Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
Zapsáni novyho oževatela
Plke o: TeamBundy

TeamBundy (Rafael) - Brain pinčl, 376 Mozku, 650 óspěchovéch bodu
Skóre v celko: 3802 vehranéch špilu, 154 plicht, 2656 prohranéch špilu, 139 vehranéch tornaju

Osobni plke
Zidka (6)

Členstvi:Brain pinčl
Nédřivjéši přehlášeni:27. května 2005, 11:32:18
Posledni héřeni aktivitó:13. záři 2023, 23:13:20 - kóká na dóležité léstek
Počet koleček:
Volny dně:Sobota a Neděla
Zbévajici dně flákárne:10 dni - veoživá flákárno pomoci mašine

Fláknót oževatela TeamBundy ke svém kamošum | Fláknót oževatela TeamBundy ke svém cajzlum

Vezvat špiloša TeamBundy ke špilo

I'm Rafael, a 30 year old Ph.D. student in Kaiserslautern, Germany. As my flag suggests, I was born and raised pretty much in Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala and it has been only since August 2002 that I have moved to Germany.

Amongst the things that I like doing the most, besides playing here at BK, is travelling and photography. If you would like to see some of the photos I have taken, please visit either (or both <img src="/images/smileys/1.gif">) of the following pages:


If you also like photography, it would be very nice if you would join that site also, it's free and you have unlimited storage space! Or if you would just like to comment on the photos, send me a message! As you can see, I really like photography very much and am always happy to hear comments about it!

That being said, I like to talk on the games, but it's okay if you don't. Either way, let me know: and usually I know by the way the replies come (or lack thereof!)

I'll see you around!

About the YouTube Video: ask me! :-)

<object width="425" height="355"><param value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tlPQD04tn88&rel=1" name="movie"></param><param value="transparent" name="wmode"></param></embed></object>
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