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2. September 2010, 13:11:48
Subject: Re:
Modified by "GERRY" (2. September 2010, 13:24:41)
MadMonkey: This is why i do not play in ponds & also poker to

& i enjoy playing poker to until this page loading stuff because i still can' t get into.
I still have 1000 chips & can't find a game to use them in

1. September 2010, 21:03:43
Subject: Re:
rod03801: Thanks rod Fencer will have to look into it

1. September 2010, 21:00:53
Subject: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: BOOT me then

1. September 2010, 20:59:58
Subject: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: Now i sighed back in we are both there again

1. September 2010, 20:58:45
Subject: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: But is back now you sighed back in

1. September 2010, 20:57:19
Subject: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: you removed your self & it was still there then i removed my self & now it is gone

1. September 2010, 20:53:23
Subject: Re: Fencer
Fencer: I justed looked & i can't now

1. September 2010, 20:50:33
Subject: Re: Fencer
Fencer: I can Fencer

1. September 2010, 14:40:45
Thanks alot Fencer for your great offer you have givin us this morning from me because i don't drink & from those that do Thanks again Filip

31. August 2010, 15:41:48

31. August 2010, 02:07:34
Subject: Re:
rod03801: I can see now i can delete it Thank's again & Fencer

31. August 2010, 02:05:09
Subject: Re:
rod03801: Ok rod thank's fo INFO I'll check it out more to save that tournament

30. August 2010, 23:21:29
Modified by "GERRY" (30. August 2010, 23:22:10)

30. August 2010, 23:17:23
There seems to be a problem in our tournament games system My Bishop Prize seems to be ok now. but my Hyper Backgammon Rook Prize tournament isn't I have removed unwanted players & they are coming back in. I have been removed from there tournament & i can not get back in to theres
I also can not cancel or delete that tournament.

So Fencer can your return the prize & delete that tournament for me please & thankyou

30. August 2010, 15:52:46
Subject: Re: Keryo TT
Fencer: Yes i remember when i bought starzone her Bishop Membership she told me she could not play in 2 at once

26. August 2010, 20:22:37

26. August 2010, 14:49:04
Subject: Re:

26. August 2010, 14:44:34
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Oh no i would never do that my dear

26. August 2010, 14:36:17
funny lights on no posts

25. August 2010, 12:35:57
is on top of the board list again today

24. August 2010, 13:18:03
is on top of the boards again today

23. August 2010, 14:51:25
Come people get your money out of your pocket's & help Fencer out

19. August 2010, 15:07:59
Subject: Re:
Fencer: You should leave it like this

19. August 2010, 14:47:39
Modified by "GERRY" (19. August 2010, 15:30:19)
Fencer when you suspend the timeout checking on this site it always runs very fast is there a reason for this? Sending messages are timing out for me tho but games are very fast every thing is great now

14. August 2010, 13:27:00
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Ok thank,s alot Fencer

14. August 2010, 13:09:33
Snoppy That is why i did it Is that ok

14. August 2010, 12:44:37
Subject: Re:
Fencer: I sent it Fencer it came to $196.31 So i hope i will be a Black Rook when you receive it. :))

13. August 2010, 21:59:22
Fencer i only use Pay Pal do i have enough time to use it to buy a black ROOK membership & how much is that in Canadian funds?

3. July 2010, 13:19:21
good by to those that are gone & or just leaving to all that are still here to all that are just joining
& enjoy yourself & have fun here

24. June 2010, 14:24:13

22. June 2010, 20:43:42
Subject: Re:
rod03801: Ok thanks rod:))

22. June 2010, 20:26:44
Subject: Re:
Modified by "GERRY" (22. June 2010, 20:34:48)
rabbitoid: lmao no i'am all ready there i don't think they are to safe there I don't need a stressful life thank's tho

22. June 2010, 20:10:58
Modified by "GERRY" (22. June 2010, 20:12:26)
Fencer where do you post on here to meet & marry a good women

19. June 2010, 01:52:17

18. June 2010, 17:13:53
Subject: Re: brainking is slow !!!
Artful Dodger: Hey art is that killer dog for sale:))

25. December 2009, 22:31:10
Merry Christmas to everyone on BK :))

8. October 2009, 20:18:13
This site is really messed up today Oh well hope you get it going soon Fencer:))

3. August 2009, 18:39:33
Subject: Re:
(V): ahhh come on she is a ruler it's her way or it's the highway you take LMAO:))) you must get a different show then we get here LOL:)))

27. July 2009, 15:11:17
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Mine also is the same.It get's very slow around 4 to 6 PM our time here.But when it is working it is very fast on this site.Could be due to my wireless connection

25. July 2009, 19:59:11
I only have 2 board's that i read or post on Fencer if this kind of crap is aloud to continue it just show's to me that your are not very concerned about it Why do you even have MOD"S here to end this matter.We all know that this is the best game site on the internet. I feel this is very off topic for this board & would like to see all this crap ended PLEASE & THANK YOU

15. June 2009, 17:01:04
Subject: Re:
DeaD man WalkiN: So sorry to hear that my friend (:

20. May 2009, 17:19:35
Subject: Re: Fencer
gogul: There could be some truth in that one because the Canadian north is expanding with people:))

20. May 2009, 17:05:02
Subject: Re: Fencer
Czuch: LMAO & you know what though did don't you:))))

19. May 2009, 21:28:13
Subject: Re: Fencer
(V): I t all goes to the old saying would you buy a cart without a horse or are you going to pull it yourself:)))

19. May 2009, 20:02:36
Subject: Re: Fencer
(V): Isn't that the truth. I think the biggest concern over here is all the car company's

19. May 2009, 17:17:00
Subject: Re: Fencer
Czuch: Maybe we should ask Fencer for a Better Business board & leave the politics out of it because we all know that there are not very good at running a sucessful busniness:))

17. May 2009, 23:23:16
Subject: Re:
Pedro Martínez: LMAO :)))))

17. May 2009, 23:22:19
Subject: Re:
martes: LOL There is alot of them here Just put them on hide on all your board's & put them on block.I just removed all my blocked user's 5 or 6 day's ago & it start's all over again this time when they get blocked it's forever That is the only way you can enjoy this site & meet some very nice people & enjoy playing games:)))

17. May 2009, 22:50:15
Subject: Re:
martes: First put him on block & we can go from there

17. May 2009, 19:27:58
Modified by "GERRY" (17. May 2009, 19:29:31)
Pay Pal is gone from this site.It is not the end of the world.So let's all enjoy this SITE that Fencer is providing for all of us:)))

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