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 Feature requests

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7. augusta 2010, 17:28:48
Subjekt: Re:I was going to mention the "Who is online" link in the "Statistics"
rod03801: & Pedro Martínez: I meant that I'd like to see an option that would allow us to see what members actually click on the fellowship (i.e.The ORIGINAL Flame Pit) to read, as on the Chat board.
Besides most members I find are in a cloak mode when looking at "Who's on-line" so there is no way to tell what members are actually involved in a fellowship.

5. augusta 2010, 17:55:03
With the new BK3 in the makings, I'm curious if there would be any way to add a function showing the members that are present, as in the Chat room?
I also think there may be an issue with pawns clicking on private fellowships just to boost ratings on the "Today's top visited boards"....If a pawn is unable to be part of the private fellowship then their clicks should not count as a visit.

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