Přehlašovaci méno: Kózelny sluvko:
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Plke o: mal4inara

mal4inara (Jo van Berkel) - Brain věža, 9 Mozku, 2355 óspěchovéch bodu
Skóre v celko: 25611 vehranéch špilu, 646 plicht, 29757 prohranéch špilu, 1794 vehranéch tornaju

Osobni plke
Zidka (52)
Veřéni kamoši oževatela mal4inara

cd power
dělá, že toť néni (?)
kóká na dóležité léstek
dělá, že toť néni (?)
kóká na dóležité léstek
dělá, že toť néni (?)

(večmochat šecke veřény kamoše)

Knižke na fotke oževatela mal4inara
Posledni knižka na fotke oževatela mal4inara

Jo family pics - Sept 2009

Počte fotek: 2
Jak moc dneska héři aktivitó: 20 tahu (Čas mašine: 27. červenca 2024, 02:48:31)
Névic héřil(a) aktivitó: 5000 tahu (24. prosenca 2019)

ID:10476 (večmochat menoly přezdivke)
Členstvi:Brain věža (30. lestopado 2011 - nafurt)
Zem:Nové Zéland
Nédřivjéši přehlášeni:4. srpenca 2004, 07:46:41
Posledni héřeni aktivitó:27. červenca 2024, 02:35:22 - kóká na dóležité léstek
Počet koleček:
Volny dně:Sobota a Neděla
Zbévajici dně flákárne:45 dni - veoživá flákárno pomoci mašine

Fláknót oževatela mal4inara ke svém kamošum | Fláknót oževatela mal4inara ke svém cajzlum

Vezvat špiloša mal4inara ke špilo
I am a mum of 4, granny of 3, 52 yrs old, living in Nelson, New Zealand with my wonderful partner Nigel.

I play in order of least time left.

11.1.2024  Reducing games, so please, no invites for games.  

13.1.2022 another woohoo, top mover 100 times, took a fair bit of effort but I got there.  Now to complete the games I started so I would have plenty of moves to make.

25.7.2021 Not many signed up for tourneys so not bothering at the moment.  Also, the level of troll accounts,  and cheats and liars using Brainking is a huge problem. It's getting harder to know who is trustworthy. 

2.8.2020 woohoo, 1 million moves!! 
I am planning on creating tournaments/ponds in the near future titled The Impossible Dream. I have been slowly working towards several achievements, and will create tourneys to try and get closer to completing more achievements. I know there are some not calculating correctly, as there are two I should have, but haven't been awarded. But I'm not going to let that stop me. Besides, it's fun!! Watch this space..........

25.12.2019 congrats to Francesco on most moves in a day  and I "piggy-backed" off this by achieving 5000 moves, a huge achievement for me as I usually can only manage an hour at the computer, and my tablet is too slow. Now to play out all those extra games started......


Was diagnosed with heart failure in July 2017, caused by a viral infection.  I was very sick, but slowly improved, then went downhill again. Pacemaker implanted 7th Nov 2018, CRT-D.  All went well, have a bit more energy though still tired all the time. Doing the dishes wipes me out for hours!!!


Please remember I am in New Zealand, different time zone to most!!!



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