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11. Octubre 2007, 07:05:46
Asunto: profile language flags
Brainking is a wonderful international site. We have hundreds if not thousands of people from many different countries of the world. Along with that we have many different languages that are spoken. As an American I am not privledged enough to have found a second language that I can speak fluently; however I know there are many members on our site that are fluent in multiple languages. Would it be possible to show what languages each person speaks in their profile by having the representing flag of a language for each country shown? If someone writes in their profile in Italian, Russian, and Greek that they speak those three languages, I can't tell... but the flags could let me know by simply seeing the flag. Hope that makes sense!

I want to be courteous when I meet a new person in a game, and I can't always tell if they speak English (in my case) or another language that I may know a little of. I could then at least greet someone in their own language. :-)

Phil (rednaz23)

11. Octubre 2007, 07:29:59
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
rednaz23: That's a good idea. But I have to create a table of all languages (and flags to represent them) first which is not an easy work to do.

11. Octubre 2007, 15:59:47
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
Fencer: I feel it will make for a better sense of community, even between members who don't speak the same language.

11. Octubre 2007, 16:15:02
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
Fencer: It does not have to be all languages.  You can make the table with just the languages suported so far(witch you already have that table made) you can add to it later if you like.

11. Octubre 2007, 22:48:58
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
rednaz23: Would it be possible to show what languages each person speaks in their profile by having the representing flag of a language for each country shown?

That's a nice hornets nest, associating languages with country flags. Take for instance 'English', whose flag would you want to use for that? Insult the Brits by using the US flag? Annoy the Welsh by using the Union Jack? Confuse most people by using the English flag? The Canadian flag is out, because that might mean the person speaks French. Australian flag perhaps? And what about French? The flag of France? Belgium? Switzerland? Monaco?

Only a few languages have flags, Esperanto for instance. And then there are languages that are not an official language of any country.

You're better off to use the ISO standard for languages.

11. Octubre 2007, 22:53:16
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
AbigailII: this site already associates flags with languages... and though a few have complained about it, most just don't care...

15. Octubre 2007, 02:24:53
Asunto: Re: profile language flags
AbigailII: I was suggesting that the langauges that are supported could have something on the profile... just like when you sign on you see all the flags on the right side, why not have those on the profile to signify what language you speak? Fencer likes the idea, and that is all that matters. I am sure the idea will be added on when he doesn't have higher priority things to do, and has time to do the coding and whatever else it entails!

Almost every member of BK doesn't make a big deal about which flag is used for what language. Just as long as the flag that represents that language is one that makes sense! Almost all understand that it signifies a langauge and nothing more.

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