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Ludo (show rules | discuss - 512, 48)

5 wins match
DarwinKoala is the winner of this match.
Score: KJ: 4.0, DarwinKoala: 5.0
Finished games of this match:
1KJDarwinKoalaAll pieces out.
2DarwinKoalaKJAll pieces out.
3KJDarwinKoalaAll pieces out.
4DarwinKoalaKJAll pieces out.
5KJDarwinKoalaAll pieces out.
6DarwinKoalaKJAll pieces out.
7KJDarwinKoalaAll pieces out.
8DarwinKoalaKJAll pieces out.
9KJDarwinKoalaAll pieces out.

KJ , 58. (60.)
(white, 2175)
- playing game Ludo (blackviper55 vs. KJ) -
Last move: 15. January 2010, 04:36:55

Score (5): KJ: 4.0, DarwinKoala: 5.0
  K J I H G F E D C B A  
 1   1 
 2   2 
 3   3 
 4   4 
 5   5 
 6   6 
 7   7 
 8   8 
 9   9 
 10   10 
 11   11 
  K J I H G F E D C B A  

(black, 2046)
Last move: 15. January 2010, 04:35:34

Game ID: 4393617, Match ID: 424735
Score: KJ: 4.0, DarwinKoala: 5.0
Time per move (?): 2 days, standard vacation
Public game (visible for other players)
Rated game (the result will be calculated for players' BKR)
KJ moved all pieces out.
KJ is the winner.

Game notation (hide)


5. January 2010, 04:58:18
1. c3-e1-c5-b5 pass
2. b5-a7 i9-g11-g10
3. a7-b7 g10-i7
4. b7-c7 i7-j5
5. c7-e8 j5-h5
6. e8-e10 h5-g5
7. e10-f11 g5-g4
8. f11-g10 i10-g11-g7
9. g10-g9 j9-g11-g9*
10. c3-e1-e4 g7-k6
11. e4-a5 g4-g1
12. b3-e1-d5 k6-j5
13. a5-c7 g1-e4
14. c7-e9 j5-g4
15. d5-a7 e4-c5
16. e9-e10 c5-b5
17. e10-g10 g4-f1
18. c2-e1-e5 b5-a7*
19. g10-g9* f1-e3
20. e5-a6 e3-d5
21. a6-a7* d5-a6
22. g9-j7 i9-g11-g8
23. j7-k5 a6-a7*
24. k5-h5 g8-g7
25. h5-g2 g7-h7
26. g2-g1 h7-k5
27. g1-f1 k5-g5
28. f1-f3 g5-g2
29. f3-f5 g2-g1
30. c3-e1-e3 a7-c7
31. e3-a5-c7* i9-g11-g10
32. c7-e10 g10-g8
33. e10-e11 g1-e5-b5
34. e11-g9 b5-d7-e9
35. c2-e1-e4 e9-e10
36. e4-c5 e10-f8
37. c5-a5 g8-i7
38. g9-g8 i7-k7
39. g8-i7 k7-k5
40. i7-k5* pass
41. k5-j5 pass
42. j5-g4 i9-g11-g10
43. g4-g2 g10-g9
44. g2-f2 g9-g7
45. a5-b7 g7-h7
46. f2-f3 h7-i7
47. b7-e8 i7-k6
48. e8-f11 k6-j5
49. f11-g8 j5-h5
50. g8-h7 h5-g3
51. h7-k6 j9-g11-g7
52. k6-h5 g7-k7
53. h5-f1-f4 g3-f1
54. pass k7-k5
55. b2-e1-e3 k5-j5
56. e3-e5 j5-g2-e4-a5
57. e5-b5 f1-e1
58. b5-c7 e1-c5-a6
59. c7-e7 a6-b7
60. e7-f11 b7-c7
61. f11-g10 c7-d7
62. g10-g7 d7-e11
63. g7-k5-g5 j10-g11-g10
64. g5-g2 g10-h7
65. pass h7-j7
66. g2-f1 j7-h5-f1*-e2
67. pass e11-f10
68. c2-e1-e5 e2-e3
69. e5-c5 a5-d7
70. c5-c7-e7 d7-e7*
71. pass e7-e8
72. c2-e1-c5-b5 e3-b5*
73. pass b5-c7
74. pass c7-e10
75. pass pass
76. pass pass
77. pass f8-f7
78. c2-e1-c5-b5 e8-f11
79. b5-a5 e10-f9
80. a5-c7 pass
81. c7-d7 f10-f8
82. d7-e9 pass
83. e9-g9-h7 pass
84. h7-k5 pass
85. k5-g4 pass
86. g4-f2
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