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Profile: Backoff

Backoff (Bob McDonald) - Brain Pawn, 40 Brains, 515 achievement points
Total score: 2885 wins, 153 draws, 4545 losses, 54 won tournaments

Backoff's stairs:
Name Match type Step (your/max) Time control (?) Creator
Standard Stairs (Backgammon)2 games match-/21 4 daysFencer
Fast Stairs (Backgammon)2 games match-/16 1 dayFencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 7 daysFencer
Standard Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)2 games match-/14 4 daysFencer
Fast Stairs (Chess)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Chess)Normal game-/17 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Dice Poker 6D)Normal game-/11 3/0.3/7Fencer
Fast Stairs (Logik)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dice Chess)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Ludo)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)Normal game-/26 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Halma 8x8)Normal game-/8 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Backgammon)Normal game-/26 3/0.3/7Fencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/13 7 daysFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/18 1 dayFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Backgammon Race)5 points match with doubling cube-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)2 games match-/17 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Battleboats Plus)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Nackgammon)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Massacre Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cam)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dice Chess 10x10)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Racing Kings)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Camelot)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dameo)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Italian Checkers)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Portuguese Checkers)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Brazilian Checkers)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Thai Checkers)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Canadian Checkers)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Russian Checkers)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (International Checkers)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Knightmate Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cheshire Cat Lines of Action)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cheshire Cat Chess)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Parachute Lines of Action)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Knight Fight)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Big Jungle)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Fevga)2 games match-/12 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Plakoto)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Fevga)Normal game-/18 3/0.3/7Fencer
Fast Stairs (Triple Dice Poker 6D)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dice Poker 6D)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Triple Dice Poker 6D)Normal game-/8 3/0.3/7Fencer
Fast Stairs (Frog Legs)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
křížky a kolečka (Pro Five in Line)2 games match-/3 4 daysMaťátko
křížky a kolečka (Five in Line)2 games match-/3 4 daysMaťátko
Fast Stairs (Behemoth Chess)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
tralalala,Mancala *1* (Mancala)2 games match-/4 4 daysMaťátko
Fast Stairs (Mancala)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Frog Finder)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Ice Age Chess)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Triple Dice Poker)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dice Poker)2 games match-/12 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Recycle Chess)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Grasshopper)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Grasshopper)Normal game-/5 3/0.3/7Fencer
Fast Stairs (Hawaiian Checkers)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cheversi)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cloning Backgammon)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Cloning Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/10 1 dayFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Cloning Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 4 daysFencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Cloning Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/9 7 daysFencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Cloning Backgammon)Normal game-/12 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Cloning Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/11 3/0.3/7Fencer
Fast Stairs (Ataxx)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Minishogi)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Assimilation)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Small Fast Espionage)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Open Fast Espionage)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Scrambled Eggs)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Ambiguous Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Breakthrough)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Lines of Action)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Go 13x13)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Go 9x9)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Go)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Connect6)2 games match-/14 1 dayFencer
The Chess Club Stairs (Chess)2 points match-/3 3 daysWhisperzQ
Fast Stairs (Sphere Froglet)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Embassy Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
* BIG BAD * Battleboats - 3 day Stairs (Dark Battleboats)2 wins match-/5 3 dayscoan.net
* BIG BAD * Battleboats - 3 day Stairs (Battleboats Plus)2 wins match-/4 3 dayscoan.net
* BIG BAD * Battleboats - 3 day Stairs (Battleboats)2 wins match-/2 3 dayscoan.net
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Hyper Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/20 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Crowded Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/11 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Backgammon Race)5 points match with doubling cube-/10 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Anti Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/10 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Nackgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs for Cubists (Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/18 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Dark Battleboats)Normal game-/13 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Battleboats Plus)Normal game-/16 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Battleboats)Normal game-/8 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Pente)Normal game-/7 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Crowded Backgammon)Normal game-/13 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Parachute Checkers)Normal game-/6 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (One Way Checkers)Normal game-/4 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Backgammon Race)Normal game-/14 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Anti Backgammon)Normal game-/7 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Nackgammon)Normal game-/14 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Spider Line4)Normal game-/14 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Linetris)Normal game-/7 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Anti Line4)Normal game-/5 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Line4)Normal game-/5 3/0.3/7Fencer
Very Fast Fischer's Stairs (Five in Line)Normal game-/15 3/0.3/7Fencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Crowded Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/10 7 daysFencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Backgammon Race)5 points match with doubling cube-/8 7 daysFencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Anti Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/6 7 daysFencer
Slow Cube Stairs (Nackgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/11 7 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Hyper Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/16 4 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Crowded Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 4 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Backgammon Race)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 4 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Anti Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/7 4 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Nackgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/12 4 daysFencer
Standard Cube Stairs (Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/18 4 daysFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Crowded Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Anti Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Nackgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Cube Stairs (Backgammon)5 points match with doubling cube-/18 1 dayFencer
Slow Stairs (Backgammon)2 games match-/10 7 daysFencer
Standard Stairs (Chess)2 games match-/13 4 daysFencer
Fast Stairs (Los Alamos Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Capablanca Random Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Grand Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Hasami Shogi)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (PahTum)2 games match-/14 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Knight Relay Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Legan Chess)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Japanese Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Fischer Random Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Swap Five in Line)2 games match-/10 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Pro Five in Line)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Fast Espionage)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Small Espionage)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Spider Linetris)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Froglet)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Berolina Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Amazon Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Cylinder Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Jungle)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Espionage)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Froglet)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Alquerque)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Jarmo)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dark Battleboats)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Amazons)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Crazy Screen Chess)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Screen Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Battleboats)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Open Keryo Pente)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Open Pente)2 games match-/10 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Small Keryo Pente)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Small Pente)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Janus Chess)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Keryo Pente)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Pente)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Crowded Backgammon)2 games match-/10 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Turkish Checkers)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Gothic Checkers)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Halma 10x10)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Halma 8x8)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Parachute Checkers)2 games match-/1 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (One Way Checkers)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Corner Checkers)2 games match-/1 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Czech Checkers)2 games match-/8 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Atomic Chess)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Dark Chess)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Backgammon Race)2 games match-/9 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Backgammon)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Three Checks Chess)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Maharajah Chess)2 games match-/2 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Tank Battle)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Tablut)2 games match-/6 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Extinction Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Chess)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Spider Line4)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Linetris)2 games match-/5 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Line4)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Line4)2 games match-/11 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Reversi)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Reversi 10x10)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Reversi 8x8)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Reversi 6x6)2 games match-/10 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Anti Checkers)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Checkers)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Loop Chess)2 games match-/7 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Five in Line)2 games match-/13 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Horde Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Fortress Chess)2 games match-/4 1 dayFencer
Fast Stairs (Corner Chess)2 games match-/3 1 dayFencer

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