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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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7. April 2006, 16:50:06
Subject: Re: What dog's hate
anastasia: nope,still blank

7. April 2006, 16:49:39
Subject: Re: What dog's hate
Groucho: I gott he tripod logo in the corner and the rest was blank..let me try again incase the site was having trouble.

7. April 2006, 15:31:31
Subject: Re: What dog's hate
Groucho: I couldn't get that link to come up :(

7. April 2006, 02:59:13
Subject: Re:
Groucho: hey now!!! she is sworn to secrecy...OMG she has known me since I was what,14!!! AHHHHHHHH (I run away SCREAMING!)

7. April 2006, 02:43:12
Subject: Re:
Gemina: really? you think I am awesome!! oh,you meant the dog (long sigh) JUST TEASIN YOU!!!!!! Gemina is my best friend from way back in Jr High school...she could tell somestories..but she WON'T!! LMAO!!!!

4. April 2006, 20:23:08
Subject: Re:
Groucho: OMG!! I could squish him till his wittle head pops off!!!!! LOL!!! he's my buddy now,he REALLY helped after we had to put Patch down.He starts his puppy training in about 3 weeks!!!

4. April 2006, 20:17:01
Subject: Re:
Groucho: mine is getting to be a porker,lol...9 weeks old and 18 pounds! Dr. says he looks great! his ears are standing up a bit more every day!!

4. April 2006, 20:12:49
Subject: Re:
Groucho: too cute!!

4. April 2006, 20:11:34
Subject: Re: some more candidates for this board's mascot:
nobleheart: oh,the doggie,the doggie!!!

4. April 2006, 19:54:52
Subject: Re:
nobleheart: we don't call each other names here,other then that,we're all good,thank you.

3. April 2006, 14:22:24
Subject: Re: Please, subscribe this petition
Andre Faria: AWESOME Andre...thank you!!

2. April 2006, 01:28:50
Subject: Re: Damien

1. April 2006, 20:33:21
Subject: Re: Damien
Tuesday: it feels like I have a child!!! just no messy diapers,which is cool!!!

1. April 2006, 16:38:47
Subject: Damien
Is a moning bird! OMG he is up at 5 am EVERY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!! We go to bed about 10pm...up about 1 am to pee...then back to bed,up at 4 am to pee,then I get him to lay back down till about 5 am when it is not only time to pee,again,but poopsie and eat breakfast.I cannot wait for his bladder to grow and for him to like sleep more then play,LOL!!!! Honestly though,I am enjoying him in all his puppiness while I can,I can sleep in 6 months,lol.

27. March 2006, 22:36:56
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I agree....if they will do this to animals with no remorse or feeling bad about it...what would they do to a person?

27. March 2006, 14:54:50
Subject: Re:
Rose: I agree with you 100% Rose.Fur is not cool because they kill the animal just for the fur...leater coats,at least they are using the entire cow...no wasting it.It sickens me that they are killing these baby seals and skinning them and then just leaving the bodies,whales and sharks feed on these animals and they are loosing their food source as well.I have heard that other countries that produce fur coats add dogs fur into them and they will skin puppies alive because it keeps the skin "plump" and will produce a better coat...the pups are left to die on their own.

27. March 2006, 14:48:08
Subject: Re:
Kipling: not so much a season,as there is alot of killing between us now,but a better practice on birth control,yep,I do...you can't tell me that the human population isn't over populated.

26. March 2006, 18:16:57
Subject: seal hunt begins Graphic contents...readers beware!!!!
The Cruel Seal Hunt Has Begun
Canada's annual seal hunt, the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet, began at dawn on Saturday. Even as you read this, fishermen are clubbing baby seals in the North Atlantic, just to earn a few extra bucks by selling seal skins. Last year, 98.5% of the seals killed were two months of age or younger—and veterinary reports indicate that many seals have been skinned while still conscious and able to feel pain. Our ProtectSeals team is now in Canada, braving the frigid waters to document the hunt and show the world why this unconscionable cruelty must be stopped. http://stream.realimpact.net/?file=realimpact/hsus/2006-seal-hunt/hunt_day_one.wmv&type=wmv

24. March 2006, 13:55:42
Subject: Re:
Gemina: Hunters had a big protest awhile ago against the animal rights people showing them that without hunting the diesease would overcome the deer and make them suffer.Believe it or not..where Gemina and I grew up people DO hunt for food to get thier families through the winter...it was a VERY poor town where we lived and not many people had good paying jobs(that's why we got the hell out of there,lol) but,I don't agree with people that hunt for tropheys,and stuff like that.They talk about over population but seems to me God had a good plan for these animals to begin with..natural selection,survival of the fitest,that sort of thing.Man has eaten animal pretty much from the beggining,ok,we have farms and stuff for that but just to go shooting something for the sake of shooting it,or to "better" the hunting of ANOTHER species,just stupid! Hunters are worried about animal overpopulation...what about human population that are booming and destroying everything that we come into contact with just because....

23. March 2006, 22:08:39
Subject: Re: Another deadly season in Alaska
Lamby: AMEN!!!!

23. March 2006, 21:47:14
Subject: Re: Another deadly season in Alaska
Lamby: they will often force these poor animals to run to the point that they colapse with exaustion,then walk up and just shoot them point blank....SICk,SICK people! All because they want sport hunters to be able to have more to kill! OMG! These wolves were here long before any of us...what right do we have to do such things!

23. March 2006, 21:34:05
Subject: Another deadly season in Alaska
The second season of aerial wold gunning in Alaska ended this spring.All told,276 wolves were gunned down by shooters in aircraft in an effort to artificially boost moose and caribou populations for sport hunters.The Alaska board of game plans to allow aerial hunters to kill HUNDREDS MORE wolves starting late fall,but thanks in part to Defender's of Wildlife efforts,aerial wolf gunning will not be allowed on national park and national wildlife refuge lands in the state.The board also approved the baiting and killing of 80 grizzly bears along the Candian border.PLEASE visit www.savealaskawolves.org to learn more.

19. March 2006, 18:08:20
Subject: the new pup
Good Lord,it's like having a new born in the house,lol...except for this one is teething and will bite you every chance he gets!!! we have toys everywhere that we put in his mouth when he starts to bite us.He has been stressed and a bit sick over the last 2 nights so I haven't gotten much sleep.Oh,you guys should see him though,he curls up on the bed with me and sleeps,and sleeps,he snores a bit,lol...I love him so much.I still really miss Patch though and if I look at his pic to long or talk about him to much I start to get tears in my eyes.The baby definatly keeps me busy though,lol.I am going to try to be on here a bit more now,I got about 50 game moves done today and will try to post a bit more also...hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!

19. March 2006, 18:04:21
Subject: Re: Votes?
Rose: I like pawsfessional...thats cute!!

17. March 2006, 22:41:47
Subject: Re: ok,try this link for some pics
ScarletRose: THANK YOU!! How did you fix it? I am so new to all this stuff,lol....Glad you like them!!

16. March 2006, 14:22:15
Subject: Re: I have two dogs
Tuesday: I like the old pic of you!!!

16. March 2006, 14:21:34
Subject: ok,try this link for some pics
http://up.photos.yahoo.com/ed/dmh300@sbcglobal.net/my_photos_handler let me know if this one works please...I am new at this whole thing and need to see if this one works..This will be to just one dog,last night I tried giving a link to both,if this one works then I will post the other one..THANKS!!

16. March 2006, 14:17:33
Subject: Re: I have two dogs
BerniceC: ok...that at least gives me more to go on then Tuesday's old picture coming up,lol

16. March 2006, 03:12:11
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I clicked it and it showed my dogs,lol

16. March 2006, 03:03:03
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: your welcome!! I knew it would come to me,lol

16. March 2006, 02:03:54
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Good Dog U Thats the name of the show,lol...

15. March 2006, 21:46:29
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: do you have toys for him too? You're right,it may be stimulation that he needs..I was surpried when I saw that marble thing...it was on a show on the animal planet channel...the guy did it over the time if a couple of weeks...be consistant though,I did notice that about it and sure enough..it worked...I think the show was animal U...check it out,ALOT of helpful stuff on it!!

15. March 2006, 21:41:27
Subject: my new baby
Well,I just couldn't stand it when Patch left us..we were both there and I held him and layed on the floor with him even after he was gone.I was so sad and always thought that after he had gone,I would at least take a break from animals BUUUT,I was SO lost without him,that I told my husband that I needed another one...SOON! So,yesterday we went and bought a german shepard pup....6 weeks old.OMG! Is he ever cute..He will NEVER EVER be Patch,God knows he was one of a kind,but this one sure does have my heart!After I get things caught up..I will get Patches and the new one...his name is Damien..get their pics up so you guys can see them.Thanks for all the kind words and support!

15. March 2006, 21:36:44
Subject: Re:
Modified by anastasia (15. March 2006, 21:37:11)
Tuesday: One good way to get him to stop barking is to fill a small can with marbles or something and then when he starts barking shake it and yell no at him...you should really hit an animal because honstly they don't understand hitting.Saw the demo of the can thing and it worked

13. March 2006, 05:36:07
Subject: Re:
Kipling: OMG...if you EVER called my Mom's dog a dog...she would SCREAM!!! she's not a dog,she's alittle person...NOOOOO,she a DOG! Dalmatians had to much in breeding also,thats one reason ours so so mean...I have his ashes sititng next to me now,lol....shhh,I know I am weird,but work with me here people,I am still greiving.

11. March 2006, 17:47:22
Subject: Re: Patches
Tuesday: OMG,I completely forgot that we played that game of espionage,LOL!!! I remember now! I cleaned the house form top to bottom today,had to keep looking behind me to make sure I wouldn't trip over Patch,lol..but he wasn't there.I thought it would be my husband wanting another dog right away but it is me..I am so lost without an animal,lost without Patch,lol.I missed not waking him up this morning with mushes and rubs,unless hubby would beat me to it,then I would let him in to give him his breakfast and give him hugs and mush..I was forever hugging and mushing him,lol.
Gemina is ALOT like me...Lord help us all,lol...I think that is why we have been friends for so long! Can't wait till her and her hubby come up for the weekend!!

11. March 2006, 14:58:41
Subject: Re: Patches
Gemina: Hey girlie..about time you decided to post...everyone..Gemina is my best girlfriend in the world...have known each other since,what 8th grade? She was Patch's Auntie and she knew him very well!! I feel a bit better this morning,thanks all for your kind words...nothing some hugs and valumes won't help,huh,lol...Got choked up when I looked outside this morning and didn't see him walking the fence line and trying to hobble after a bird or 2,lol.I know it will gwt better,and I know he isn't in pain anymore,but honestly,lol...THAT doesn't help me..we both knew though that we were being selfish by keeping us with him.Strange thingyesterday and I didn't relize it till after he was gone...yesterday was the same date that my Dad died back in 98...March 10th,98...and I would ALWAYS tell Patch that when it was his time to go that Grandpa Tom would meet him...how WEIRD that it was the same date!

11. March 2006, 00:42:21
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: give him a mush!!!

11. March 2006, 00:15:02
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: we just got home from picking his ashes up...I am SO happy he was done so fast...same day.We ordered an urn..actully an oak box,it will have a ceramic dalmation figure laying on top of the box and his name,dates of birth and death engraved onto a metal plate.I had to take a valume (sp) to settle me down,I just coudln't stop crying and had a terrible headache! Won't be on tonight,just gonna hang out with hubby and listen to our quite house while we watch a movie.I miss Patch so much...I use to LOVE mushing his nose..I called it his beetle,LOL...it was so perfectly round,black,wet,cold,and shiny,looked like a big old beetle bug on the end of his face,lol.Sorry to go on.....

10. March 2006, 19:17:23
my best bud in the world is gone

10. March 2006, 16:25:33
Subject: Re: Patches
Tuesday: MY BOBALOO!!!!!! thanks a bunch to Rose again for getting his pic sized for me!!! I think today may be the day we have to put him down though..I'm in a bit of denial he has been having trouble walking and keeps falling,fell 3 times already this morning and it's only 10:30am

9. March 2006, 15:22:09
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: HAA! well of course you are cute too Tuesday,LMOA!!!! sorry,clicked the wrong person to respond too,it's early and only on 2nd cup of coffee,work with me here,LOL!!!

9. March 2006, 14:34:05
Subject: Re: on a lighter note
Tuesday: OMG!!! HOW CUTE!!!! I am going to PM you very soon to see how you set that website up,if you don't mind!!

9. March 2006, 01:56:54
Subject: Re:

9. March 2006, 01:45:20
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: lol...me too!! I love him SOOOOO very much,he is my best bud in the world,never gets mad at me or judges me and he loves me even first thing in the moring when I could scare frankenstien wiith my hair,lol...BUT I cannot stand to see him barely able to walk.My husband makes him go lay down so he is off of his hips,but what kind of life is that? Always laying around,pooping and peeing on yourself!!?? I knwo hubby doesn't want to let him go because he is his bud too and hubby is home all the time now so they hang out togther,lol.I don't know..maybe he is just having a couple bad days

9. March 2006, 01:34:29
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: awww!!! mine is getting very weak...the past 3 days he had gotten worse.Will call vet and see about different meds,but I think his time is coming soon :(

9. March 2006, 01:20:53
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: OMG! A lady I use to clean for had a dog that smiled at me too,I had never seen it before,had heard about it though..it's cool!!

9. March 2006, 00:49:12
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(

9. March 2006, 00:30:09
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: at first I thought Patch was being spiteful when he strated going in the house then I relized,as much as we would like to think...dogs are not spiteful,they truelly don't know how to be (although sometimes I REALLY wonder,lol) So,when he kept peeing in the house then on the shoes,I knew something was wrong..he has had several infections since.Poor guy,his hips are getting so bad now he falls alot because he can't turn and he wobbles when he stands....Hubby still won't see it and I HATE keeping PAtch if he is in pain,the thing is Patch isn't vocal about anything,so hubby thinks nothing is wrong with him,anywho...sorry got off the topic,lol....vet may at least be able to give you some retraining tips if it isn't an infection.

8. March 2006, 15:31:42
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: how old is your dog? Ours had a problem with his bladder so we went to the pet store and bought him 3 wraps..they are just that..a denim wrap that velcros together on his back..inside we put 2 pads (the adult kind that older people wear...depends pads,thats it,lol...At first Patch wasn't
to happy at all but it doesn't bother him at all anymore and he is able to be with us all the time now.I wouldn't have a dog that I had to keep outside or in the basement..he is part of our family.Maybe you should also call the vet...have you noticed when he goes a stronger smell then usual? Ours when he was younger started peeing in the the house out of the blue and then walked right over and peed on my husbands shoes,THAT was funny,but we also thought,hmmm,maybe something is wrong.Took him to the vet and sure enough,bladder infection with a calcium deposit in his bladder that needed surgery.It may be just because he misses his daddy,but the vet could tell you for sure..please keep us updated!! Dogs can't actually talk to us so they try to tell us what is going on the best way they know how.

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