepare. May I have your monkey script collection? :)

20. January 2012, 06:56:56
That is just a measure of the confidence the seller has in his product. He's he says that there's a 219:450 chance that his product will go bust before the period is over :)

31. August 2011, 09:49:22
Subject: Re:
Bernice: No answers, but a lot of questions. Welcome to yahoo, google, or any other mail provider who's actually answering questions.

31. August 2011, 09:04:42
Subject: Re:
Bernice: when in doubt, google

So far no luck. entering 0x8ccc0003 into the search, I get a zillion hits, but all of then questions which is just a consolation since it seems you're not alone with the problem.

26. December 2010, 16:28:24
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: I must put a rare word in defence of MS. While I'm no fan (understatement) at least they're not too far behind in repairing security holes. Theirs always get huge publicity, but the truth is any system and any software has those holes. This is currently unavoidable. Probably future systems will be smarter, currently all we can do is plug the holes as they're discovered. I'm on a Linux distribution, and I constantly get updates to correct newly discovered potential threats.

8. April 2010, 10:02:41
Snoopy: You say you have pop-ups disabled, but check if someone didn't define exceptions.
It's under options->contents, you have the checkbox for "block pop-ups", and on the same line a button "exceptions", where you can define which sites are allowed pop-ups. I remember there was a malware that filled that "exceptions" part with loads of sites. So even if you get rid of the malware, the exceptions are still there.

17. January 2010, 19:40:16
Just kidding. I'm not the person to ask, I use exclusively free stuff.

17. January 2010, 18:55:36
Subject: Re:
Czuch: The ashtray is full. Change the car.

14. December 2009, 10:42:39
Subject: Re:
awesome: in most browsers f5 will reload the page, and with the control key will also reload all the stuff memorized in cache such as images.

12. November 2009, 15:29:58
Subject: Re:
One soft to rule them all, One soft to find them
One soft to bring them in and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Windows where the shadows lie.

Go linux, young man, go linux!

1. October 2009, 06:32:57
Subject: Re:
wetware: I was just kidding. I was about to suggest that a good test would be to download a virus from the web, try to run it and see if the antivirus screams. But I wouldn't want people to actually try that

30. September 2009, 23:50:47
Subject: Re:
Gouwe gozer: Hmmm
Come to think of it, an anti virus that does absolutely nothing would also feel perfectly OK
How sure are we that the Avast is really doing something?

25. September 2009, 13:36:09
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: You interest me. You said your yahoo mail goes into the bird? I thought using mail clients with yahoo is a paid service?

25. September 2009, 12:05:37
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: I'm not sure I like that.
One of the main reproaches against MS is that they always try to build "the program of everything", which looks fine as an idea, until you realise that:
- it is impossible to have only the parts you want, you get (and will have to use) everything or nothing.
- if one thing doesn't work (and which program is bugfree?) nothing does.
And Mozilla, apparently, is following the same glorious path. What could possibly be the advantage of combining those two distinct functions (browsing and email management) in a single program?

As for thunderbird, I myself have practically no more use for it, with webmail servers such as yahoo or google offering unlimited space and fast access. I use it almost exclusively to browse newsgroups.

23. September 2009, 07:13:40
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: I've been working with Unix on and off for almost 30 years professionally. I had first installed a pure Debian at home in the early 2000, but became a bit dissatisfied with the slow update of the versions. Ubuntu updates the whole lot of its distribution twice a year, and so far I've been very satisfied with it.

As a pro, I like the fact that when there is something that doesn't work as I like, I can relatively easily do something about it. With windows, forget it. just reboot, reinstall, curse...

For a simple user, The linux distributions in general have now become very easy to install and use. There are now free alternatives to most of what Microsoft has to offer, which in general work better than the originals.

There are downsides, of course. Many software makers produce only for windows, so if you need a particular software, you may need windows after all. I personally don't, the few things that I use work fine with the windows emulator inside linux.

23. September 2009, 00:06:16
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: I've been using ubuntu the last 2 years.

29. August 2009, 11:18:42
Subject: Re: Firefox bug?
diogenysos: Maybe the browser had problems recovering the connection data? verify the settings in the "version that works" against "the version that doesn't"
it's all in Preferences->Advanced->Network->Settings

24. July 2009, 10:07:13
Subject: I have a little problem with FF 3.5
In several spots in brainking, FF 3.5 is taking 2-5 seconds at full CPU to react. One example is a DB: to load or refresh.

I don't recall it having done that on 3.0.x.
Has anyone else seen this? I may be a special case since I run on linux.

15. July 2009, 16:33:27
Subject: Re: hmmmm how much ???
pauloaguia: hmm, according to the same site, is worth $5,637,900. Fencer, you're worth about 40% of Microsoft! retire and move to Tahiti!

13. June 2009, 17:24:23
Subject: Re:
(V): Good luck to you against MS. As for me, I don't use their operating system because I estimate it expensive and vastly inferior to the free linux. Again, my estimate, my decision, and 90% of the computer owners don't think as I do. To each his own.

13. June 2009, 16:32:08
Subject: Re:
(V): '"windows" is not a Microsoft idea' : Windows is a valid MS product unless a court decides otherwise. The fact that the Mac OS was there before is immaterial, since Apple did not act on it. If there was a copyright infringement we would heve heard about it a long time ago.

'the customer has to buy a windows disk' : Well no, not in France, anyway. If you buy at a second hand shop a PC without a disc you can easily buy a new clean disc and install on it whatever you like: A MS product (Windows, presumably) which you can buy at a store for a certain amount of $$; or easily find a free, perfectly legal non-MS operating system, which you may or may not know how to operate. The third option, which is slightly illegal, is to install an unpayed MS product - at your own risk.

13. June 2009, 15:25:24
I'm not a big fan of MS products, but in this disputes my vote goes straight to Redmond. The EC stand, just as the US limitations are totally groundless and stupid at that. The reasons provided are just as silly as not permitting car manufacturers to install their own brand of radio, or come to that wheels, in the car they produce. The definition of a product is purely the decision of the manufacturer, not of the state. If MS decides that their product includes a browser then it's their decision, no one else's. No one is forced to buy a MS product. I don't, for one.

The fact that it is almost impossible, in most countries, to buy a comuter without Windows pre-installed is not a valid counter-argument. At most, this should be thrown at the computer manufacturers, but I would oppose that too, and on the same grounds. It's the manufacturer's decision what to include or not include in a product they sell. If a sufficient number of consumers becomes unhappy with the forced link there will be someone to bring into the market a computer without a pre-installed Windows.

11. April 2009, 08:35:05
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: Linux, on the other hand is a lot poorer: You don't need specific instructions as to how to remove this or install that or what you may, or may not use. I really pity us, I miss so much the Redmond touch

12. February 2009, 20:47:49
And if they're too old to be sold, they still can be used as a nice addition to a Christmas tree decoration

Too bad it's only February, though

21. November 2008, 09:53:26
Subject: Re:
SMART ALX: Check also your current supply. I had this happen once, I thought the central unit is out for sure, but it turned out simply to be a badly plugged cable. The monitor would react to a low current, but the box won't.

10. May 2006, 12:02:43
tell your admin he's an idiot :)
or better, don't tell him anything and install firefox without admin rights (not needed, you can install it to any directory without special rights)

29. April 2006, 22:01:15
Subject: Re: Do you want linux? Or secrets of brainwashing
TheLamer: Thanks for the link! I spent about 10 minutes ROFLing. I wonder how many of the posters were serious.

12. February 2006, 20:44:55
and better touch some wood too to ward off the gremlins

3. December 2005, 09:21:40
Subject: Re: Animations....
Arctic Warrior: try the off/on routine:
uncheck animation
save settings, quit browser
start browser, check animations

for firefox, I don't see either where it is accessible from the menu. You can change it by editing your prefs.js file. the key is:

// Image animation mode: normal, once, none.
// This pref now has UI under Privacy & Security->Images.
user_pref("image.animation_mode", "normal");

there's a lot of info in

(I use Linux, but I think it's the same for windows)

2. December 2005, 21:57:07
Subject: Re: Animations....
Arctic Warrior: have a look at playBunny's remark. it can also be that your firefox browser uses the same setting (regkey) to set gif animation that IE uses. so the setting can be inherited, even if you don't use IE.

you can try also a non-browser program that shows animated gifs, there's a load of free ones on and others. that's just to check if your pb is somehow browser related or something else.

1. December 2005, 12:40:22
Subject: Re:
Backoff: the good thing about version 1.5 is that now you won't have to. This version has automatic upgrade integrated in it.

12. June 2005, 14:31:41
Subject: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: same here: when I look at what IE selected, it's UTF-8. same as for firefox. the characters look right. my version displays: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519. maybe w wrong UTF-8 version, or one that doesn't have all it needs?

12. June 2005, 13:51:57
Subject: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: have you tried to manually force the issue by using the submenu "character coding"?

26. April 2005, 07:08:33
Subject: Re: firefox swift tabs extension
JamesHird: F1 is almost universally used for "help", it's probably hardcoded in Firefox. use some other keys

26. March 2005, 08:30:16
Subject: Re:
bumble: as Summertop said, legally no. in fact, technically it's "no" too. you can't just take a windows partition disc, transfer it to a new hardware and expect it to work. you must install it from a CD for it to work. this is true even if the rest of the hardware (excepting the disc you transfer) is 100% identical. the reason is that windows is looking for IDs on stuff on your motherboard, stores and uses the info. you'd run into a lot of problems with MS software if you don't install things "properly".

In fact, technically Microsoft is fully ready to be able to monitor exactly who is using what software, legal or not, but can't impose it for several reasons. one, such monitoring would be illegal in most countries; second, it would give a huge push to use the cometing free Linux OS.

12. March 2005, 14:26:51

25. January 2005, 15:01:33
Subject: microsoft is the best!
Modified by rabbitoid (25. January 2005, 15:03:01)
do the following:
1) go to >

2) chose start point: country: Norway, city: haugesund
3) chose end point: country: Norway, city: trondheim
4) click "get directions"
5) sit back and admire...

17. January 2005, 20:46:22
Subject: Re: converted
Hrqls: loud cheers

27. November 2004, 12:07:42
question: does anyone know where Firefox puts his cookies?
I ask, because I think they only go into a single file, Index.dat in the cookies folder. that's fine by me, but my problem is that as far as I can see, no spykiller program knows how to find spycookies there. does anyone have the info?

9. November 2004, 20:24:37
yes, under your bk2.0. under the old system, with more lax security, it would have worked.

9. November 2004, 20:13:56
Fencer: I was thinking more about your games to move, this is just ideal for dynamic bookmarks. the problem is that with your current system you have to be logged in to access it.
consider: with one click on 'open in tabs' you'd have immediate access to all your current games.

9. November 2004, 17:21:15
more: the tabbed views can be stored as a single subentry in your bookmarks: when you have opened all the tabs you want, click "bookmark this page" and activate "bookmark all tabs in a folder". to load, go to the folder and click "open in tabs".

you can also make your start page a group of tabs.

9. November 2004, 17:17:14
Subject: So... what's the advantage Firefox has over IE?
apart from being faster, smaller and less bugged, you mean?

you have, for example, tabbed browsing: instead of opening a window for each separate site, with firefox you can open links in a new tab (click right, open in a new tab). this means that all your browser windows are accessible as a single windows window, switching is much faster between views.

in firefox you have an inbuild popup ad preventer, no need to install anything.

in the browser there is a prepared google search place, no need to go to the google page.

in firefox you have an interresting new feature. some sites (more and more) are using something called RSS. try, for example, . in the lower right corner of the screen you'll see 'RSS'. click on it, and subscribe. this gives you a variable folder in your bookmarks, that updates itself whenever there's something new on the server.


and a lot more, I'm still discovering too.

9. November 2004, 15:03:54
cost: zero cents.

29. October 2004, 14:57:43
go for the firefox, and never look back.

22. October 2004, 20:19:26
Subject: Re: help
try, but many links no longer work
I found some stuff on the following sites (most in french, because that's where I surf): (follow the forums and the links)

and, I suppose, about a zillion other sites :)

20. October 2004, 17:12:30
if you have a fast connect, such as T1, cache is more of a nuissance than a help. you can try to disable it completely, or at least set it to clear at end of session.

20. October 2004, 16:53:48
on second thought, maybe clearing the cache might do it

20. October 2004, 16:53:13
reinstall windows.

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