A visitor who comes to the BrainKing for the first time, can create a new free account by clicking on "New User Registration" link in the "Unregistered Users" section of the entry point page. This action will show the registration form.
In order to make the registration process simple, the form is divided to two sections - "required" and "not required". It is mandatory to fill all required fields:
User Name - the name or nickname you want to use on BrainKing. It can contain only selected ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space), cannot be longer than 15 characters and you must choose a unique name which is not used by another user yet.
Password - the password you want to use to log in. This form will mask it with asterisks to keep it secure. The password can contain only ASCII characters.
Password Again - write the same password as to the previous field, just to make sure you didn't make any typos.
E-mail - your e-mail address to send the confirmation of the successful registration to. It is recommended to write only a real and existing e-mail, otherwise the account request can be rejected. The e-mail address must be unique, it is not possible to create more accounts with the same e-mail.
Gender - select your gender (male or female).
Select this checkbox if you are using WebTV - if you select this option, BrainKing will set the row layout for your account which is better suited for WebTV browser (due to its small screen resolution) but does not look as nice as the classic column layout. It is possible to change the layout later on the Settings page.
After the form is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and wait for the administrators to approve your request. The approval process does not exceed 24 hours (usually it is much faster) and when it is done, you will receive another confirmation e-mail and your account is ready to use.
All values of this form can be changed later on your Profile page and such modifications must be approved by administrators as well.