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27. Marzo 2011, 19:20:08
Asunto: Identical Opening Moves
For some time now, I have felt that my opponent's and my opening moves were identical. I shared this view with Walter Montego and he agreed. We decided that I do a test of 150 games to see how often the opening moves were the same, expecting a result of about 10, at odds of 15/1.
Out of the last 153 of my games, 57 had identical opening moves. Surely, this cannot be right; it needs looking into.

27. Marzo 2011, 21:03:03 
Asunto: Re: Identical Opening Moves
tonyh: Out of those 57 games that had the same - did you happen to pay attention who won the opening roll? (Player 1 or Player 2)?

And were they all no-cube matches or with the double cube?

I'm just wondering if maybe we can determine if we can see more of a pattern here... I myself have noticed it also, just never felt like sitting down and counting.

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