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9. June 2012, 02:31:20
Subject: Re: default time per move length
Thad: Easiest solution would be not to have a default time limit. Make people choose.

23. March 2012, 01:21:43
Subject: Re: In games like chess and checkers i have seen a good system where you "suggest" the next few moves to the system (without the opp knowing)... if both players suggest the same sequence it gets played out automagically.

this is very useful for extended check sequences in chess, or common openings sometimes.

28. December 2011, 09:29:45
Subject: Re: Has anyone...
ketchuplover: why is there a cancel button when you can just click the browser's back button (or any other link on the page)

20. November 2011, 18:29:12
Subject: Re: Thanks. so if you can't set vacation days, what would it mean to turn off auto vac? i guess you could be choosing to time out deliberately?

20. November 2011, 16:40:50
My profile says I'm using the auto vacation and have 10 days left... but I don't think that's right since i'm a pawn. So my question is... do i get any vacation days that i need to set - and if so how?

9. October 2011, 17:18:15
Subject: Re:
rabbitoid: Right, so people joined 4 years ago hoping to get rook membership sometime in their life.

I guess 21 point games with 5 day moves should be a clue not to enter.

9. October 2011, 07:21:49
Subject: Re:
pgt: let's face it, 6 months is way too long for a tournament to last.

9. October 2011, 02:32:35
Subject: Re:
Aganju: First of all, it's the world cup.. but more importantly the matches are over in 90 minutes... here they can take 3 years!

7. October 2011, 17:41:22
Subject: Re: Why does the software allow this tournament to still be in round 1?
happyjuggler0: oh yeah, i must have misread that somehow. Correct, this tournament should move on. There is no excuse for staying in round 1.

7. October 2011, 15:06:40
Subject: Re: Why does the software allow this tournament to still be in round 1?
happyjuggler0: you're right in principle of course, but in this case section 14 is undecided.

It certainly would not be difficult to calculate that a section is over prior to all games being played though.

22. August 2011, 21:19:42
Subject: Re: 1.h4 for Atomic Chess
rod03801: correct... somewhat confused apparently.

22. August 2011, 18:41:19
Subject: Re: 1.h4 for Atomic Chess
diogenysos: Reason I like it is that it differs from the opening in reverse at a critical point.
1.Nf3 e5
2.Ng5 f5
3. h4 c6
4. Nxh7

however since white played 1.h4 this capture is impossible and therefore a new line is needed. I think black erred with Nh2 in this game. . . white can't actually force a win i think if black plays something like b5.

22. August 2011, 16:55:19
Subject: 1.h4 for Atomic Chess
I think the opening here is worthy of analysis by anyone interested in Atomic Chess
Atomic Chess (grenv vs. Walter Montego)

11. August 2011, 13:03:05
Subject: Re: Really lose on time when you lost on time
Thad: I'm assuming there is already a method called timeout(gameID) or something equivalent... simply a case of calling it when the page loads if timeRemaining(gameID) <= 0

I guess I'm assuming the site is coded reasonably well already.

11. August 2011, 07:14:45
Subject: Re: Really lose on time when you lost on time
Aganju: No reason it couldn't timeout whenever *anyone* looks at the game... after all, it has to display the '-9' so it's already figured out the time is run out - the rest is trivial.

7. July 2011, 15:58:06
Subject: Re:
pgt: Just thought of a solution...

Play regular games and use the doubling cube in the chat window... thus keeping track of score outside the game.

Or... go to a different site. Maybe that would work as well. I may try dailygammon for backgammon and stick to dark chess et al here.

28. June 2011, 04:47:42
I second autopass improvements request and adopt the proper rating system for backgammon (and apply to other dice games). Then I might rejoin the ranks of paying membership.

And can we get rid of those annoying smileys please? :)

27. June 2011, 20:36:51
Subject: Re: smileys
Chaos: I'm guessing this post is ironic, but it's hard to tell without hearing the inflection. Nicely done.. not too crazy to be obvious, but crazy enough to induce laughter.

27. June 2011, 03:58:01
i must have dropped into the wrong site by mistake.. i thought i was at brainking the game site. Are we really talking in length about smileys? is there a candid camera somewhere?

26. May 2011, 05:01:53
Subject: Re: move notice emails
Thad: Probably depends on which page the user that played the move was using at the time the email was generated.

If you log into both sites once and remember the password in the browser then wouldn't that solve the problem?

16. May 2011, 19:54:16
Subject: Re: move notice emails
Thad: Just wondering why, since when I use brainking.xx it works fine. On the other hand I guess jumping from server to server doesn't make a lot of sense.

16. May 2011, 17:07:41
Subject: Re: move notice emails
Thad: If you don't read the url bar I don't think you'd notice a difference would you?

29. April 2011, 16:43:04
Subject: Re: Backgammon blocked board That's exactly what I said!!! I should have patented it.

29. April 2011, 15:33:53
Subject: Re: Backgammon blocked board
wetware: I imagine that if you are trapped, but your opponent also has checkers back, that would be a case where you would not go to auto-pass.

More common is the situation where you are the only one back and would never double.

22. April 2011, 14:21:37
Subject: Re: Auto Pass in Backgammon
tonyh: what if you only have a few pieces left, and you were playing for a gammon, but now you have a piece captured and are trapped. You may want to double now.... that's why a choice would be good... if you get in that situation you have the choice of "double" or "autopass" - autopass would take you out of the game until you get a chance to come in.

22. April 2011, 14:18:58
Subject: Re: Auto Pass in Backgammon
tonyh: Simple solution... if the player losing can resign and offer a point, the winning player can reject and continue playing for a gammon. Either that or the system is smart enough to know a gammon is unattainable before a piece is actually borne off - particularly in positions where the winning player can't double and end it quickly that way.

8. April 2011, 06:20:24
Subject: Re:
grenv: hmm... .not so simple... you would need to eliminate time where you can't move (all games with opps)... that time would be subtracted from the 70 in my formula.... or something like that.

8. April 2011, 06:18:05
Subject: Re:
Universal Eyes: I suggested a speed index a while ago...
easy enough...
m = moves made in last 10 weeks (arbitrary, but i think large enough to be significant)
g = number of games currently playing

index = m / 70 / g

and is equivalent to the number of moves you make per game per day.

Then you could use that as a filter for tournament sign ups etc.

7. April 2011, 00:56:37
Subject: Re: Timeouts
El Cid: I personally have no problem with people timing out.. my problem is with people who don't time out and take forever and get all these auto vacation days kick in.
I think vacation should be scheduled not automatic.

6. April 2011, 15:56:34
Subject: Re: timeouts
happyjuggler0: What difference does it really make... 1000 games is enough to guarantee a move every second you are logged in... what's the benefit of more? Only that you will be slower in each game, which frustrates others.

6. April 2011, 03:25:18
Subject: Re: timeouts
pedestrian:1000 games at once? Good grief, that sounds absurd. I can barely keep context when playing 30... you must be a genius of the highest order.

30. March 2011, 17:42:17
Subject: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
Thom27: But if there were, say, 4-6 games where the rolls were identical, you would have to assume that 3-5 of them were affected by whatever the problem is... so it would help.

27. March 2011, 04:21:34
Subject: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
wetware: If there's a blot then presumably you could come off and therefore the option to double could become available again. This need only be for when there is no chance of coming off and rolling is not necessary...

26. March 2011, 15:24:00
Subject: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
Thom27: Correct, and it would continue to autopass from then on until a move is possible.

26. March 2011, 05:18:39
Subject: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
rabbitoid: Simple solution; have a button next to "move" that says "move and autopass" - which you click when you know you don't want to double...

15. March 2011, 04:03:05
i'm still in... at this rate i could last a few more rounds :)

13. March 2011, 16:57:45
Subject: Re:
Justaminute: Just doesn't seem like the site gains anything... i'm not going to pay membership just to finish 1 pond... so all that is achieved is that you piss people off.... not a good marketing strategy.

13. March 2011, 04:54:22
It is kind of stupid though, in every other game or tournament I could finish, but not this one? Stupid or retarded, not sure what the best description is.

13. March 2011, 04:49:12
Subject: Re:
Thad: Turns out Rabbitoid didn't move and dropped out of the pond,. whereas I got the bonus and stayed in :)

12. March 2011, 02:19:17
Since becoming a pawn again today, my pond disappeared. I guess this means pawns can't even complete the ponds they are in the middle of playing? Seems a little draconian, but oh well.

12. February 2011, 05:21:29
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
Vikings: I didn't upgrade... i think this is a bug.

12. February 2011, 04:16:25
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
Vikings: lol... when did that happen? I didn't pay for it.

11. February 2011, 23:19:15
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
rod03801: I deleted. I am a pawn. Therefore pawns can delete. QED :)

and therefore not allowing editing achieves zero benefit, and I guess really zero problems since pawns can delete and rewrite in lieu of editing, so we can all go back to our lives now.

11. February 2011, 16:45:55
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
rod03801: right, but he forgot to disallow deleting, so it is not effective in what it intended.

11. February 2011, 14:21:23
I just deleted an old post... meaning that effectively I CAN edit...

just copy the text... delete it... and paste into a new message, edit it and save.

Case closed.

11. February 2011, 14:14:15
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
Justaminute: yep - and anyway it's just a little game site, what could anyone possibly say here that is defamatory that actually matters in real life? lol

11. February 2011, 12:29:13
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
Vikings: Look, espionage and intrigue aside (sounds like nonsense paranoia to me)...

If you can post a message you should be able to edit it... after all the alternative is to simply add a second message correcting the first, which is kind of clumssssy

8. February 2011, 14:31:21
Subject: Re: Correct our posts
Vikings: What is the reason?

14. January 2011, 15:41:36
Subject: Re:
bobowski74: Doubling cube is a backgammon feature... but i second the request for other dice games.

5. October 2010, 00:57:58
Subject: Re: autopass
Thom27: Give up, there is no logical reason, nor can there be. It is not mandatory because it's not mandatory.

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