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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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13. June 2006, 20:45:53
Foxy Lady 
Subject: My Wavy Petunia
Was so root bound it had know place to grow.I did get it replaced.

13. June 2006, 18:48:08
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: just some nice plants piccies
nobleheart: The firetree looks like how our trees get in the fall.

13. June 2006, 18:42:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: just some nice plants piccies
nobleheart: Yes they were but please try to shorten your posts.

12. June 2006, 15:06:38
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: Give it a few days plants go in shock sometimes when transplanted.Be sure it has good drainage.

12. June 2006, 14:58:29
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: I got a few minutes so i'll Hi again.How's your plant doing?

12. June 2006, 06:01:44
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: lucky bamboo
spicieangel: I took one of the plants and put it in dirt and it's doing quite well.

12. June 2006, 04:33:52
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: lucky bamboo
I did some of my own research and found this on it
I also have some plants but never knew the history about the plant.

12. June 2006, 03:09:56
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: I'm glad to see you back.

10. June 2006, 23:20:37
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Compost
Mousetrap: Oh we sure are all the leaves and grass go in there,plus whatever.We have one that looks like a barrel and we can turn it.

10. June 2006, 14:06:02
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: My Petunia
ajtgirl: I'll say this before i pay for it(I have an account with the Florist i'm bringing it in to her.)I bought another one at the grocery store and it's doing great.Our weather is not good it's 49 this morning for June.What a bummer our garden were just waiting on.

10. June 2006, 14:01:17
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:

9. June 2006, 08:17:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: My Petunia
plaintiger: Well i cut it back and fed it,i have it in the house for now.It did pick up on one side go figure.

ajtgirl ok why just one side picked up.Do i just wait and see??????

9. June 2006, 08:13:38
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: flower humour?
nobleheart: Please keep it short,for some it seems a little too long.

8. June 2006, 09:03:09
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
ajtgirl: Did all that,the flowers are white.

8. June 2006, 09:01:47
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: ajtgirl only
Rose: I cut it all back and brought it in the house,were getting rain all week.It sure did perk up.

7. June 2006, 10:32:15
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: ajtgirl only
Rose: No more wavy petunias for me.

7. June 2006, 10:30:33
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: ajtgirl only
ajtgirl: Not only does it look like mush its really stragly.It looks like awful,talk about being upset.I bought it at my florist so you can take a guess what i paid for it.Only a few blossums are on it.I'll cut it back today and see what happens.Next time i'll stick with my grocery store.

6. June 2006, 06:05:33
Foxy Lady 
Subject: ajtgirl only
I have a question,i have a huge wavy petunia.I should say was huge thats dying on me.Flowers are turning brown,i think i overwatered it but i'm not sure.I thought the chilly nites got it but i see others that left there flowers out and look great.
Thought about calling the florists that i bought it from.My question is will it recover? I'm sick over it this plant was huge now it looks awful,it still has some flowers.

4. June 2006, 22:35:32
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: Were going in the 40's tonite.Crazy weather all over i guess.

4. June 2006, 07:11:46
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: Did your weather change at all? Sometimes if we plant too early we lose some buds.Right now we got hit with a cold spell at nite so i'm waiting to see what happens.

4. June 2006, 06:59:44
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: Sounds like something we had a few years back.We never did find out what it was but started to plant garlic in the fall so it was up in the Spring.We put our pepper and tomato plants in that area of the garlic,got rid of whatever was cuting the buds off.I did the same around my rose bush and got rid of those green worms i had.

3. June 2006, 07:03:55
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Off Topic
Modified by Foxy Lady (3. June 2006, 07:04:49)
plaintiger: lol

3. June 2006, 06:40:09
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Romance in the Jungle(grandparents)

3. June 2006, 06:01:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Romance in the Jungle(grandparents)
plaintiger: Now thats a good joke Got ya

3. June 2006, 05:50:38
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Romance in the Jungle(grandparents)

2. June 2006, 04:04:07
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Raining Hard In NY
ajtgirl: You can say that again it's rained since last nite.Right now it's stopped but expecting thunderstorms during the nite.

1. June 2006, 10:43:29
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yippie
plaintiger: ok but were getting

1. June 2006, 10:35:03
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yippie
plaintiger: Did ya have to mention Winter.Were just starting to warm up so we could plant.

1. June 2006, 10:23:51
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yippie
plaintiger: Well i'm glad we got the garden in perfect timing.

1. June 2006, 10:12:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yippie
plaintiger: Where i live anyways.

1. June 2006, 10:07:19
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yippie
plaintiger: It's raining now

1. June 2006, 09:33:04
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: I don't

1. June 2006, 05:14:08
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Yippie
We finally got our garden all in,just in time for rain tonite and tomorrow.

28. May 2006, 06:08:00
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Rubbing it in
Eriisa: Were going into the high 80's tomorrow,bout time.

25. May 2006, 04:07:26
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: todays plants
nobleheart: I couldn't get the pics but i know you only post great stuff.:)

24. May 2006, 06:45:31
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Brrrrrrrrr
plaintiger: Were suppose to start warming up this week,in the 80's by the week end.I sure hope so i wanna start my garden.

22. May 2006, 05:51:03
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Brrrrrrrrr
Were in the 30's can you believe this is the middle of May.

20. May 2006, 03:34:58
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
CleverHunk: Ohhhhhhhh wow

20. May 2006, 03:33:25
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: flower power?
plaintiger: It's doing the same to me Tripod does that sometimes.

19. May 2006, 08:06:13
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: Hmmmmmm thats true but i'll keep mine in the house.

19. May 2006, 07:15:13
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: I don't think those bamboo would hold up to our winters.

18. May 2006, 07:02:57
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: I've seen most of the plants in the stores in water with white rocks,not dirt.I'm surprised that plant is doing so well.

18. May 2006, 06:28:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: I bought 3 more bamboo plants got good strong roots on them.Their in water right now.I did plant one in dirt and it's doing great.

18. May 2006, 05:46:37
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: I was a busy Mom today,trips to the dentist for check ups.Had my first Brownie group here that was fun.Even Laci is an honory s/p member.I did pick up some impatiene hanging baskets and got the amber lights set in the front of the house,and got dinner.Whew now its quiet and hubby is at work.This is my time.

17. May 2006, 18:51:07
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:

17. May 2006, 06:17:57
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Pawns
I've decided to let the pawns post,it's not fair to the ones that always post here.Let's hope we don't have any more problems so keep alert.

17. May 2006, 06:14:32
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Tillandsias and Epiphytes
plaintiger: I know that but i didn't submit it.I saw what i done and said ohhhhhhh nooooooo

17. May 2006, 05:57:27
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Tillandsias and Epiphytes
plaintiger: I looked you weren't there,i didn't submit it.Dang thats so easy to goof like that.

17. May 2006, 05:51:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Tillandsias and Epiphytes
Foxy Lady: Watch slip of finger

17. May 2006, 05:46:25
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Tillandsias and Epiphytes
Modified by Foxy Lady (17. May 2006, 05:52:33)
plaintiger: Oppps i hit the wrong button instead of mail i hit hide can you see your posts?
i'll have to find a Glob........All fixed

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