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25. May 2003, 07:38:36 
Subject: Afford memberships
Well I know this was discussed many time before, with many different opinions (OK, just 2 opinions - 1. Everyone can afford membership and 2. Not everyone can afford membership) - and I have stayed out of it until now.

Anyway, I do know people who can not afford to pay for memberships. While I was still working as a network administartor (before being laid off in Sept 2001), we donated computers to a local "free net" - which then donated those computers to libraries and to low income families. They also offer free internet access to people who could not afford it also. Now if you don't have an income, and stay at home mom/dad - and you have to priorities between food and game site - I believe most would choose food. I'm sure EVERYONE could scrape up enough for a membership, but if you are already on a low income - that extra money you scraped up could be used other places other then a game site.

Anyway, the point is some people put their priorities of their family ahead of game playing. Could everyone possible find an extra $10-20? Sure, but if they are that bad off - unable to find a job - and sitting at home with kids and can't get out of the house - a free game site is a great way to just site down and relax to get away from things for awhile.


25. May 2003, 07:17:19 
Once it is implemented that the system can determin a section winner as early as possible (or at least determine when a person has no chance to move on to the next section as early as possible) - as long as the player is done with their games in the section, I believe they should be allowed to join the next tournament. (since it would still be within the rule of "1 tournament at a time)

And yes, when I say "quit" a tournament - not really quit, but let a player deterime for themselfs that they "can not win the section to move on" and then let them joing their next tournament.

In a way I also think that it is good to make pawns wait for a section to finish before moving to the next tournament, BUT when a section can take up to 6 months - that could mean a pawn could only join 2 tournament a year - which I know for myself would not give me a very good impression of this site, and in turn probable not get my money.


25. May 2003, 06:45:46 
Subject: CleverHunk
CleverHunk: I'm not sure if you got the answers or not, but here they are.

No, neither paid or non-paid members can "quit" a tournament. It's not a big deal for rooks because they do not have a tournament limit.

As of right now, you have to wait for the SECTION you are in to be complete (not the tournament) - in case there are more then 1 sections.

25. May 2003, 06:38:10 
Subject: re: ok, a serious question
WOW - I leave for a few hours, and I miss a lot.

[Dmitri King May 2003, 22:00:01] "Remember, we're not talking about making extra features for the MEMBERS, this discussion is about giving the NON members more."

... actually, this never started about a non paid member wanting more features. It is not about giving non-paid members more tournaments.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM: non-paid members are limited to 1 tournament at a time. (This is a good rule in my opinoin) They can play all their games and finish the 1 tournament - the problem is that even though they are done with all their games in the 1 tournament, they can wait many weeks/months for other people to finish their tournament - up to 6 months if a paid member uses their vacations / weekends / and move limits! Even though the non-paid member is following all rules, THEY finish their 1 tournament BUT since OTHERS do not finish their tournament, they have to wait. - it's like they are being punished by other slow players - which in turns makes this site and it's players look bad - which in turns might turn away this player from enjoying this site and possible paying for a membership. If you can get a non-paid member to enjoy the site, you might get them to pay - and having them wait up to 6 months to enter their next tournament might just turn people away from this site.

My suggestion is to either re-work it so when a player plays all his games in a tournament, and there is no way to move to the next round, let them join their next tournamenet - OR EVEN BETTER - as the very first person kind of suggested, let a person "quit" a tournamenet after they complete their games if they know they can not move to the next round.

I know some people really want to limit non-paid players, and even take away tournament all together - and I know for myself, I do not play many non-tournament games, and if I could not even try out tournaments here, I probable would not have stayed around. What you have to remember is different people have different needs and enjoy different things. And if you don't show non-paid members what this site can offer - you will not get very many people to join. (Very few people will join a site if the service they get as non-paid players is bad!)


24. May 2003, 20:11:15 
Subject: re: serious questions re tourny function...
I asked a similar question when I first came to the site before I became a paid member, and I have seen similar messages from others since then.

And basicly the only answer I ever see is "o'well.... unless you want to become a paid member, you have to wait for all the others to finish their games in that section of the tournament before you can join a second tournament." I believe this is really unfair to the unpaid players who play there games regularly - since a paid member could hold up a tournament an extra 40+ days if they use all their weekends & vacations. Add to that if they use all there time for each move - they could extend a tournament up to 4-6 months... and depending on the game time limit, maybe even longer!

Hopefully if Fencer see enough people who have this problems, maybe he will try to at least change it somehow.



9. May 2003, 19:00:39 
Subject: Anti Line4
I've been trying to get into a tournament game of Anti Line 4, but usually not enough people sign up. I like to play many different games, at least a couple of times.

SO - This is an invatation to anyone who would like to at least try a game of Anti Line4 - Please check out THIS TOURNAMENT and sign up for Anti Line4 if you would like to give it a try.

I'm hopeing to get at least 4 people into that tournament so we can play it - and if anyone else would like to at least try to play the game - now is a good chance to get in and give it a try! ☺

1. May 2003, 18:45:44 
Subject: Re: Tournament rules need changed?
Well it actually does not matter it "I" have the advantage or disadvantage - either way, someone is getting the short end of the stick with how the last round of tournaments are set up if there are only 2 players left.

(For Spider Line 4, it is an advantage to be white - and for some of the Pente games, some people are VERY stong in certain color's)

So in general, I believe it is a rule that could use updating now that we have the "2 games per 2 players" option.


1. May 2003, 08:34:06 
Subject: Tournament rules need changed?
OK, this question (request) is mostly about THIS TOURNAMENT - where this rule comes into play:

"It can happen that only two players are at the last round. In this case the 3-wins match will be arranged, otherwise the tournament result would depend on one game only which is not fair."

Well my problem is that the first round was set up with the "two games for each two players" rule.

My probable is that it is a Line 4 game where White normally has the advantage in the game. My first game with the higher ranked player is with the color black. Which means if we play a 3-wins match, I'll be stuck with black twice - which is a big disadvantage for me to start the game with (it will be hard enough for me to win as white against the other player!) (NOTE: That is if a 3-win match changes colors each game - if not, I'll be stuck with Black all 3 games!)

Anyway, since you can now set up tournament with the "two games for each two players" rule - maybe you should switch it where it is not a 3-game match at the end of those types of games. Possible set it up with either a "two games (switched colors) for each two players" game, or something like that.

I would rather the tournament end in a tie then to have a player have to start with a disadvantage (which really takes the fun out of the games!)


13. April 2003, 05:02:37 
Subject: Re: Ties in Tournaments
On the "Winners" page (new option on the left hand side) - it list all 3 of us from Round 2 as winners of that tournament.

The four sections in round 1 were already played, with the 4 winners each going to "Round 2, Section1" - which has ended with a 3 way tie. - which looks like the end of the tournament to me.

13. April 2003, 04:32:54 
Subject: Re: Ties in Tournaments
That tournament is counting as a tournament win for me in the "Winners" list - so I don't think a round 3 is going to start.

13. April 2003, 03:07:46 
Subject: Ties in Tournaments
I know how it is currently set up - if there is a tie in the last round of a tournament, it just ends as a tie. (for example the Open Fast Backgammon (3) tournament)

I guess my question is if there are any plans to extend a tournament for more rounds to find one winner, or if it will always stay like this.

My vote is to extend it - what do others think?

7. April 2003, 17:50:45 
Subject: Race & Crowded backgammon
Message Edit: Tournament has now started - Thanks to you all who signed up.

Since it worked for Kevin, I'll try it!

I have a tournament on the tournament page (BIG BAD WOLF presents: ALL 5 Gammon Games!) - and it is time to start, but I'm short players for the Backgammon Race & Crowded Backgammon games.

So if you are interested, please take a look and sign up. I will start the tournament once 4 players are in each (or in about 24 hours... what ever happens first)



25. March 2003, 03:15:54 
Subject: double tournament signup
Kevin - Interesting question, and since I like to test things - I just tried to make a tournament, and selected Line4 game at the top and bottom - and it only created 1 game.

So there is your answer! :-)

21. March 2003, 04:18:39 
Subject: re: tournament page organization
True that most tournaments have the name in them, but there have been some that have not.

What I would like to see on the tournament page - after the name, have (gametype) - like it is shown in people profile.

For example:
- Hannelore's 1st Pente (Pente)
- Cat Lovers Unite (Spider Line4)

And if it is an "all" game, put "all" - or if it is just a select few (which I think Fencer is working on), maybe put "multiple games" or something.

But if something like this is done - then the person creating the tournament does not need to put the name of the game in the name if they do not want to! :-)

20. March 2003, 18:31:59 
Subject: re: Entries
I think that is one of the flaws on BrainKing (for BrainPawns that is). Even though you are done with your games in the tournament, you have to wait for all other users in the section to complete their games before you can join another tournament. (Something I pointed out awhile back)

... but then again, I guess it is a good flaw since that is one of the reasons I bought a membership because I did not want to wait for everyone else to finish.

But you bring up a point about the Vacations. I think vacations are a very good thing on this site, but 30 days is a long time! (esicially if that is "added" into the 2 days a week you get off) You could be gone for about 40 days strait without timing out!

Maybe there should be a limit - like you can not use more then 2 weeks in any giving month (or something like that)

18. March 2003, 06:14:37 
Subject: Gothic Chess
There is about 1 day left to join the first Gothic Chess tournament!

5. March 2003, 20:56:31 
Subject: suggestion
Having the tournaments a 2 game match (one of each color) would be a great improvment (for most of the games) - possible have it the choice of whoever makes the tournament.

Heck - I have recently joined 3 spider stack4 tournaments where I play the same higher ranked player. In all 3 games, I'm stuck with the color black (which usually has a disadvantage) - so unless I get lucky - all three of those tournaments will be out of my reach... :-(

But it is planned - so that will be good! :-)

15. February 2003, 17:55:50 
Subject: ... does anyone know
Does anyone know - Do I have to wait for BOTH sections of a tournament to finnish before I can sign up for a new tournament?

Since I'm limited to one tournament, it will not let me sign up for any new tournaments. It keeps saying that I'm playing in a current tournament (even though all MY game are done, and I DO NOT have enough points to go to the next round) - UGH! Do I have to wait for the next round to be finnished also???? THAT WILL STINK if I have to wait that long! UGH!!!!

15. February 2003, 01:39:22 
Subject: question...
I was in the Fast Nack (1) (Nackgammon) tournament, and I'm now done with all my games. I already know I will not make it to the next round, but there are still other players in the section with games to play.

So now it will not let me sign up for a new tournament even though I have finished all my games in the section.

Do I have to wait for the other players in the section to complete their games, or will I be able to sign up for a new tournament before then????


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