ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

If you experience connection or speed problems with BrainKing, please visit Host Tracker and check "BrainKing.com" accessibility from various sites around the world. It may answer whether an issue is caused by BrainKing itself or your local network (or ISP provider).

World Of Chess And Variants (videos from BrainKing): YouTube
Chess blog: LookIntoChess.com

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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5. 6月 2012, 04:41:08
件名: Re: 10,000 move achievement

With ludo games you still have to "find" a piece to click.  I still think twenty or so unrated uncounted linetris games with a fischer clock of .1/.1/.1 will do the trick better than any game out there.  Just keep clicking in the bottom row and you can go forever...  literally...  or until one of you stops playing.  :-)



4. 3月 2012, 05:08:03
件名: moves record

...balvan99 and ann67 are at it again!  I think the moves record is about to be broken AGAIN!

19. 2月 2012, 06:31:21
件名: Re: Congrats to the new top movers!
Bwild:  I have been using the same laptop since 2004 (I do need a new one and occasionally use my wife's computer for playing - like now) and I feel that the site is noticeably faster...  but, yes, I agree with you it could be equipment and the internet speed as well.

19. 2月 2012, 00:12:41
件名: Re: Congrats to the new top movers!

Aganju: He played just under 3,000 moves in the last 3 hours, I noticed his high move count 3 hours ago and made a note of where he was at.  That means in those 3 hours he did a move every ~3.5 seconds on average...  CRAZY FAST.  I think he could do 20,000 in a day if he set his mind to it!  I remember five and a half years ago people were amazed at Pedro for getting to 8,759 moves in a day...  then that sparked a race to the top from a number of folks in the following months...

In all reality, I think this a testiment of how much faster the site is today than it was five years ago!

18. 2月 2012, 23:47:08
件名: Congrats to the new top movers!

Congrats to balvan99 and ann67 for breaking the top movers record!  balvan99 is/was over 14,000 and ann67 is/was over 13,000 moves...  Amazing!

18. 2月 2012, 03:54:10
件名: Re: Bug tracker

Fencer: I can understand how it is not necessary with one programmer...  For me, when I view the bugs (which I have done maybe once before) I get the sense that nothing is being worked on because I see bugs that are out there for 4, 5, or 6 years with an "open" status.  So, that was more my concern.  I suggest a simple note at the top of the bugtracker page alerting those like myself looking at it for the first time of just what you wrote below.

Additionally I feel that the priority on some of these bugs are way out of whack. You almost need to have a bugtracker "moderator" that realistically puts a priority on each bug.   Example... a priority of 1 for a smileys not working.  Really!?  LOL

17. 2月 2012, 02:01:30
件名: Bug tracker
rednaz23 (17. 2月 2012, 02:03:51)に変更されました。

Does the bug tracker (http://brainking.com/en/BugTracker) really have nearly 300 ACTIVE bugs!?

I realize there are about 5,000 pages on Brainking and another 5,000 different ways for something to break, but some of these have been open since 2004...  I don't understand why it would left open that long...

16. 5月 2009, 00:55:21
件名: Re: PayPal Issues
TheCrazyPuppy:  Everyone should just become black brain rooks and there will not be any problems...  :-)

8. 5月 2009, 06:30:29
件名: Re: Notepad problems
Fencer:  Awesome!  It works now!

7. 5月 2009, 03:44:43
件名: Notepad problems
Has anyone else had trouble with their notepad?  For some reason when I click on the notepad link it brings me to a completely white page.  This only happens on the notepad page and it has been like that for a couple of months...  any thoughts?


Phil (rednaz23)

20. 5月 2008, 06:31:40
件名: Re: Polls feature
BadBoy7: Well; most of the time that should not be a problem. I think allowing the big boss and little boss the opportunity to delete those things would not be out of line if some people were to do that... for the most part the open field would allow for better polling answers, as the majority of the time someone does not want to answer to a specific choice; but would rather explain what they mean. The open field would allow for that.

20. 5月 2008, 01:34:51
件名: Polls feature
I love the polls feature; I think it is a great addition that will be used by the big bosses a lot!

However, there are a few things that are missing.

1. There is no link to get back to the polls page.
2. The description does not show up with the name of the poll where you can make your choice of answers.
3. Can a bar graph be added based on the numbers?
4. deadline is based on BK time; can it be based on the users time? (same for tournies in general)
5. Can smileys be enabled?
6. What about an 'other option' where poll takers can supply their own answer?

That's all I have for now. Hope this helps! I am looking forward to writing polls so I can improve my fellowship. I am sure many other BBs feel the same!


Phil (rednaz23)

7. 3月 2008, 01:31:19
件名: Re: new games board...
MadMonkey: Well... any thought on Connect5 as a new game? I think it is a fun variant to Connect6, and that is one of the more popular games... you would think C5 would be also.

6. 3月 2008, 01:01:09
件名: new games board...
Where do we go to ask for a new game? I know there is a board around here somewhere specifically for it... but I haven't been able to find it! I believe it is on the brainking.info side, but I can't find it. Can someone post that link for us?


26. 11月 2007, 23:20:00
件名: Re:
Andersp: That women is crazy... she puts down the money for a black rook and then leaves soon after...

26. 11月 2007, 17:46:20
件名: Re: Resigned games
coan.net: I agree with you completely here... I am much more impressed by those who have a high winning percentage before someone who has 1,000 wins, but 3,000 loses... or even if they are even... :-)

BTW, BBW; 66% s good target, there are not very many that are able to maintain that, so good luck!

26. 11月 2007, 17:19:35
件名: Re: Resigned games
Andersp: If a resigned game didn't count... then I would simply resign any that I am bound to lose... :-)

It should count, and I doubt it will ever change.

6. 11月 2007, 06:37:25
件名: Re:
TarantinoFan: hmmm.... this sounds like a problem for the computers board! I am not sure what it is, but someone in that DB might be able to help you, for it sounds like a software problem. I don't have that problem at all... You must be using firefox huh?

6. 11月 2007, 05:36:45
件名: Re:
TarantinoFan: Within that little red number is a lot of code. Particularily the website link to whatever game you have with each friend. There is also some html code to change the color of the font to red... so those things together may be causing a few extra moments of delay...

The thing to do to get rid of that little delay is to make all your friends not friends. You could also stay on top of all of your games, meaning less code pops up that you have to wait to load, and the final option is to nicely ask Fencer for a way to eliminate those individual things on the right side.... which would be a really nice feature... or a way to reorganize the side features to the way each individual person wants it organized... that would also be nice! I don't think it is a neccessity, but those are things that can always be done to give the individual more control of there main page... sort of like facebook! ...you can make it look like however you want! ...within reason of course.

28. 9月 2007, 03:50:55
Are we not doing action points anymore!? If not... maybe we could eliminate references to them...

11. 7月 2007, 03:17:42
件名: Re:
rod03801: Easy fix... write your guesses down in a note. ;-)

3. 7月 2007, 04:31:06
件名: Re: Rich Text editing
Arctic Warrior: The same thing happened to me a couple of nights ago. I learned my lesson... I should always copy and save the whole profile to the notepad after I finish with a profile edit... that will solve a lot of time. :-) You could also save old versions of your profile there and can always go back to one of those... ;-)

Good luck in the future!

4. 5月 2007, 08:56:24
Any possible way to make a smiley flip* with a simple code before, after, or in the smiley code?

* For example: on BBW's profile you could have one of the wolves 'flip' so the nose is pointed in opposite directions on either side of BBW's name!

It would be nice for making cool messages and nicer yet for cool profiles!

24. 1月 2007, 06:48:52
件名: Re:
emmett: It says right in the thing Fencer wrote that ice reforms after move 20 and you have to break through once again. Also, any piece by itself at that time is frozen and taken off the board. check out brainking.info for Fencer's last post on this.

16. 12月 2006, 06:12:54
件名: Re:
Foxy Lady: I think there are plenty that have interesting stories to tell. Plenty who would be willing to be interviewed... and of course plenty, like a few already who have voiced their opinions, that don't want to be interviewed. Either way, it's all good.

5. 12月 2006, 05:13:19
件名: Re:
Nightstorm: I am in agreement! What is this new rank!?

24. 8月 2006, 01:29:46
件名: Re: Spanish/Portuguese Checkers
Andre Faria: This should be clarified in the rules at the petition website.

23. 8月 2006, 01:56:33
件名: Re: Spanish/Portuguese Checkers
!Undertaker!: For this version of checkers, can a pawn jump back towards home to capture an opponent? BTW, I modified the English version a bit on the link... the English was a bit off, so I corrected it.

22. 8月 2006, 05:35:12
件名: Brainking / cell phones / China
I know the idea for Brainking in the future is to go to the ability to play via cell phones. But this link may show where the greatest market lies...

14. 8月 2006, 00:51:57
件名: Top Movers
On the Top Movers page, does anyone think it is funny that there is 53 players in the top 50? LOL

I wonder if the coding has to do with that... because I see 3 ties...

13. 8月 2006, 22:41:55
件名: Top Movers
We have a new leader on the all time Top Movers list... Take a peek!

12. 8月 2006, 07:54:15
件名: Vacation days
FAQ doesn't answer this... but when do vacation days get put back on my profile? Is it a calender year thing where we all receive our days back on Jan 1?

3. 8月 2006, 06:58:26
You know... just a thought about the secret action... but wouldn't you think that Fencer would give out a bunch of extra points for buying anything... a t-shirt... brains... has anyone tried that yet!? You all should! I have clicked like every link, but those are the ones that I can't do...

3. 8月 2006, 05:05:20
Is the secret action thing in the works or working or whats the deal? I just want to know when and if it will be up.

1. 8月 2006, 03:13:12
WOW... 12 full days before the end of the month... I picked the winners... I am gloating... LOL

1. 8月 2006, 00:09:07
Good deal with the new action points this month...

28. 7月 2006, 04:38:34
件名: Top Mover
We have a new top mover that occured yesterday (7/27/06).

Way to go PcfromKNM!!!

19. 7月 2006, 07:00:13
件名: Action Points
Who do people think will win the Action Points main prize for each side and how do you think it will effect the site in the short term and long term?

My picks are playbunny and imsoaddicted, even though Mihel is way out in front...

6. 5月 2006, 20:10:54
件名: Re: FENCER
WatfordFC: At this point I would send Fencer a message. If your observation is correct, he should be able to tell you why, as he may be able to look back at previous code.

6. 5月 2006, 03:55:55
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: That's true, you would see it right before how many vacation days that had left.

3. 5月 2006, 07:24:27
件名: Re: black rook
BerniceC: When you go to buy your 12 month rook membership, one more down is the rook forever deal... It is 300 Euro's for a black rook... split it with someone and it is 150 Euro's! I'm looking for someone if you want... send me a message!

3. 5月 2006, 04:02:04
件名: black rook
Hey all, anyone want to go "halvsies" with me for a black rook... let me know! :-) I can't wait! :-D

2. 5月 2006, 17:57:45
件名: smileys!

That is the list. Check it out. I found the list a while back and it answered my smiley dilema as well!

28. 4月 2006, 08:41:58
件名: Brain King Ratings
How are the Brain King Ratings computed at the end of a game? I understand the basics... but what is the formula? I have been trying to figure it out, but I can't with the data that I have collected thus far. (Sorry, I am a bit of a geek you could say when it comes to figuring things out.)


24. 4月 2006, 05:40:51
件名: Re:
Rose: Thank you for the message, I think that is good for everyone to know! :-)

24. 4月 2006, 03:52:32
OK... I just looked at this board... and I clicked back on discussion boards, and it said 1 new message. I click back on and there is nothing new! What is going on with the boards?! I think I may just give up with the boards... I am interested in what people have to say, but not when it is such a hassle with everything that has been going on and now invisible posts... I don't get it...

23. 4月 2006, 22:49:00
Wow... filth can be found everywhere you look, if someone finds something offensive on BK and are not seeing it anywhere else... then I must be crazy.

Now... oh, thanks Bry, as I wanted to say that this is a pointless topic, Bry pointed it out...

Thank You!

21. 4月 2006, 22:41:32
件名: Black Rooks
I have noticed that there are some black rooks... what are these? Are they "lifetime" members?

18. 4月 2006, 06:58:41
件名: match play
Well... I raised a lot of discussion with that one question... But, the answer gives me a sweet idea, and I don't care, I'll share it with all...

Match play, when played between two people, gives the advantage to the better player! Think about this, and it only makes sense! Say you have two players, one wins 80% of the time. Of course meaning the player that is not as good wins 1 out of 5, which over a period of x amount of games could mean a lose in BKR for the higher rated player.

However, during match play, a lose doesn't count, and the better player will almost always rise to the top. Think about it and it makes sense! I, from now on, will be playing much more matches, because an occasional (single game) lose to a person does a lot of damage, but an occasional lose in a match, means essentially nothing when I win the match!

The drawback, you have to play a lot more games to get a win, but in reality, the same amount of games (in a match format) CAN get you a higher BKR, because if implemented well, can mean less loses and a rise up the standings!

wooo.... look out BKR leaders! Just give me enough time to finish a bunch of matches and I'll be leading some of those standings! ...ok... not really.

15. 4月 2006, 07:46:03
When scoring a match (say a first to 5 match), does it effect your BKR like a one game? Or does each game within the match effect your BKR?

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