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12. June 2005, 22:27:52
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
baudrillard: just an obsevation.does any one else feel this way..or am I weird?
freedom of speak is great,I is a treasured luxury that we in the "do what ever we want 1st world culture" forget is unavailable in many countries.what blows me away is that in this culture,we claim to be the champions of free speech & democracy.but there are so many that would dictate(even online it appears in some places) what we talk about,and what out attitudes should be,and even what we should be wearing.
granted,there should be self-dicipline,self-control,modesty,descency & respect for others.but it seems these noble character traits are all but lost these days in many.
their are also( I am not pointing my finger at anyone in particular))so many online who are abusive,anti-social,anti-feminine who want to argue,rant(repeatedly)over things.its too bad.the internet can be a remarkable tool for communication.whats my point?
so many people waste their energies on negative behavior.

12. June 2005, 16:52:22
Left in disgust 
Subject: Re:
harley: LOL! and hee hee! I'll remember not to whoooopie dooooo is up here in the future (she says logging it down as things she must not do on BrainKing

12. June 2005, 12:03:35
Sorry, I should have been more specific, it was the woopie doo and continuation that was 'off topic', not the fellowship messages! Sorry!

12. June 2005, 11:41:00
Subject: Re: Off topic
baudrillard: I imagine it was about the "Woopie Doo" subject, and the brief joking that came after it.

12. June 2005, 10:13:51
Left in disgust 
Subject: Off topic
So what is and what is not 'topic'? According to the discussion description it is for 'everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future'.

Seems to me that everyone here is discussing just that.

12. June 2005, 08:24:32
Subject: Re: Time per move
Marfitalu: You must add weekend days of your opponent. And vacations days if they are set.

12. June 2005, 00:53:54
SORRY Harley, just now went back and reread everything and see you were talking about, we are off topic.

12. June 2005, 00:51:37
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I think the problem is that some people join certain fellowships only to keep track of what is being said about them or to keep an eye on what people are saying (they dont want to miss any dirt, for example) These are likely the people who do not want to recieve the emails, as they have no intention of active participation in said fellowship, and never read the board until they hear about someone argueing or someone talking about them or a friend of theirs. These people are not wanted in my fellowships, but there is no easy way to tell for sure who is doing this.

12. June 2005, 00:40:44 
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Actually except for a couple of new fellowship, I never accepted the fact I would recieve messages from the big boss - that is a new feature.

I mean it is nothing that should upset a big boss - it's just some people would rather not read the same thing twice. Some of us are quite happy with just reading things once.

(Again - great feature since some people do not regularly read fellowship boards)

12. June 2005, 00:33:46
Subject: Re:
ClayNashvilleTn: I agree.... It is not spam if it is something you asked to recieve. By being in a fellowship you automatically accept the fact that you may recieve a message from the big boss. If you dont like it just leave the fellowship. I seem to get more people to sign up for tournaments etc when send out invites to all members over the amout who will sign up when it is posted on the board alone.

But thinking it over now, I guess an option to just not recieve them wouldnt hurt anyone either.
If you are in my fellowship and you do not recieve my emails and you do not respond when things are posted on the board, I can just delete you from my fellowship....

12. June 2005, 00:31:36

12. June 2005, 00:07:57
ClayNashvilleTn: I can't relate this to the topic we just started ;)

12. June 2005, 00:05:40
Modified by ClayNashvilleTN (12. June 2005, 00:10:51)
Anytime decesions are made i'm sure whats considered is, "Whats best for the members as a whole"

in this incident, (spam messaging)is it best to try to reach everyone and try to inform or involve everyone by group messages when the only negative is to ask informed members or members that arent intrested to simply delete them.

11. June 2005, 23:58:16
Subject: Woopie dooo!!
heavenlyemma started it. Fwiffo continued it. Count me in ....

We got us a topic!


11. June 2005, 23:03:44
Woopie dooo? Is that on topic?

11. June 2005, 19:48:38
Woopie dooo!!

11. June 2005, 16:10:39
Subject: Re: spam messages
BIG BAD WOLF: There has been some discussion about this at feature requests, for anyone interested.

11. June 2005, 16:03:07 
Subject: Re: spam messages
Stardust: I agree with bwildman. At least for myself, I always read the fellowship message boards - so almost all the time a message is also posted in there, then also sent to all members. (once is enough for me.)

But I also know that not everyone reads the fellowship message boards on a regular basis, so the message can be good for them - but not me.... I can just read it on the board.

11. June 2005, 15:54:32
Subject: Re: spam messages
bwildman: Being a nmember of a fellowship should entitle one to receive any group messages. If you don't want to receive them perhaps that fellowship isn't right for you :-)
Afterall isn't the purpose of a fellowship,fellowship?

11. June 2005, 14:50:13
Left in disgust 
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Walter Montego: I presume that your post was directed at me? me being 'her'????
In the first instant, what I have told you is absolute truth. And it is the reason that I support moderated discussions here - which is a feature of this site and is therefore very much 'on topic' if there were to be any decisions about it becoming unmodrated like IYT.

You can check IYT - however, the public posts only stay there for a few days. I saved a message from the perpertrator who, after hurling his abuse at all and sundry in public then did it to me in private. He then told me he was joining this site.

11. June 2005, 13:44:00
Subject: spam messages
can we be able to elect to recieve these "group" messages?

11. June 2005, 11:24:36
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Thanks Fencer :o)

11. June 2005, 11:23:23
Subject: Re:
Lamby: It doesn't affect the BKR until both players make two moves. But it counts as a loss.

11. June 2005, 11:22:01
If you accept a game, then resign before the game has started, does this still count as a loss & does it affect ratings? Thanks :o)

10. June 2005, 15:08:47
Fencer wow that's cool,

Clay- I think a tourney is in the process of being completed for the prize but yes :o)

10. June 2005, 14:51:59
Subject: Re: interested
furbster: CaoZ, a year ago.

10. June 2005, 14:49:47
Subject: Re: interested
furbster: Didnt someone win one recently?

10. June 2005, 14:46:45
Subject: Re: interested
furbster: Yes I think... I would, but robbing a bank could get me into trouble

10. June 2005, 14:45:35
Subject: interested
Just wondered if anyone has ever had a maharajah membership on this site?

10. June 2024, 13:48:19
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Walter Montego: i think that having been politely asked to drop the issue, it would be wise to do so!

10. June 2005, 01:13:32
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Walter Montego: International law covers even Fencers homeland I would have thought.

10. June 2005, 01:04:05
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Jules: Libel and slander? They have those things in Czech Republic? And they would apply to someone, say me, if I posted a review of various features of different game sites here? I think that's a real stretch. If anything, Fencer's main problem would come from someone badmouthing another site on this site and then letting it become an issue between the two sites. Which is something I'm not proposing to do.

I don't want to see a bunch of swear words and racial epitats all over the discussion boards, but I also don't like what I and others feel is overmoderation and control of the conversation either. Perhaps the solution is simple and just seeing another way of doing it will inspire someone to come up with a better way to do things.

I think I'll not say any more on this subject until Fencer weighs in on it. You guys keep expressing concern for his site's wellbeing. Let's see if he shares your fears about it.

10. June 2005, 00:38:41
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Walter Montego: It starts getting into libel and slander territory. It'd be hard to prove, but is it work the risk for Fencer.

10. June 2005, 00:30:10
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
harley: It's hard to imagine someone's opinion causing the owner of a site trouble for allowing it to be read by others. Isn't that what blogs are?

10. June 2005, 00:23:39
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
Walter Montego: I'm still not convinced. If owners of other sites were to see people here comparing the two sites, it could cause trouble for Fencer. Especially if some not very nice things were being said. I could be wrong but I think this type of conversation has started up before and Fencer asked that we don't run down other sites here.
Besides, we all know

10. June 2005, 00:16:13
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: It's kind of on topic
harley: After all, the both of them are comparing how discussion boards on run. Her post seems rather incredulous to me and I would certainly like to check up on it while giving her the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to strengthen her position. If what she says it right, I'd certainly like to see it in action and make sure that that system is something I'm not a part of. If she's just overselling her point, but still has some valid issues with how they do it at IYT, I'll keep it in mind. And if I go to there and find I completely disagree with how she has stated it and there's anything to CrankyFranky's viewpoint, I'd certainly like to report back here that Fencer might want to incorporate some their way of doing it here.

I have the feeling that the reality lies between the two ways that they're looking at it, though Jules seems to lean lots more toward baudrillard's view. If you'd rather she not post a reply to my question on this board then I hope she'll send me the places to visit in a message. I think this is on topic. Which is better, BrainKing or It's Your Turn? I like the games and how they're run here better, but I've been having my concerns left unaddressed about the discussion boards. Hmm, I shouldn't say unaddressed, a few people do write to me or post where I may view their thoughts, but that doesn't mean I've been happy with how things are going here and I think it can be improved. From what I've seen posted in recent days, I'm not the only one.

9. June 2005, 23:55:21
Would you mind replying at general chat, or in private? I think discussions about other games sites are off topic here. Thank you

9. June 2005, 23:42:15
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
baudrillard: Wow! After reading this post, you've really raised my curiosity about the discussion boards on IYT. It's hard to imagine them being as extreme as you make them out to be baudrillard, but I won't know for myself until I get other there and see. How many of them do they have? Which ones should I visit to see examples of this attacking, screaming, swearing, homophobic, racist, people that you speak of?

9. June 2005, 22:33:35
Left in disgust 
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
Cranky Franky: >At IYT people are respected enough to regulate themselves, and they don't have to put up with moderators who have an agenda or a personal ax to grind.

What a scream!!!!!!!! At IYT they are allowed to attack, scream, swear ... they can be homophobic, racist, sexist ... whatever they want to be! Respect???? I don't think so! Freedom of Speech? ya right. Just dip into the discussion boards for five minutes and see what that does!

So Goodbye, Cranky Franky .... go back to the IYT slurry and send us all a postcard! I vote one hundred percent for the moderators here!!!!!!!! Thank you guys!

9. June 2005, 22:13:56
Walter, Fencer doesn't just let the global mods do as they please. He reads all discussions we have and has the final say of everything. If we even suggested something he didn't like, he says so immediately. He hasn't handed over the site to us, we just assist in keeping it how FENCER wants it.

9. June 2005, 22:12:05
Subject: Re:
Who was that, that said we didnt need moderators?

9. June 2005, 22:10:03
Me too walter.

9. June 2005, 22:09:12
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon

9. June 2005, 22:08:14
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
Walter Montego, Can you imagine Walter as a GLOB? Just kidding Walter.

9. June 2005, 22:06:21
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
ClayNashvilleTn: I didn't see this post that you're talking about. Could you direct me to it? And what is CrankyFranky talking about? What are you talking about? Code of honor? Right, now there's something to think about. When do I get to be a Global Moderator?

I still think that moderators that aren't global moderators that are appointed by Fencer should not be able to be removed by a global moderator, but Fencer seems happy to have it this way. I know I'd not run my site like that. Perhaps that's why his site is successful though. A little delegation of power can work if done right. I just think he's ceded too much, though as benevolent dictator he can at any time reassert his control and do what he thinks is best. Maybe that's what spurs me on in my hopes, that such a thing will happen.

9. June 2005, 22:04:33
Bruno Jesus 
...I mean I say this becuase I don't play with people from certain countries,some of them have issues and stuff!

9. June 2005, 22:01:50
Bruno Jesus 
Is it possible to put the flag on the waiting games aside the name?I bet alot o people have to click on the game to know the nationality of the player...
It would be easier to have a flag after the name of the player,if one is searching for country people.
What do you homies think about this ?

9. June 2005, 21:56:20
Subject: Re: I'll be saying my goodbyes soon
Andersp:I beleive if they have failed it's because of misunderstandings between the BIG 3.

Fencer, Globs and Mods.

It is my understanding a move is underway to rewrite or to enforce existing rules across the board. I have heard rumors of that. I hope it's true. I'm sure everyone by now saw the post that was posted by a Mod earlier this week concerning the Mods thinking, that the Code of Honor was a joke.

I do not beleive that. I do not beleive MOST mods think that. I say give them time and see if there aren't "more" changes forth coming shortly.

9. June 2005, 21:56:15

9. June 2005, 21:55:16
Bruno Jesus 
Can I post?

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