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Fevga (show rules | discuss - 5809, 328)

2 wins match
pedestrian is the winner of this match.
Score: pedestrian: 2.0, Andre Faria: 1.0
Finished games of this match:
1pedestrianAndre FariaAll pieces out.
2Andre FariapedestrianAll pieces out.
3pedestrianAndre FariaAll pieces out.

(white, 1983)
Last move: 17. August 2011, 19:11:18

Score (2): pedestrian: 2.0, Andre Faria: 1.0
    1 2 3 4 5 6   7 8 9 10 11 12    
    12 11 10 9 8 7  6 5 4 3 2 1   

Andre Faria 
(black, unrated)
Last move: 17. August 2011, 19:11:03

Tournament: WIN A BLACK ROOK AND BECOME ONE OF THE ETERNALS !E, Discussion - 3 messages
Game ID: 5302382, Match ID: 566596
Score: pedestrian: 2.0, Andre Faria: 1.0
Time for game (?): Time: 3 days, Bonus: 1 day, Limit: 6 days, no days off
Public game (visible for other players)
Rated game (the result will be calculated for players' BKR)
pedestrian is the winner.

Game notation (hide)
(download MAT code)


 pedestrianAndre Faria
17. August 2011, 18:32:13
1. pass 13-14, 14-19
2. 1-6, 6-7 19-24
3. 7-9, 9-15 24-6, 13-16
4. 1-2, 1-2, 2-3, 1-2 16-18, 18-20, 20-22, 22-24
5. 2-7, 15-16 6-9, 13-15
6. 1-7, 7-8 13-19, 19-22
7. 1-5, 16-17 13-18, 13-15
8. 8-14, 2-4 24-6, 15-21, 13-19, 13-19
9. 17-20, 1-2 13-16, 18-21, 21-24, 13-16
10. 1-5, 1-2 13-18, 16-17
11. 2-8, 5-10 19-23, 13-15
12. 1-7, 1-2 13-19, 13-17
13. 7-12, 2-3 19-23, 23-24
14. 3-8, 1-3 16-21, 15-16
15. 8-11, 1-2 17-22, 21-24
16. 4-10, 3-4 13-17, 17-21, 15-19, 19-23
17. 14-20, 10-14 17-21, 22-24
18. 2-7, 1-5 24-6, 21-23
19. 14-20, 7-8 24-6, 21-24
20. 8-14, 14-20, 5-11, 11-17 16-21, 21-23
21. 7-13, 13-15 18-22, 6-9
22. 17-18, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 24-6, 24-6, 24-6
23. 18-24, 12-13 9-12
24. 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17 19-23, 21-23
25. 18-24, 17-21 6-12, 6-7
26. 11-16, 20-21 6-12, 9-11
27. 16-18, 20-21 6-11, 7-11
28. 8-13, 10-14 6-9, 9-10
29. 13-15, 20-21 pass
30. 14-19, 21-24 10-12
31. 18-24, 19-20 pass
32. 20-24, 20-21 11-12
33. 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, 18-19 11-12, 11-12, 22-23, 22-23
34. 1-5, 5-7 pass
35. 7-9, 9-11, 2-4, 4-6 pass
36. 19-22, 21-22 23-2, 2-7
37. 11-14, 14-16 7-8
38. 16-21, 21-24 8-12
39. 6-10, 10-16 23-2, 23-1
40. 16-18, 18-19 23-1, 23-1, 23-1, 23-1
41. 3-9, 4-10, 5-11, 9-15 1-7, 1-2
42. 15-20, 11-13 1-4, 4-7, 1-4, 4-7
43. 10-16, 13-19, 16-22, 19-off 2-5, 2-3
44. 21-off, 21-off, 21-off, 20-24 3-7, 1-2
45. 19-off, 22-off, 22-off, 22-off 2-8, 23-4
46. 24-off, 24-off 5-7, 4-5
47. 24-off, 24-off 5-8, 12-off
48. 24-off, 24-off 7-11, 12-off
49. 24-off
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