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Fevga (show rules | discuss - 5808, 328)

(white, 2168)
Last move: 18. April 2020, 11:41:24

    1 2 3 4 5 6   7 8 9 10 11 12    
    12 11 10 9 8 7  6 5 4 3 2 1   

Good Luck :)FLR , 87. (89.)
(black, 1827)
Last move: 18. April 2020, 02:58:27

Tournament: 2002 2020 Random Dice Tournament, Discussion
Game ID: 8396243
Time per move (?): 2 days, standard vacation
Public game (visible for other players)
Rated game (the result will be calculated for players' BKR)
BGBedlam is the winner.

Game notation (hide)
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 BGBedlamGood Luck :)FLR
20. February 2020, 01:05:00
1. 1-4, 4-5 13-18, 18-22
2. 5-10 22-3, 13-14
3. pass 13-19, 13-16
4. pass 13-16, 16-17
5. 10-11 13-17, 13-16
6. pass 16-21, 13-16
7. pass 13-19, 17-22
8. 11-15, 15-20 19-22, 13-14
9. 1-7, 7-12 13-14, 14-15, 22-23, 13-14
10. 1-6, 1-5 16-19, 14-17, 13-16, 13-16
11. 1-6, 1-5 16-21, 17-22, 19-24, 16-21
12. 1-5, 5-7 14-17, 15-18, 13-16, 16-19
13. 1-6, 6-8 17-22, 19-22
14. 1-6, 6-8 23-4, 22-2
15. 6-9, 5-6 22-3, 21-24
16. 8-10, 6-7 14-18, 21-23
17. 1-6, 6-8 18-24, 16-21
18. 1-5, 7-11, 1-5, 5-9 17-22, 21-24
19. 1-7, 7-10 18-23, 24-3
20. 1-7, 10-11 22-3, 22-2
21. 8-12, 11-13 21-3, 19-22
22. 13-19, 12-13 2-4, 3-4
23. 5-9, 9-12 23-4, 22-23
24. 1-7, 19-21 23-3, 24-2
25. 13-18, 18-19 23-4, 2-4
26. 7-13, 12-14 24-3, 3-4
27. 14-19, 19-23 24-4, 3-4
28. 7-11, 9-13, 11-15, 13-17 22-4, 2-4
29. 13-19, 17-20 pass
30. 15-21, 12-14 pass
31. 11-14, 14-15 pass
32. 15-19, 14-15 3-4, 3-4, 3-4, 3-4
33. 15-21, 21-23 pass
34. 5-11, 21-22 pass
35. 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 19-21 4-6
36. 7-12, 12-13 4-7
37. 13-17, 17-19 pass
38. 19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 23-24 4-6
39. 8-9, 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 4-8, 6-8
40. 12-18, 18-19 6-7, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7
41. 10-14, 14-16 4-8
42. 19-23, 16-19 4-5, 5-10
43. 12-18, 18-19 7-12, 4-6
44. 11-16, 16-17 4-10, 6-11
45. 9-15, 15-20 4-10, 4-7
46. 17-21, 22-off 4-10, 4-9
47. 23-off, 24-off 4-10, 4-9
48. 21-off, 22-off 9-off, 12-off
49. 20-off, 21-22 8-off, 11-off
50. 23-off, 19-20 8-off, 10-12
51. 22-off, 20-21 7-off, 8-off
52. 21-off, 20-21 7-12, 9-off
53. 19-off, 21-off 7-off, 10-off
54. 19-off, 19-22 10-off, 10-off
55. 20-off, 22-24 10-off, 12-off
56. 21-off, 24-off
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