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Profile: Gror

Gror (Petr Severa) - Brain Rook, 656 Brains, 1290 achievement points
Total score: 9328 wins, 405 draws, 7807 losses, 542 won tournaments

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Gror's last public photo album

Moje mimino

Number of photos: 32
Today activity: 0 moves (Server time: 27. July 2024, 01:35:07)
Top activity: 2183 moves (25. March 2008)

Membership:Brain Rook (19. May 2004 - forever)
Country:Czech Republic
First login:4. December 2003, 18:44:36
Last action:26. June 2015, 00:10:18 - browsing message box
Total chips:
Weekend days:Saturday and Sunday
Vacation days left:45 days - using the automatic vacation

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Description:Hraju (skoro) vsechno, ale neprijimam vyzvy od lidi, ktere neznam. A vzhledem k tomu, ze mam dost rozehranych turnaju a vubec, mam tendenci vyzvy odmitat.

I do play nearly anything but I won't accept any invitations from people, who I don't know. However, I'm very busy with tournaments, so I generally tend to decline all offers for the single games.

So, PLEASE, DO NOT send me offers for any games, unless we already know each other.


A new baby was born on October, 14th. It is my son, Jakub,
and this is him in person:
14. října se narodilo děťátko. Je to můj syn Jakub a tohle je on osobně:

Jakub v celé své kráse

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