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20. January 2007, 15:50:13
Subject: Re: Noob question(s)
Modified by danheg (20. January 2007, 15:51:08)
turnberry1: play in tournaments of the specific game type because you usually play multiple games of the same type with people.  You can also look up the bkr ratings page on the game and try inviting people.  Depending on your style of play, the latter option can be better.  If you like a fast game, then the latter option might be better because there are people who play a LOT of games at a time and that tends to draw out their moves.

20. January 2007, 01:05:28
Subject: Re: eligible for tourney?
mybirthdaysoon: Has he finished the current game he is playing in one of those tournaments but the tournament is still running?

12. October 2006, 02:26:40
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: you mean Oct 13th?

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