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10. Noviembre 2010, 08:39:51
Asunto: Auto-pass
When a player accepts an invitation, he/she may switch of the auto-pass feature. I think that the inviter needs to be told this, so that the inviter may cancel the game if the inviter wishes to do so.

10. Noviembre 2010, 10:08:51
Asunto: Re: Auto-pass
tonyh: Why worry about the opponent agreeing to auto-pass? There is practically no opportunity to use auto-pass in a game with the cube, and why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the cube beggars belief.
(This is not the best site in the world to play Backgammon on, and that's a FACT!)

10. Noviembre 2010, 10:47:57
Asunto: Re: Auto-pass
tonyh: At the bottom of the game page it says"This game uses auto pass." in green writing.If it does not say this the accepter has auto pass switched off.

10. Noviembre 2010, 11:42:55
Asunto: Re: Auto-pass
Carl: Many thanks for that; I'll watch for the green writing like a hawk.

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