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8. January 2010, 03:57:07
Subject: Brain tourney

8. January 2010, 03:58:18
Subject: Re: Brain tourney
Nothingness: There will be plenty of time to register for this tourney do not rush to enter i will change the date if needed. The start date isnt till march.

9. January 2010, 08:13:29

Here is "my" tournament Small Fast Espionage #2

Come on sign up!

10. January 2010, 19:23:47

Already 30 players!!! in Small Fast Espionage #2

11. January 2010, 08:16:51
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Small Fast #2
You questioned whether 15 January should be your start date. Since 20 January (2am I believe for the Pacific time zone) is the deadline for signing up, is that also the date the games begin?

11. January 2010, 08:21:22
Subject: Re: Small Fast #2
Dark Prince: It will be the 20th of January. This is due to a little delay in setting up the tournament.

12. January 2010, 04:35:11
Subject: Re: tournament
Chaos: Hi Chaos, Got your message from ItsYourTurn. I'd love to play in the tournmament. What's my next step.


12. January 2010, 14:11:42
Subject: Re: tournament
OneEyedJack: Welcome Jack :) Good to see you here!

Here's the link to the tournament:

Scroll down to the link 'Small Fast Espionage' and click on 'signn up for this tournament'.

It's going to be a tough competition :)

13. January 2010, 21:01:15
Subject: Re: tournament
Nice, 36 players at the moment.
Hope for more players like Pedro Martinez, Lightning Bolt, tenuki, creepingdoom or Nuno Miguel.

14. January 2010, 03:52:11
Subject: great tourney...
right now its looking like 8 sections. Yowzer!

14. January 2010, 11:02:56
Subject: Re: tournament
Styleone: Tony (creepingdoom) said he would join.

14. January 2010, 12:06:53
Subject: Re: tournament
Chaos: I sent him a special invitation yesterday.

15. January 2010, 10:46:02
Subject: Resigning
I get alot more resigning on this site without even a polite gg or thx

15. January 2010, 10:49:56
Subject: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
Modified by Chaos (16. January 2010, 16:12:41)
I could use some help recruiting for the Espionage beginner's tournament. I have 20 players signed up now, I'm aiming at 25 at least. This should be possible considering the prizes, only it's hard to reach the beginners.

So I'm asking for help: maybe in your games (also other than espionage) you meet players who might be interested in joining. They can't have a rating higher than 1500 in any of the espionage variants and their 1st log in has to be before nov 29th last year.

The prizes they can win:

#1 - 1 year rook + 9 months bonus!
#2 - 6 months rook
#3 - 6 months knight

If you find interested players, please send them to me, or send me a message so I can invite them. Thanks!

15. January 2010, 15:21:58
happy hermit 
Chaos-  I'll add the following to all of the moves I make today. :

Public Service Announce: 

A free prize tournament for beginners (<1500 or unrated) has been set-up Espionage beginner's tournament to begin at the end of the month. Please see the tournament link for more info. 

Chaos for an invite.

15. January 2010, 11:32:25
Subject: Re:
happy hermit

15. January 2010, 19:30:46
Subject: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
y 1st log in b4 nov 29th ?

16. January 2010, 00:49:25
Subject: Re: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
Tian-Xian: It's because good players could be tempted to log in with a new name to win the price.

16. January 2010, 16:23:22
Subject: Re: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
I was teaching my son and trying to get him interested but he has signed up since then

16. January 2010, 16:47:55
Subject: Re: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
Tian-Xian: I trust you :) what's his name? I'll send him an invite

16. January 2010, 19:37:15
Subject: Re: Help for recruiting Beginner's tournament
Chaos: Darkobie

18. January 2010, 19:10:11
Subject: Small Fast Espionage #2
It's less then 2 days before Small Fast Espionage #2 starts. So far 49 players, and more or less all top 10-players are in. But it's still space for more players, so sign-up!

18. January 2010, 20:22:22
happy hermit 
Subject: Re: Small Fast Espionage #2

I just withdrew . . . I seem to be on a time-out binge again and rather not impose on anyone else.  :)

Have fun all.

19. January 2010, 13:16:34
50 players--this is gonna be epic-roll on 2mrw

19. January 2010, 15:08:51
Subject: Espionage Bug
Modified by Celticjim (19. January 2010, 15:12:25)
just happened to me with an opponent moving his piece back to square he just left and I reported the bug.I see the same bug was also reported by pauloaguia back in august 09.Check it out.Whats going on here,this will undoubtedly cause someone to lose/win a game they shouldn't at some point
In fact 4 instances of same bug reported as far back as 2005.Slack job Fencer

19. January 2010, 17:39:48
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
As far as I know from iyt, it works like this:
If you have less than 6 moveable pieces on a board of open fast espionage (i.e. excl. hq and bombs) and you move one of them between two bombs of your opponent placed on the bottom line, then, within the next turn, you should be able to move your piece back to field it came from. For example: your opponent has a bomb/or hq on b10 and on d10 and you move your piece from c9 to c10. In that case, due to the forced movement thing, you should be able to move your piece back to c9 in your next turn.

Unfortunately, I can't have a look at your posted game in the bug list, as it's obviously still running.
But, in the bug reported by pauloaguia it seems to be the case like I desribed above.

Hope that helps.
Greets, Michael

19. January 2010, 17:45:17
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
and as you know from our latest game, the whole forced movement thing sucks at all!! ;-)

19. January 2010, 17:48:07
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
Celticjim: on the other hand, I know realize that I probabely could have beaten you by this cheap trick, lol

19. January 2010, 17:53:41
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
slight correction: this should of course only work if you move your piece between your own bombs and not if you move a piece between your oppenent's bombs.

And now I stop spamming ... :-)

19. January 2010, 17:55:26
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
on my current game with grillyx which will be over in 2 more moves his 5 general was in the middle of open squares,in fact he was given opportunity to do it again after I pointed out to him what happened.

as for our game-------you definitely could have benefitted from this bug

19. January 2010, 20:14:06
Dark Prince 
Subject: bug
According to Espionage Rules:
"All mobile pieces can move one space horizontally or vertically. The piece cannot return to its previous position in the next turn, a different move must be done first."
If a move violates the rules but is allowed by the program, the program has a bug that must be corrected. If the bug is not to be corrected, the rules must be changed to accommodate the program.

19. January 2010, 20:19:00
Dark Prince 
Subject: Addition on bug
"If you see that your opponent has been able to move a piece back to a square that it came from in the previous move, then write to us. We will back the game up and ask that your opponent make a different move."
The above is stated in the rules at the other site mentioned about the movement bug.

19. January 2010, 21:03:55
Subject: Open Fast Espionage - # 1- Final round
The final round of Open Fast Espionage - # 1 has started. It is "dmoresco" and "Thom27" who will fight for the victory.

19. January 2010, 21:14:22
Subject: bug zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Modified by Celticjim (19. January 2010, 21:23:31)
looks like all instances of this reverse move bug are when the player has 5 or less pieces.Fencer indicated in 2005( http://brainking.com/en/ReadBug?bgi=526 ) that it was when the player was down to one piece and it would be fixed HA ...check my game though,opponent had 3 pieces left Open Fast Espionage (grillyx vs. Celticjim)

19. January 2010, 21:39:45
Subject: Re: bug zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Celticjim: undoubtedly this is a BIG BUG

19. January 2010, 22:33:22
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: bug zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
In the game you referenced, it appears the rule held when your opponent had 3 remaining pieces.
i.e. moves 56-57
the 5 from h1-i1
5 not moved next turn
then with 2 remaining pieces
moves 58-59
5 from i1-h1
then h1-i1 on the following move
violating the rule.
On another note, why did you not move the sab to j1 having already ID'd the bombs on a2 and b2, but instead allow your opponent to capture your sab?

19. January 2010, 23:11:55
Subject: Re: bug zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Modified by Celticjim (19. January 2010, 23:16:52)
Dark Prince: I think you need to recheck the move numbers there mate.There was an occasion AFTER the rule break where his 5 did stay unmoved in the corner next to his HQ

*edit* you are partially right,there was another rule break when he had 2 pieces left that I didn't even notice.Go back further tho to when he had 3 pieces

as to why I let him take my sab
I was finished with it.I wanted to capture all the mines to get that achievement which I did.3 more to get the MASTER achievement that only aaru has so far---yeah a bit geeky but ya know I love the game

19. January 2010, 23:47:32
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: It was a question, not a criticism
I have received achievements too.
The game reference link takes me to move 56. I didn't check previous moves until now for rule violations.
Move 54-55:
The 5 moves from h1-g1
then back from g1 to h1 next.
Stranger still, other moves were available to the 5 as it was not trapped by its own bombs.

19. January 2010, 23:54:18
Dark Prince 
Subject: correction
Dark Prince:
The link takes me to move # 54B

20. January 2010, 03:07:42
Subject: Re: correction
Dark Prince: move 54B--the exact move where the rule break occured???LOL

20. January 2010, 03:55:47
Dark Prince 
Subject: What must be done?
To get them to fix the bug?

20. January 2010, 11:15:52
Subject: Re: What must be done?
Dark Prince: after 5 years I'm gonna guess a LARGE bribe
obviously they're not that interested or just incapable

20. January 2010, 15:07:40
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
Celticjim: So has anyone else seen a true case of this bug potentially changing the outcome of a game?
Here’s one:
Open Fast Espionage (drjohnj vs. MTC)

The only winning strategy i can come up with in this game requires making use of the fact that my opponent’s pieces cannot move back to their previous squares. So if my opponent exploits this bug, I cannot win, and now he has done so.

I have reported this as another case of the bug ( and expect either:
1) The bug is fixed immediately and the illegal move reverted (unlikely but best option) or
2) The game is ended as a win for me due to my opponent’s illegal move (could be considered unfair on my opponent but I see this has been done before…).

21. January 2010, 13:17:50
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
Modified by Celticjim (21. January 2010, 13:20:22)
MTC: I had a late night and I'm just awake so gonna try and use that as an excuse as to why I can't get my head round that game MTC,can't quite figure out whats happening.Wait,so it's your turn and you have 6 moving pieces left?Or have they already reset the game and corrected the bug?

anyway this bug needs sorted.I'm gonna drop Fencer a message and see if he can give us some satisfaction

*edit* to say your brackets around the bug link have disabled it,leave a space between bracket and link and it will re-enable

21. January 2010, 13:40:11
I've had a message from Fencer and basically he is saying that any issues will be sorted in the upcoming brainking upgrade as the game models are being rewritten.He didn't say when

21. January 2010, 14:21:14
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
Celticjim:The bug was used on my opponent’s move 76. He moved b4–b3, capturing one of my pieces after his piece had moved b3–b4 on the previous move.

Further information (I am not worried about my opponent knowing this information, there is no way he can use it to his advantage).
My opponent has 2 movable pieces left, either of which could capture any of my remaining movable pieces if given the chance.
None of my remaining movable pieces are capable of capturing either of my opponent’s movable pieces.
My opponent’s HQ is on a1, now protected by only one bomb on b1. I have no sappers left, so I can ultimately only approach the HQ from one square.
My HQ is protected all around it by bombs and my opponent has no sappers left.
The only way I can force a win is to get around his pieces and capture his HQ, the only way to do that (assuming perfect, legal play from my opponent) relies on my opponent not being able to move a piece back to where it just came from.

So if my opponent continues to be able to exploit this bug, I will not be able to win, but I would be able to if the rules are followed. Because of this, I will not play another move in this game either until Fencer intervenes, or until I am about to time out.

And in reply to your edit, if I could edit my previous post I would but, as a pawn, I cannot. My browser automatically converts it to a link anyway, but for the benefit of others, here is a link not surrounded by brackets:

21. January 2010, 14:44:58
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
MTC: is it not possible for you to move 4 of your pieces next to his 2 and then when he takes one way you move the other,hope that's clear enough.I'm saying it may be possible for you to sneak past him anyway even tho your pieces are inferior
If not I would write Fencer a message

21. January 2010, 15:05:53
Subject: Re: Espionage Bug
Celticjim: Like I did in this move?: Open Fast Espionage (drjohnj vs. MTC) (his movable pieces on a3 and b3 at the move linked here)

I do realize it can difficult to follow an active game of Espionage being played by two other players, not being easily able tell which pieces are which, but if you do look through the several moves since he’s had only two pieces left, and otherwise think a little more about the situation, I think you’ll realize that the only winning strategy does require the following of the rule that is broken by this bug.

My thinking is this:
My opponent’s best moves, without following this rule, are to constantly move his pieces around in a tight square at b1–c2. The only way I can win if my opponent does this is to place one piece following his 2 until it can capture the HQ. With this bug, my opponent will be able to capture my piece whenever I try that.

I’ll consider messaging Fencer, but I would have expected the bug tracker to be the best place to report this to Fencer.

24. January 2010, 02:10:54
Subject: food for thought:
I was wondering if perhaps it is time for a new version of espionage? Perhaps some suggestions as to what people would like to see. Fencer is very good at listening to his members and ALL users on his site. So if it is reasonable, I'm certain he would "consider" it or at least give it good thought... I think that New colors was suggested at one time.. I know we suggested it on IYT but it never materialized. Let hear some suggestions.

24. January 2010, 10:40:02
Subject: New features
Nothingness: I would love 4- player espionage: individual and/or 2 vs 2. The latter should be more easy to establish. 2 vs 2 means the game itself doesn't have to change, only the moves would have to be distributed in a different way.


I like the corner variant like we got at IYT.


I don't care much about colors.

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