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Dama (Czech Checkers).

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23. December 2006, 22:56:16
Subject: Re: Interesting Games - Interesting Openings
Grandmaestro, Your sample games has more errors!! More time are winning position. Exist about czech draughts 2 new books. first Guide about czech draughts and second Openning theorie in Czech draughts. First is complete for all players, is all in book and second is first complete openning theorie about czech draughts. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year and I hope, that we meet in real online server, in kurnik :-)

23. December 2006, 11:43:18
Subject: Re: Interesting Games - Interesting Openings
Grandmaestro: Here are some games I played - using some gambit opening lines:

Using the "Fife" man-down opening - A well known, strong gambit in English Checkers style.

1. 24-19 10-14 2. 22-18 11-16 3. 28-24 16-20 4. 19-15
{Fife Opening - Inviting the gambit.} 14-17 5. 21x14 7-10 6. 14x7 3x28
{Gambit accepted! This is a well known opening line used in English Checkers.} 7.
25-22 8-11 8. 29-25 9-13 {Black probably had better with 4-8.} 9. 18-14 2-7 10. 25-21
6-10 11. 23-18 10x17 12. 21x14 4-8 13. 26-23 12-16 14. 31-26 8-12 15. 23-19 16x23 16.
26x19 11-16 17. 27-23 20-24 18. 19-15 13-17 19. 22x13 24-27 20. 15-10 7-11 21. 10-7 27-31
22. 7-3 31-20 23. 14-9 5x14 24. 3x21 20-24 25. 21-3
{Now seems like a drawn game with a lot of potential for an interesting ending with the flying kings.}

And another game, with another known gambit used for English Checkers...

[Event ""]
[Date ""]
[Black ""]
[White ""]
[Result "*"]
1. 22-18 10-14 2. 25-22 12-16 3. 24-20 16-19 4. 23x16 14x23 5. 26x19 8-12 6. 31-26 6-10 7.
29-25 9-13 8. 27-24 4-8 {Red is man-down but has very strong positional advantage.}
9. 32-27 11-15 10. 26-23 8-11 11. 21-17 {Running out of moves!} 5-9 12. 23-18 9-14 13.
18x9 2-6 14. 9x2 1-6 15. 2x9 15-18 16. 9x23 10-15 17. 19x10 12x26 18. 30x23 7x30 19. 23-18
30-21 20. 20-16 11x20 21. 18-15 21-30 22. 27-23 30x1 23. 24-19 1x24 24. 28x19 20-24 25.
19-15 24-27 26. 15-10 27-31 27. 10-7 31x17 28. 7-2 17-22 29. 2-20 22-4 30. 20-24 4-25 31.
24-10 25-18 32. 10-21 18-8 33. 21-14 8-25 34. 14-21 25-15 35. 21-30 15-4 36. 30-19
{White maybe escapes for a draw - but it's worth a try for Black.} *

Now, a not-so popular line played in Checkers - but another very drawable and strong gambit....

[Event ""]
[Date ""]
[Black ""]
[White ""]
[Result "*"]
1. 22-18 12-16 2. 25-22 8-12 3. 29-25 10-14 4. 24-20 6-10 5. 18-15 10x19 6. 22-17 2-6 7.
17x10 6x15 8. 21-17 9-13 9. 17-14 1-6 10. 25-22 6-10 11. 30-25 10x17 12. 25-21 7-10 13.
21x7 3x10 14. 27-24 5-9 15. 22-18 15x22 16. 24x6 22-25 17. 31-27 9-14 18. 6-2 14-17 19. 2-7
17-21 20. 7-3 25-29 21. 3-10 21-25 22. 10-21 25-30 23. 23-19 30x23 24. 27x18 29x24 25.
28x19 16x23 26. 21-7 12-16 27. 7-21 23-26 28. 21-30 26-31
{And the game would eventually draw} *

All games in PDN format

23. December 2006, 11:10:04
Subject: Interesting Games - Interesting Openings
Does anyone have some interesting and intriguing games they would like to share for the forum here.

Or perhaps some of you can share some opening theory or interesting openings in Czech draughts style. Czech is very intersting variant - a cross between English Checkers and Russian/Brazilian Draughts.

19. December 2006, 20:10:47
The Czech Draughts tournament in starts in 5 minutes.

14. December 2006, 21:42:40
:) Do you want to play some Czech Draughts at shinzen ?

14. December 2006, 21:24:45
I think
1. Grandnaestro :-)
2. big Grandmaestro :-)
3.super big Grandmaestro :-)

14. December 2006, 20:59:55
1. Grandmaestro

2. Ferjo

3. Sobek

14. December 2006, 20:13:44
Subject: RE:
1. Sobek
2. Wismazstr

14. December 2006, 11:34:49
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Best Players

Who are the best Czech Checkers players in BK, in your opinion? I let here my opinion:

1 - Sobek

2 - Ferjo

3 - Undertaker

4 - Miller

5 - mp friesland

14. December 2006, 03:40:13
Subject: Re:
Grandmaestro: No.

13. December 2006, 18:39:54
Is it possible to reset your own BKR(s) back to default "unrated" state.

12. December 2006, 18:52:09
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: Programs
mangue: Well... he could answered me that! ;)

12. December 2006, 18:48:54
Subject: Re: Programs
Gabriel Almeida: Why doesn't Fencer do anything

because there is nothing to do, afaik, it is impossible to detect if someone use a computer here

12. December 2006, 16:51:54
Subject: Re: For Everyone A Reminder
Gabriel Almeida: Thank you for understanding this discussion is not useful here. You might note that no one is posting about Czech Checkers but rather are posting flames, insults, cheating accusations, moderator concerns and everything else under the sun. All Global Moderators are accessable to everyone as is Nightstorm the main moderator and it is to them that the issues which bother you need to be directed.

12. December 2006, 16:04:21
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Re: For Everyone A Reminder

Purple: Some of us can't PM the moderator, so... this looks to be the only way to explore our doubts. Besides, these kind of doubts look pertinent and acceptable to me! That's my opinion, I know it's not yours! It's unusefull to keep on this discussion.

Just one more question, Purple... do you really like this game (Czech Chechers)? I ask it, because you have only 2 games finished... it's not usual in a moderator of a DB about a game...

12. December 2006, 08:20:27
Modified by Stoupa (12. December 2006, 08:29:46)
Dear, be hard to defend against false accusation, above all when well I don't know English. With Mr Sobkem I have personal problems, and smoothing-out is in this way, forbid me. Indeed I'm about to law steps to already once for always do for. Your games I am step by step finish. Soon will you know truth who's that Mr Sobek. Thank for Your time.

12. December 2006, 05:27:06
If you encounter a cheater - avoid playing them as much as possible, and tell all your friends via private messages and let the usual tournament directors know so they know not include them in their tournaments.

It's impossible to prove 100% for a fact that a person is cheating in online games - so accusing someone publicly on a discussion board like this is worse than cheating in itself...what if you're wrong?

11. December 2006, 20:28:01
Subject: For Everyone A Reminder
Welcome to BrainKing! Our site offers a unique game playing experience that we know you will enjoy. In order to make this experience enjoyable for everyone, we have a few guidelines for all to acknowledge. By signing on to this site you agree to the following guidelines:
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If all the above fails, please contact a Global Moderator privately. AGAIN, this should be a LAST RESORT. The more time that is spent on spats between users, the less time that is spent on trying to improve this game site.

11. December 2006, 19:54:38
Subject: Cheats and Programs
Play with your head, it´s easy and exercise your brain. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Try it

11. December 2006, 18:38:50
Gabriel Almeida 
Subject: Programs

Of course, Purple don't like we talk about programs. That's easy to understand!

I believe in Sobek words. I know this post will be deleted, but I'm tired of playing against cheaters, and I still don't understand Why doesn't Fencer do anything. Comercial reasons? Patrick Chu have done the same in IYT, and that's why so few people are still there.

Because of that, I've almost give up of playing Checkers, Czech Checkers or Chess. But I don't like it, because I paid my membership precisly because of some of that games! Fencer, you can not simply ignore us!!! You know that many, many people is tired of this, just as I am. Some of them speack, others are silenced, others are simply bored with these kind of things, and go away. I know a few cases...

Sincerely (and I say this because I really like this site), I hope it will run in "other directions" in the future...

10. December 2006, 00:02:36
sure I understand, I hate cheaters too

but you can do nothing, just keep playing with your friends

9. December 2006, 23:33:50
Subject: Re: peace!
Modified by Undertaker. (9. December 2006, 23:38:46)
mangue: I don't want war. However, I think everybody have to know who use programs. Now, I know more players what supostly use programs, but many players don't know and I think nobody wants play against players that use programs. But it's only my opinion. Thanks for your help :)

9. December 2006, 21:54:57
Subject: peace!
Modified by mangue (9. December 2006, 21:55:21)
I better play against a human with computer as against a human accusing me to be a cheater if I win. I second Purple argument, do not miss respect to your opponent.

If you want to avoid cheaters, try to play some exotic variants like parachute checkers or anti-checkers, there are surely very few efficient program there!


Or try to play with some opponents you trust and who trust you and add the cheaters to your blocked users list

9. December 2006, 19:34:44
Subject: Re: Notice
B L I T Z M E: I think the same

9. December 2006, 18:40:42
Subject: Re: Notice
Modified by Undertaker. (10. December 2006, 01:06:59)
Purple: Look, I want play honestly. If I want play�against programs I don't need connect BK. Do you want I�delete my previous post? Ok, I do it. (edited to make it acceptable)

9. December 2006, 18:00:23
Subject: Notice
Modified by Purple (9. December 2006, 22:13:05)
We do not tolerate calling people "cheaters" or other insults on any Public Boards. I ask that paid members remove their inflammatory posts. Pawns can not remove their posts so I will do it for them. If this behavior is repeated you will face being hidden or banned. This board is for game discussion. Thank you.

9. December 2006, 12:31:03
Subject: Re:
Modified by Undertaker. (9. December 2006, 18:40:15)
sobek: Someone (Purple) wants I delete my post. Sorry everybody

8. December 2006, 22:24:04
Undertaker :-)) I watch your game :-) I don't understand :-) stoupa in current game had winning combination in 8 move :-DDDDD and more next game (with by the perhaps? :-)) ) is very very same as Paswil 2.5 (good czech draughts program but not same best) :)

8. December 2006, 22:12:11
Undertaker, we play 2 games and You know, that we play correct :-) I check this game and I answer You tomorow :-)

8. August 2006, 01:42:53
Keep it nice guys.

7. August 2006, 22:38:32
Subject: Re:
mangue: no, because I am better as draughts programs :-))) I use to draughts program to analyze REAL games no net game. I want play against human no computer. If I want play against draughts program, I don't need connect to game server :-)

7. August 2006, 21:34:32
Subject: Re:
sobek: I am totally agreing and this very certain that computer is a problem in "offline" site. This is also the main reason why I hardly ever play chess, unless I know my opponent in real life and trust him.

On the other hand, it is hopeless to get rid of computer assisted opponent. You can write code of conducts, etc...

An opponent playing only the computer moves would be bored quite quickly. However, if you do "study" with a computer, it will be almost impossible to detect.

Also, I am sure that you use a computer to play here at least to make your move and talk on the forums ;-)

7. August 2006, 18:57:37
Subject: Re:
mangue: Mangue,
me friend from czech tolt me about it, and sended me for check draughts program. And if player(his opponent) play all move (from first to last) as program, what do You think? Opponent is genius? Or cheater? And not existed only one but more players. I check another players(czech serious players tolt me, who)and I find next player use program. I am human, no program :-)In real know me more, more good players :-)

7. August 2006, 11:22:33
of course I want to have human opponents too, but it is my opponent who decides, and I cannot change it

7. August 2006, 11:16:07
thanks sobek for not saying stupid
you seems to be certain to know who is playing with computer and who is not, so probably you know how a computer is different. By the way, are you a human or a computer

7. August 2006, 10:03:38
Subject: Re:
mangue: sorry but You are crazy (I want wrote stupid)
I beat more programs and "programs players". I more play in real and online, but I want play against people, no PC. I lost only with people

6. August 2006, 22:24:16
cheaters are definitely annoying, but it is at least as annoying to be accused to be a cheater by a loser as to be beaten by "program"

5. August 2006, 23:49:01
Subject: Re: question
sobek: Do you have solid proof they are using programs or just you think they are from how they play? I dont think putting out a list is a good idea but you could check with Fencer and see what he says and if he ok's it then feel free to post it.

5. August 2006, 09:57:41
Subject: question
Who has like experience as I?
More czech players use draughts program.
I can make out list players,which use on 100%

21. January 2006, 02:48:49
Subject: Draughts
Happy New Year,

Sophisticated contestants please message me to arrange faster matches.

No cheating!

4. December 2005, 20:25:57
Hrm, reading the rules does help, i guess. ^_^;

Hmm, i thought the "X/Y/Z" notation had something to do with the vacation days and bonus days and whatnot...
Never thought there could be a total time limit for games, and 1 day is for sure too low to me. ^^

Thanks for clearing it. :)

3. December 2005, 20:43:12
Subject: Re: badly implemented time limits ? *57*
portugal: Read the time control line more carefully. It says "time for game", not "move".

3. December 2005, 18:16:51
Subject: badly implemented time limits ? *57*
Good evening.

It might be just me that didn't understand the rules of the time limits properly, but... see:

Last move by me is «2. December 2005, 01:46:42»
But then i get a message:
«You ran out of time (Gothic Checkers) francescolr 2. December 2005, 08:39:59»

?!? I thought i had one day for each move?
I don't understand this. x_x

14. November 2005, 20:53:14 
Subject: Re: Czech Checkers
Marfitalu: Most likely a draw.

If white could catch Black sleeping, white could try to place 1 piece at A7, a second piece at C5

Then try to place your third piece where black would have to jump, and then auto-jump and capture C5 piece also - leaving them on B6 so you can jump and win.

But if black is smart, they can most likely stay away from that trap also and go for the draw.

14. November 2005, 20:41:13
Subject: Re: Czech Checkers
Marfitalu: draw

21. October 2005, 20:42:23
mp friesland 
there are too few czech check ty's , so I decided to host one myself.
!! czech check it out !!
Don't mis out on this one, it will be a big one; sign up soon, it will start November 12

10. October 2005, 11:27:35
Subject: Re: Draw?
Pedro Martínez: I don't, but thanks.

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