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Víťazi turnajov (gigino42)
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all games, pick some and good luck
Leslie Winkle
[]••••••••••••• []
knight fight for dummies and other games for fun
knight fight for dummies and other games for fun
knight fight for dummies and other games for fun
●●●●●●●[] []



1500 or less
All the game fast start
pathum for dummies
Slow Time Controls (27. mája 2016, 22:53:57)
All games; 5 players; fast start.
Small & quick elimination tourney #116
Small & quick elimination tourney #98
Small & quick elimination tourney #91
Small & quick elimination tourney #85
Small & quick elimination tourney #84
Small & quick elimination tourney #64
Small & quick elimination tourney #64
Small & quick elimination tourney #63
Small & quick elimination tourney #56
Small & quick elimination tourney #49
Small & quick elimination tourney #49
Small & quick elimination tourney #49
Small & quick elimination tourney #49
Small & quick elimination tourney #49
Small & quick elimination tourney #47
Small & quick elimination tourney #47

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